March 2015 - Priory Street Nursery

Nursery Newsletter
Tel: 01904 683822
World Book Day and Red Nose Day
Starlight Bags
We are celebrating World Book Day and Red Nose Day this
World Book Day is on Thursday 5th March 2015. World Book Day
is celebrated all over the world to help children develop a love of
books and reading. We have changed our books in our book
corner for the children to include some the children’s best loved
stories including ‘We’re going on a bear hunt’ and ‘The Gruffalo’.
We will be focusing on children’s favourite stories over the next
few weeks. Please feel free to share your children’s favourite
stories from home with us. You will also receive a £1 book token
as part of World Book Day. Tokens can be exchanged for one of
the World Book Day books in local booksellers.
Red Nose Day (Comic Relief) is on Friday 13th March 2015,
Comic Relief raises money for children all over the UK and Africa.
This year’s theme is ‘Make your face funny for money’.
Thank you to all the families
that donated their old and
clothes to
Starlight charity. We raised
money for both the nursery and
the charity. We will be using the
improvements on the outdoor
area. Thank you for your help.
To combine the World Book Day and Red Nose Day celebrations,
we are having a fancy dress day on Friday 13th March 2015. We
invite all the children (and grown ups) to come dressed as their
favourite book character and/or to make their face funny for
money, along with a small donation to these great causes. All
donations will be gratefully received and split equally between
Book Aid International and Comic Relief. If you have any
questions or need any costume ideas please speak to a member
of staff. Thank you
Coat Hooks
You may have noticed
that the children’s coat
hooks are now located
in the nursery. Each
child has their name
next to a hook with a
coloured flower that
matches their key
person colour. Please
ensure you hang your
child’s belongings on
their named coat hook
to allow nursery staff
and other
parents/carers to keep
track of children’s
things. Thank you
Parent’s Evening Celebration
parents/carers who came to the
parent’s evening. We really
enjoyed sharing your children’s
achievements with you. We
have received some lovely
parents/carers (and extended
family!!) like their children’s
learning journeys. As always
you are welcome to look
through your child’s learning
journey and add your photos
and comments. If you were
unable to attend the parents
evening but would like an
appointment, please speak to
your child’s key person. Thank
Lisa Waddington’s Africa Trip
As you may know Lisa Waddington is travelling to Tanzania in October to
spend two weeks working as a student midwife in a hospital in Iringa. Lisa
is hoping to become a qualified midwife in the future and is looking forward
to this amazing experience. Lisa will be working in the hospital alongside
the staff assisting with births and taking care of new born babies.
Lisa is travelling with Gap Medics who organise the trip and Lisa needs to
raise £1000 in order to make the trip. All of the £1000 that Lisa raises will
go directly towards the hospital and the doctors for the equipment that is
desperately needed to support more women and children in the area. We
will be having some African themed activities in the nursery to support
Lisa’s fundraising efforts. Lisa is more then happy to answer any
questions you may have and would be very grateful for any donations.
You can find more details at Please ask for a
sponsor form if you would like to make a donation, there is also a form
located in the corridor outside nursery. Thank you for all your support and
help on behalf of Lisa, Gap Medics and the hospital.