January 15

ISOSU Leadership Council Meeting
Tuesday, Jan. 15th, 2013
6:00-7:30 pm
Introductions/Winter Break Happenings
Affiliates shared what they did during the winter break.
Icebreaker (Screamer)
Affiliate updates (meeting times, event planning, etc.)
JSA starting to plan about events
CAOSU continuing to prepare for China Night.
HMONG rehearse skit, fashion show Thursday at 6. PRs.
KSA meeting Wednesday there will be games, brainstorm for K-Night 7:30-8:30 mu208
JASA gen meeting in MU 206,
ISA meeting on Thursday at Kelly engineering from 6-7pm. Started planning for India night.
TWSA Feb 3 Taiwanese night, recruiting volunteers. Meetings on Thursday night MU conference
ASA Meetings on Thursday 5:30 journey room. Collaborate with BCC for black history month.
SASA has bowling night Thursday from 7-9 all welcome. Election for new pres. by end of this
term. Middle eastern night will probably be in May.
Permias usually meets at Kelly discussing. discussing Indo night.
VSA meeting wed at 6 mu 208 started discussing cultural night.
CSA meeting on Thursday 5-7
PR Process (Suzanna)
8 weeks before the Cultural Night “Developing a Budget” form has to submitted for the approval
of the budget.
PR request form needs to be submitted at least 2 days in advance from when you want them.
ISOSU Calendaring
-Winter event participation: Winter event: feb 16—“A Cultural Affair” co-sponsored by INTO
Screening: Saturday next week 26th. MU rm 206. 11-6pm. By appointment.
Ugo will send out an email about updates, as changes have been made.
-IRC Programming (opportunities for engagement). Affiliates are highly encouraged to come to
the events in the IRC and support us.
HMONG-themed Coffee Hour ( TUES JAN. 22)
-promote event in IRC (i.e. music, posters, etc.)
-any food/snack ideas:
Shoua will contact Ugo later to discuss about this
Same for other affiliates, a week before the cultural night you can use the IRC to advertise the
event, with dances, posters, music, however you want!!
Coffee hours for weeks 3, 5, and 8 will be themed according the cultural nights.
Meeting w/Buddies & Teambuilder
Meeting with Becky & your Liaisons after the meeting.