Ancient Rome - Collier High School

Name: ____________________________________________________________ Mr. Shalaby
Date: ______________________________________________________________ Collier High School
Period : ____________________________________________________________ Mythology
Roman Civilization
Roman Civilization Arises in Italy
The Italian peninsula is centrally located in the Mediterranean Sea, and the city
of _________ sits toward the center of Italy.
This location would benefit the Romans as they expanded—first within ________
and then into the lands bordering the Mediterranean
Unifying the Lands of Italy
Because of its _____________, Italy proved much easier to unify than Greece.
Unlike Greece:
Italy is not ____________ up into small, isolated valleys.
The _____________ Mountains, which run down the length of the Italian
peninsula, are less rugged than the mountains of Greece.
Italy has broad, _________ plains in the north and the west. These plains
supported the growing population.
The Legend of Romulus and Remus
The ancestors of the Romans, the ___________ migrated into Italy about 800 B.C.
The Latins settled along the _________ River in small scattered villages
Greek colonists to the south and ____________ in the north shared the peninsula
and contributed engineering and __________ ideas to Roman civilization.
Legend held Rome was founded by twin brothers, __________ and __________,
the sons of a Latin woman and the god Mars, giving Romans divine origins.
The Roman Republic (509 – 27 B.C.)
• 509 B.C., Romans rejected ___________ king (monarchy) and established a
• Power rests with the citizens who have the right to __________ for their
• In Rome, citizenship with voting rights was granted only to ____________
male citizens.
Struggle For Power: Class Conflict.
Patricians – Wealthy _____________ who held most of the power:
inherited power and social status.
Plebeians (Plebs) – common ___________, artisans and merchants who
made up the ____________ of the population: can vote, but can’t rule.
____________ – elected representatives who protect plebeians’ political
The Roman Republic – A “Balanced” Government.
Rome elected two _________ – one to lead army, one to direct government.
__________ – chosen from patricians (Roman upper class), make foreign
and domestic policy.
Popular assemblies elect ____________, make laws for plebeians
Dictators – leaders appointed briefly in times of crisis (appt. by consuls and
Structuring the Republic
In the early republic, the most powerful governing body was the ___________.
Originally, its 300 members were all _____________, or members of the
landholding upper class. Senators, who served for life, strongly influenced the
republic’s _____________
Rome elected two consuls
Each year, the senators nominated __________ consuls from the patrician class.
Their job was to ____________ the business of government and command the
Consuls, however, could serve only ___________ term. They were also expected
to approve each other’s _______________.
By limiting their time in office and making them __________ to each other, Rome
had a system of checks on the power of government
The Dictator
In the event of ________, the senate might choose a dictator, or ruler who has
complete control over a government. Each Roman dictator was granted power to
rule for _________ months. After that time, he had to give up power.
Romans particularly admired ________________ as a model dictator.
Cincinnatus organized an army, led the Romans to victory over the attacking
enemy, attended victory celebrations, and returned to his ____________—all
within 15 days.
Plebeians Fight for Their Rights
At first, all government officials were patricians. Plebeians (plih bee unz), the
farmers, merchants, artisans, and traders who made up the bulk of the
population, had little __________. The efforts of the plebeians to gain power
shaped politics in the early republic
In time, the plebeians gained the right to ______________ their own officials,
called tribunes, to protect their interests.
The tribunes could ____________, or block, those laws that they felt were harmful
to plebeians.
Little by little, plebeians forced the senate to choose ______________ as consuls,
appoint plebeians to other high ___________, and finally to open the senate itself
to plebeians.
Another breakthrough for the plebeians came in 450 B.C., when the government
oversaw the inscription of the laws of Rome on 12 tablets, which were set up in
the ___________, Rome’s marketplace. Plebeians had protested that citizens
could not know what the laws were because they were not _____________ down
The Twelve Tables
The Laws of the ______________ Tables made it possible for the first time for
plebeians to appeal a ________________ handed down by a patrician judge.
Characterizing Roman Society
The ___________ was the basic unit of Roman society.
Under Roman law, the _________ head of the household had absolute authority.
Women could own property and run _____________, but most worked at home.
Children were ____________. The wealthy often hired _____________ tutors.
The Role of Women Changes Over Time
Roman women played a larger ___________ in society than did Greek women.
They could own __________, and, in later Roman times, women from all
classes ran a variety of ______________, from small shops to major
Those who made their ______________ earned respect by supporting the
arts or paying for public _______________.
However, most women worked at ____________, raising their families,
spinning, and weaving
Over the centuries, Roman women gained greater freedom and ______________.
Patrician women went to the public baths, dined out, and attended the
____________ or other forms of public entertainment with their husbands.
Romans Educate all Children
Both girls and boys from the upper and lower classes, all ____________ to read
and write.
By the later years of the republic, many ______________ Romans would hire
private tutors, often Greeks, to supervise the education of their children.
Under their guidance, children memorized major events and developments in
Roman history. _______________ was an important subject for boys who wanted
to pursue ________________ careers.
Roman Religious Practices
Roman religion develops out of Greek and _____________ religions
The Romans believed in ______________ gods and goddesses, many of whom
they adapted from Greek Mythology and Religion.
Throughout Rome, dozens of ________________ housed statues of the gods.
In front of these temples, Romans took part in ________________ activities such
as worshipping the gods and asking for divine assistance.
Roman Festivals
The Roman calendar was full of ___________ and other celebrations to honor the
gods and goddesses and to ensure divine _________ for the city. As loyal citizens,
most Romans joined in these festivals, which inspired a sense of ______________.
The Roman Republic Grows
As Rome’s political and social systems evolved at home, its armies expanded
Roman power across _____________.
Roman armies _____________ first the Etruscans and then the Greek city-states in
the south.
By about 270 B.C., Rome controlled most of the Italian peninsula.
Citizen-Soldiers Make Up the Roman Army
Rome’s success was due to skillful ____________ and to its loyal, well-trained
All __________ were required to serve.
The basic military unit was the ___________, each of which included about 5,000
As in Greece, Roman armies consisted of ____________-soldiers who originally
fought without being paid and had to supply their own weapons
Roman soldiers
Eventually, they received a small __________, or payment, but their main
compensation was always a share of the ____________ of victory. Roman citizens
often made good soldiers because they were brought up to value _____________,
courage, and respect for authority.
Roman Military
To ensure success, Roman commanders mixed ________ with harsh punishment.
Young soldiers who showed _____________ in action won praise and gifts.
If a unit fled from battle, however, one out of every ________ men from the
disgraced unit was put to death.
Rome Is Just With Conquered Lands
Rome generally treated its defeated enemies with __________. Conquered
peoples had to acknowledge Roman ___________, pay taxes, and supply soldiers
for the Roman army. In return, Rome let them keep their own customs, ________,
and local government.
Rome Is Just With Conquered Lands
To a few __________ groups among the conquered people, Rome gave the highly
prized right of full ________________.
Others became partial citizens, who were allowed to _______________ Romans
and carry on trade in Rome.
As a result of such generous policies, most conquered lands remained _________
to Rome even in troubled times.
Maintaining the State
To protect its ___________, Rome posted soldiers throughout the land.
It also built a ____________ of all-weather military roads to link ______________
territories to Rome. As trade and _____________ increased, local peoples
incorporated __________ into their languages and adopted many Roman
_____________ and beliefs. Slowly, Italy began to unite under Roman rule.
Section 2: From Republic to Empire
When ____________ came to power in 31 B.C., he ended the Roman republic and
made Rome an _____________.
Rome added many _____________ lands to the republic and gained control of
important __________ routes.
The Roman Achievement
Roman civilization spread to faraway lands
Romans also borrowed ideas from other cultures
The blending of Greek, _______________, and Roman cultures is
called ____________________ civilization
Roman artists, _____________, and writers borrowed ideas from these different
The Romans used Greek ___________ in their homes and public buildings
Romans adapted the ____________ Hellenistic style
Statues shows every detail of a subject, even warts and veins
Roman builders used Greek columns
However Roman buildings were mighty and __________ rather than
simple and elegant
Many Romans spoke ____________ and used Greek ____________ styles
Still, the greatest Roman writers such as __________, Horace, and Livy
used the Roman language of Latin for _______________.
Romans were practical
They built excellent ___________, bridges, harbors, and aqueducts, or
bridge-like stone structures that brought water from the hills to the cities
The Romans did little _______________ investigation
They did, however, put science to practical use
The used _______________ to make maps and medical knowledge to improve
public health
The Romans also developed an important system of law
Under this system, people were ____________ until proved guilty
Decisions were based on _____________.
Roman law influenced the modern legal systems of the Americas and