Section 3 - MissPellegrini


Chapter 5

Section 3:

Culture and Society in the Roman



• List important Roman poets, writers, and historians

• Examine Roman Art and Architecture

Roman Art and Architecture

• During the 2 nd and 3 rd centuries B.C., the

Romans adopted many features of the Greek style of art.

– Statues were placed in private homes, and reproductions of popular Greek statues were used.

• Roman style differed from Greek in that

Roman sculptors produced realistic statues that included even unpleasant physical details.

• Romans excelled in architecture, and used Greek styles as well.

– Romans also used forms based on curved lines: arch, vault, and dome.

– Used large amounts of concrete.

• Romans built a network of about 50,000 miles of roads.

• In Rome itself, almost a dozen aqueducts kept a population of one million supplied with water.

Roman Literature

• The high point of Latin literature was reached in the Age of Augustus.

• Most distinguished poet of the Augustan Age was Virgil

– From northern Italy near Mantua.

– Wrote his greatest work, the Aeneid in honor of


• Story of Aeneas, the ideal Roman with virtues of duty, piety, and faithfulness.

• Another Augustan poet was Horace, a friend of Virgil.

• Wrote Satires, which points out the “follies and vices of his age”.

– Horace’s work often poked fun at the weakness of humans.

• The most famous work of the Latin age was done by a historian named Livy, who wrote

The History of Rome.

– In 142 books he traced Roman history. Only 35 have survived.

• Livy’s weakness as a historian: he was not concerned with factual accuracy.


Summarize the lesson:

• I learned that…

• For example…

• Therefore…

• However…


• Examine the Role of the Family

• Identify the implications of slavery

• Evaluate the daily life of Roman Citizens

The Roman Family

• The Roman family was headed by the paterfamilias- the dominate male.

– Households also included wives, sons and their wives and children, and unmarried daughters.

• Children were raised at home, and upper class children were expected to read.

– Fathers made decisions for education: teach them himself, provide for a tutor, or send to school.

• Teachers were often Greek slaves.

– This was because Romans had to learn Greek as well as Latin to prosper in the empire.

• Roman boys learned reading ,writing, moral principles, family values, law, and physical training to prepare them to be soldiers.

– End of childhood was marked at age 16 with a special celebration of a new style of toga.

Attitudes towards Women

• Female weakness- necessary for male guardians

• Legal marriage age- 12, although 14 was more common. Male legal age- 14, but older was more common.

– Marriage was meant for life, but divorce was introduced in the third century B.C. and was fairly easy for both parties.

Changing Roles

• By 2 nd century B.C. the paterfamilias no longer had complete control.

• Upper class woman in the early Empire had more rights.

– Attend races, the theater, and events in the amphitheater. They were forced to sit in a separate female section


• Slavery was very common in the ancient world, and often times they were treated poorly.

– In demand in a variety of fields, and often used in building roads and public buildings.

– Some slaves revolted against their owners, causing them to live in fear.

• Most famous slave revolt occurred in 73 B.C., under the leadership of a gladiator named


Daily Life in Rome

• Rome was overcrowded, congested, and dangerous.

• The very wealthy lived in comfortable villas while the poor lived in large family units in apartment blocks called insulae.

– The insuale were poorly built and often collapsed.

Fire was very common.

– Most Romans spent much of their time outdoors in the streets.

Public Programs

• There were a great deal of public buildings and programs.

– Examples: temples, markets, government buildings and amphitheaters.

• Emperors (beginning with Augustus) provided food for the poor.

• Entertainment: Circus Maximus, Dramatic

Performances, and Gladiator fights.


• What did you learn in section 3?

Class Work/Homework

• 5-3 Worksheet

• Page 168 1,2,4,5, and 6
