2015 Early Bird Golf Registration

The 28th Annual Greater Saint Paul BOMA
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Early Bird Cost: $175 per golfer, Cost after April 30th: $185 per golfer
This event is open to all Greater Saint Paul BOMA members, their friends
and guests. Reservations will be accepted on a first-come, first-serve
basis and are limited to 216 golfers.
This is your opportunity to reserve your space in the Greater Saint Paul
BOMA Golf Tournament and receive a discount!
Send in your reservations now! This Tournament will fill rapidly. You can
still reserve a foursome, even if you do not know who will be joining you to
play golf.
July 20, 2015
12:00 – 7:30pm
Tartan Park Golf
Course, Lake Elmo
All reservations and payment MUST be returned to the BOMA office by
Thursday, April 30th, 2015 in order to receive the “Early Bird Discount”.
Those who register early and make full payment prior to April 30th will be
eligible for a drawing to win either a second foursome at this year’s
tournament or a free Saint Paul Saints tickets.
Please reserve the following number:
______ Golf/Dinner/Prizes @ $175 per person – Early Bird Discount
______ Dinner Only
Dinner Only:
Meal Choice: 10oz. Sirloin Steak (B), Chicken Almondine (C), or
Vegetarian (V)
Please return to denise.jenkins@bomastpaul.org or fax 651-291-1031
Meal Choice
Golf/Dinner Dinner Only
Total Amount Enclosed $________________ (Check payable to Greater Saint Paul)
Company: ____________________________________________________________________________
If you would like to pay with credit card…
Credit Card #: __________________________________________Exp: _________ Code: ____________
Name on Card: ________________________________________________________________________
Billing Address: _______________________________________________________________________
Email: _______________________________________________________________________________