YCSRR Membership Application Form

Application for Membership
Please note that the Youth Coalition relies on an active membership. The YC is driven by its
members, and thus we require that all members check and respond to emails at least a few
times each week, take on specific tasks and contribute substantially to discussions and
organizational decisions. The continuation of membership is dependent upon satisfactory
fulfillment of these roles, and members are required to apply for renewal every two years.
Please ensure that this form is completed and that the following documents are also
included with your application:
1. Resumé or curriculum vitae (or one page outlining your involvement in sexual and
reproductive health and rights work and work with youth). Include information
regarding current and past formal and non formal education, cross-cultural
experiences, volunteer and work experience, ability to work in the English language
and any other languages you may speak, your experience with email and other
communications platforms.
2. One (1) letter of reference from a teacher, colleague, friend, etc. (letter can be in
English, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Russian or Arabic) describing your involvement in
sexual and reproductive rights work, your work in youth advocacy, and your English
proficiency (if applicable).
Submit all documents to membershipcommittee@youthcoalition.org by February 8th,
2016. No late applications will be considered.
Once your application is submitted, the membership committee will review it. You will be
informed of the status of your application by the end of February 2016. Applicants who
move on to the next level will be invited to participate in a Skype interview.
Section 1: Personal Information
Country of Residence:
Date of Birth (mm/dd/yy):
Gender Identity:
Phone Number:
Skype I.D.:
Languages (please include level of proficiency):
Feel free to provide any brief additional information that you would like to share with us:
Emergency Contact
Relationship (optional):
Country residing:
Phone number (including country code):
Languages spoken:
Section 2: Volunteer and Work information
(Please answer each question in 250 words or less)
1. How did you hear about the Youth Coalition and what is your knowledge of the
2. Briefly explain why you wish to become a member of the Youth Coalition and what you
hope to accomplish.
3. What unique skills or knowledge would you bring to YCSRR that you feel would benefit
the organization? This might be from grassroots, regional or global, work, study, or
experiences. Please give concrete examples.
4. How might your work with YCSRR benefit your region, country or community? How
could you connect the work at those levels with work at YCSRR?
5. The Youth Coalition requires that members commit approximately 7 hours per week to
YCSRR work. Given your school, work, family and other commitments, how much time
can you honestly commit to Youth Coalition activities? (i.e. per week? per month?)
6. Most of the Youth Coalition’s work is done through email and chat meetings (usually
Skype). YCSRR does not reimburse member’s internet costs. Would you be able to
regularly access internet nonetheless?
Section 3: Principles and Values
Our Principles and Values are ten core issues that guide all of the YCSRR´s work. We
welcome members who believe in and promote these principles and values. Please refer
to them on our website (http://www.youthcoalition.org/about/principles-values/) and
respond to the following questions.
(Please answer each question in 250 words or less)
1. What do sexual and reproductive rights mean to you?
2. YCSRR is one of the many youth-led organizations in the sexual and reproductive rights
and broader human rights movement. In your opinion, how do you think young people
can contribute to creating change?
3. What is your understanding of the sexual and reproductive rights for younger
adolescents (aged 10 – 14 years)?
4. The issue of abortion is contested and debated. Do you feel as though there should be
limits to a pregnant person’s access to abortion? (i.e.: age, class, ethnicity, point in
pregnancy, etc.)?
5. What is your personal view regarding sexual orientation and gender identity?
6. What is your personal view regarding sex work and the sexual and reproductive rights
of sex workers?
Section 4: Declaration
I declare that all of the information contained in this application is true and understand that
if any of this information is found to be untrue my membership may not be approved or may
be revoked.
In addition, by signing below I affirm that I agree with and support the Principles and Values
of the Youth Coalition and that I will uphold and promote these Principles and Values in all of
my work with the Youth Coalition.