CSPTA Trainer Committee Meeting

CSPTA Trainer Committee Meeting
April 18, 2013 - Jeffco
Kathy Swier (chair), Leonard Woofter (co-chair), Paul Alvarez, Greta Bleau, Mary
Camarillo, Jennifer Fox, Gayle Getting, Karen Knight, Joden Monroe, Val Pelc, Eric Stene,
Steven Stephens, Kathy Teeters, Tammy Ury, Joanne Vento
Last Meeting Minutes
Name spelling changes
Corrections that Greta emailed to members
Poster Contest
Adams 14, Paul met with two art teachers in district. They ended up with 112 entries.
Adams 14 transportation is judging now, then will put them on poster board. The schools
provided construction paper. Paul said they did have issues with getting people to judge.
Other districts reported they haven’t had much response from schools.
Stop Arm Survey
Not everyone got the information this year. Greta said not all districts on ListServe. She
said she would give anyone who is interested until Wednesday April 24.
Val made motion to approve Jodene seconded, approved
New Business
Minimum Standards
Changes are now at Version 7. Changing frequently. What defines item in the standards,
is procedure, policy, or law. Laws have to come out because covered somewhere else.
The CSPTA E-Board provided input that the process was not giving everyone a fair
hearing. Only procedure in public law is to send out a notice of public hearing 30 days prior
to hearing date and mail copies of final draft for review.
CDE goes beyond that because consider all input to be valuable. As a result process is
requiring a lot more input. MATES and CSPTA will be required to have input. Greta is
charged with putting together a regional advisory board made up primarily of rural districts
because MATES and CSPTA are thought to cover most of Front Range and changes to
standards are tabled for now.
Minimum standards will remain the same as the last version for at least another year.
122 registrations so far. Fleet and Leadership classes have the most registrations.
Registrations have to be postmarked by May 10.
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Greta suggested people concerned about Vendor Show and Barbecue being the same
night contact CSPTA.
Plan is to recognize Bruce Little’s service at the Workshop. Right now the intention is to
have it at the barbecue, but, by law, the state cannot provide any funds, so not sure what
the plans will be at this point.
Val proposed the committee issue a letter honoring Bruce’s years of service. Committee
members decided to look for pictures of Bruce at various points in his career. Kathy will
collect pictures and put them into a Shutterfly album. Leonard suggested asking other
CSPTA committees for input into the project.
Invitational Roadeo
Still looking for door prizes for road-e-o. No numbers on entrants yet. Email volunteer
names to Jennifer Fox, jfox@jeffco.k12.co.us.
Mountain and Adverse Weather Tests and Videos
Greta said the new tests have been approved and should be issued within a week.
Leonard has two leads on making new videos for cost. Mountain Range High School,
will do it for cost. Gayle has experience with a high school produced video, which was
ok but production values weren’t the best. Leonard said he wants to see some
examples of work before recommending the school.
Consensus that the committee should have a script before turning it over to production.
Greta said the majority of the test is out of the Trainer’s Manual. The mountain test has
some questions with material only in the video.
Light Rail Crossings
Tammy brought up issue of light rail in Jefferson County where all but one crossings
have no traffic signal control. Operational Rules, 301-26, 209.00 only refers to railroad
tracks. There is no reference to light rail tracks. TR95-C-010 does spell out the
requirements for light rail tracks. The only difference between the two procedures is the
use of the hazard lights.
Greta will look into changes to the CDE information. Tammy will provide her with the
RTD contact information.
Evacuation Drills
Kathy asked who is doing back door evacuations. She said their drivers are now doing
evacuations on their own without supervision. Several people responded they don’t’
supervise. Greta said CDE doesn’t require supervised drills. Districts that don’t observe
must have documentation on how many students were involved, how long did evac take.
Greta said evacuation forms do not have to be kept in the Driver Qualification File, and
drivers don’t actually have to run the drill, but do have to participate in a drill, so
substitutes and office personnel should go with drivers to help with the drill. Keep
evacuation performance records for 6 years plus the current year.
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Kathy requested that people send forms they use to her, and she will share them with
Over the Road Drivers
Tammy asked what criteria people use for OTR. Kathy Swier said Douglas doesn’t have
additional training, but use senior drivers. Kathy Teeters said Falcon has extra training
and designations for OTR drivers.
New Chair
Val motioned and Tammy seconded a proposal to make Steve Stephens chair, which
Kathy S will continue as a backup chair. Steve said he doesn’t see making more
changes. Unanimous approval.
Future Communication
Discussion on ways to get meetings out to people who can’t attend. Steve mentioned
having a topic for each meeting that would be of interest to other people. Leonard
suggested using next month to come up with topics for meetings for next year.
Two weeks before meeting, send out request for agenda items, a week before the
meeting send out the agenda.
Next Meetings
May 16 – Adams 12
September 5 – Douglas County
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