Northern Lights Opals - bc mining properties

And though some high quality opals have been found at Maxan Lake and in rock
faces on the many logging roads around the Burns Lake area, the most exciting find
is Bruce Holden's North Lights claim. It sits in the alpine area of a mountain north of
Tahtsa Lake and Tweedsmuir Park, 90 kms south of Houston by helicopter. Still in
the explorative stages, the Northern Lights property has yielded a combination of
common and precious opal. Its types range from nodules similar to Mexican opals,
thin sheets that resemble Queensland boulder opal, to matrix opal in which the
matrix ranges from hard and polishable black basaltic material to much softer
brown stone. Clarity varies from opaque to transparent, and some even exhibits the
highly prized red and green flashes. Many top-quality agates have also been found at
this deposit, including one which combined agate and opal.
Northern Lights claims, Troitsa Peak,
Omenica Mining Division, British
Columbia, Canada
Latitude: 53°36'N
Longitude: 126°35'W
The Northern Lights opal claims are located well above the tree- line on the eastern spur of the Troitsa
Peak, south of Slide Creek.
The precious and common opal showings on the Northern Lights claims are hosted by Ootsa Lake Group
volcanics. These volcanics are well-layered, coarsely plagioclase- and pyroxene-phyric andesite flows,
approximately 130 to 200 metres thick, that conformably overlie flows of rhyodacitic composition. The
andesite flows are characterized by abundant plagioclase and pyroxene phenocrysts. In the area of the opal
occurrences the andesite flows are subhorizontal and sheet-like, each of which range from 1 to about ten
metres thick. These flows resemble near-source compound lavas, consisting of a number of relatively thin
lens-shaped flows separated by poorly sorted, debris flow deposits. Individual flows are typically massive
at their base and grade upwards into oxidized and strongly vesicular tops (over 50 per cent vesicles in the
uppermost 20-40 cm). Vesicles are scarce in the center of the larger flows, but in some thinner flows the
vesicular texture may persist throughout. Vesicles are filled with a variety of minerals that generally
include a combination of chalcedonic quartz, celadonite, zeolites, and carbonates. Chabazite may occur
The dominant opal-bearing lithologies in the area are the debris flows. Less abundant opal-bearing
lithologies are massive lava flows and associated flow top breccias and minor, possibly water lain, ashfall
tuffs. Massive flows are commonly dark green and mostly porphyritic, although aphyric flows were also
observed. The phenocrysts are predominantly plagioclase (up to 2 cm) and pyroxene (<6 mm). Most of the
flows are either strongly vesicular or amygdaloidal. The debris flows consist of subangular to subrounded,
vesicular, amygdaloidal or massive clasts that typically vary in size from 2 to 100 centimetres, but some
may be several metres in size. The flows are matrix- or clastsupported. Some of the debris flows are
polymictic, others are oligomictic. The colour of the clasts varies from dark green, brown, and beige to
deep brick-red, a feature that is probably related to the degree of oxidation, and possibly permeability. The
scoraceous clasts appear most oxidized. The colour of the matrix varies from yellow to red to gray.
Reworking of the debris flows is common, as seen by the rounded heterolithic clasts making up the flows.
Some of the flows are truncated by thin bedded, possibly waterlain tuffs, but more commonly by younger
debris flows. In thin section most of the opal-bearing rocks consist of 10 to 30 per cent plagioclase
phenocrysts (up to 15 millimetres in length), amphiboles (0-2%), pyroxene (<2%), opaque oxides (<2%),
apatite and opaques (trace). Vesicles may account for more than 20 volume per cent of some rocks. The
vesicles may be partially or completely filled by common and precious opal or agate and coated by
celadonite or zeolites.
The opal occurrences are located near the brim of a flat-topped ridge within an area 1200 by 2000 metres.
There are at least 10 precious opal occurrences. Most of the precious opal extracted for testing purposes by
the prospectors was from the Zona Rosa and Ptarmigan occurrences.
In general, opal and agate occur most commonly as open space fillings in the matrix and vesicles of clasts
and rarely as thin films along fractures in debris flows and flow top breccias. It occurs also as amygdules in
massive flows. Due to the complex history of some of the reworked flows, agate may be present only in the
vesicles of individual clasts. In such flows only one clast out of fifty may contain agate fillings. Geopetal
indicators generally suggest that the agate and opal formed when the lithological units acquired their
present orientation. However, in rare cases they suggest that the strata has been tilted approximately 15
degrees south since the agate was formed. Celadonite, a soft, green, earthy mineral of the mica group, is
present throughout the area as a vesicle filling and in some places it is so abundant that it gives the rocks a
bright green colour. Celadonite commonly forms the rims of empty or agate filled vesicules, suggesting that
celadonite predated agate.
Two of the metre-scale clasts within the same debris flow at the Agate Alley showing, display concentric
layering (zoning) in terms of the vesicle fillings. The vesicles within the core zone (central portion) of these
clasts are empty (silica-free). The core is surrounded by 10 to 15 centimetres thick zone containing
individual vesicles coated by a one millimetre thick celadonite layer. This is in turn surrounded by an outer
zone characterized by agate partially or completely filling the vesicles, suggesting that the fluids that
deposited the celadonite and agate were penetrating the clast from the more porous matrix and moving
inward. The high concentrations of celadonite on the property do not appear to coincide geographically
with the high opal concentrations. As at the Klinker deposit, the presence of zeolites within the area
indicates a favorable geological environment for opal preservation. The opal stability field is similar to that
of clinoptillolite and chabasite.
Most of the agate is colorless, gray or white. The largest agate eggs observed at the site measured up to 15
centimetres in longest dimension. The agate deposition may be in layers or it may form from several
nucleation sites simultaneously.
Precious opal occurs as irregular zones filling individual vesicles or fractures in some of the common opal
and agate-bearing debris and compound flows. The size of the opal-bearing zones is difficult to evaluate,
but the best exposed occurrence is Ptarmigan. At this location the opal occurs within a trench at least one
metre deep, 2 metres wide and 5 metres in length. It appears genetically unrelated to the degree of
oxidation, filling vesicles in both hematized and unoxidized lava flows. In most cases, vesicle fillings result
in small flecks of opal being densely distributed throughout the rock, similar to examples of Honduran
opal. Where the vesicles are large, solid opal recovery is possible. In places, the host volcanic material
appears fresh and hard, and will probably take a good polish if polished simultaneously with the matrix
opal. In other areas it appears porous and soft and may not give adequate support for the opal during
processing. Uncommonly thin (<1mm) fractures filled by precious opal have also been observed. Some of
these appear suitable for production of assembled stones as doublets and triplets.
The typical precious opal body colours observed at the sites are white, brown and honey yellow, although
black is present but scarce. Most of the opal is opaque to translucent (semi-crystal). The play of colours
within the precious opal are green, red, blue and yellow (no systematic study was attempted). The stones
appear average or better than average in terms of brightness, although, the detailed evaluation is typically
done on individual stones and it will commonly vary within a deposit. In general, the bright play of colour
remained after the samples were extracted. The brightness of the samples from the "Bright Lights" locality
appears strongly enhanced in humid or wet environments. The opal from this occurrence is probably
hydrophane, a variety of common opal with a change in opacity and indirectly, intensity of colour, with a
corresponding change in water content. Under transmitted light the precious opal typically appears cloudy
brownish or greenish in the central portions of the vesicles and it may contain some dehydration. It appears
isotropic under polarized light.
Based upon field observations, most of the stones extracted by the prospectors in 1998 may be described as
matrix opal of specimen or gem quality. Some of the opal may be suitable for doublets and triplets.
Material suitable for iusolid opalli cabochon-making is relatively rare. The stability of the opal from the
Northern Lights claim remains to be assessed. Some of the opal is hydrophane, however, the owners of the
claims indicate that precious opal cut two or three years ago did not craze (disintegrate) or undergo other
undesirable changes. Test marketing of the precious opal jewelry from this deposit is in progress and
several artists are determining if the opal is suitable for carving purposes
Figure 7. Northern Lights precious opal camp; prospectors Larry Hamula (second from left), Randy Lord
(second from right) and Bruce Holden (right) are visited by George Simandl (left) and Francois Berniolles
(centre) of the B.C. Geological Survey.
A discovery of precious opal in the Whitesail Range, 10 kilometres south of Huckleberry mine, was staked
as the Northern Lights claim and explored by Bruce Holden and partners (Figure 7). Agate, common and
precious opal occur as vesicle fillings in basalt flows and matrix replacement in basaltic lahar of the Ootsa
Lake Group. The precious opal has very good play of colour. The prospector-owners mined and sorted
material by hand and then removed 800 kilograms from the site by helicopter to test stability of the opal
and its carving characteristics for gemstone marketing. One type of instability of concern is crazing, the
term used for loss of non-chemically bound water from the silica structure of precious opal, manifest by
formation of minute cracks in the gemstone and loss of colour.
WhiteSail਀ Opal--An Extraordinary New Find
Randy Lord਀
Randy and his associates mine Whitesail਀ Opal in the back country of British Columbia,
When you first stumble across an਀ outcrop of basalt- hosted precious opal in the alpine
of northern BC it਀ is seldom recognizable unless you have the eyes of an eagle or the
peregrine਀ falcons that fly overhead. Sometimes it is flashes of red, green਀ or blue fire
against the black back-ground that catch your eye. Standing਀ proud on the weathered
surface, these opal grains tell you to get on your਀ hands and knees and look closer. That
the precious opal flashes with਀ color after 10,000 years of glaciation and 10 months of
snow cover each਀ year tells you that this is no ordinary opal adventure.਀
We are exploring and trenching 7000਀ feet up on a flank of the Whitesail Mountains in
northwest British Columbia.਀ The Northern Lights claim is located 90 air miles south of
Houston, BC.਀ Access is by helicopter. It’s one of the few alpine locations in the world਀
where precious opal can be found. Paying attention to the task at hand਀ can often prove
difficult when blizzards and howling winds are trying to਀ knock you down. Our
extremely short weather window lasts from late਀ July to early September and snow can
fall anytime. Frozen fingers and toes਀ are the price paid for BFDs (bug free days). We
have only been scratching਀ this property with hand tools, but finding visible precious
opal in surface਀ outcrops over a 5 sq km area has captured our attention.਀
Volcanic hosted opal deposits are਀ believed to be associated with hydro-thermal activity.
At the Northern਀ Lights claim, precious opal occurs most commonly as open space
fillings਀ in the matrix and vesicles of clasts in the volcanic debris flows. Common਀ opal
of all colors, many types of agates and even one agate with a line਀ of precious opal
inside are all found in close proximity. Geological theory਀ does not explain how one
vesicle can be filled with bright precious opal,਀ the adjacent one empty and the
occasional empty vesicle shows an inside਀ surface that flashes with precious fire.਀
The types of opal we find range਀ from nodules similar to Mexican material, thin seams
in matrix that resemble਀ Queensland boulder opal, and matrix opal that has the
appearance of Honduran਀ opal crossed with dinosaur bone. The clarity ranges from
transparent਀ to opaque with color intensity that varies from good to very brilliant. ਀ The
color spectrum of this opal covers the entire rainbow.਀
An amazing dacite dike was the site਀ of the original discovery of precious opal in the
Whitesail range. This਀ prominent vertical feature stands 20 feet tall and 3 feet wide in਀
places where it cuts through the opalized country rocks. It has been named਀ the Great
Wall by the prospectors, as it snakes across the property in਀ a distinctive spine.਀
Permanent snowpack covers much of਀ the terrain. Tenacious alpine plants cover any
marginally, habitable ground਀ so outcrops and exposure of bedrock are minimal on the
top. With a flat਀ glaciated top and various colored layers, our best description is that਀ it
resembles a chocolate cake. Precious opal in nodules, seams and as matrix਀ hosted
material has been found in over 20 places, but safely trenching਀ or extracting material is
a different matter.਀
Our first trench was named Zona਀ Rosa for the red color of the basalt. It proved an
exercise in the excavate-and-tumble਀ method of mining. Luckily a flat bench 100 yards
below stopped the boulders਀ on their downward journey. The experience of tumbling
stove-sized਀ boulders weighing hundreds of pounds down a snowfield onto a flat is not਀
soon forgotten. We would send boulders the size of automobiles skidding਀ down a 1000
feet of snowfield often to have them land within an easy walk਀ from camp. This type of
opal mining is not for the faint of heart.਀
Prospecting for precious opal in਀ an alpine environment presents peculiar challenges and
conditions. As access਀ is by helicopter, we have had to rely on hand tools and portable
gas powered਀ saws and drills. We use a wheelbarrow and an alpine rickshaw outfitted਀
with mountain bike wheels for moving loads. These have proven very efficient਀ and this
season we flew a small excavator in to assist with trenching.਀
As we dug, we encountered precious਀ opal matrix material at the bottom of the trench.
So we were encouraged਀ to trench some distance away. Our hopes were realized as
precious opal਀ bearing material kept coming out of every hole we dug. But of course,
as਀ can be anticipated, our 30 day season ended with another snowstorm.਀
British Columbia has a wealth of਀ mineral resources and because of its ruggedness much
of the province has਀ remained unexplored or prospected. That precious opal deposits
occur in਀ BC is relatively unknown, but recent discoveries are about to change that.਀
Note: Spheres to You carries amazing਀ Whitesail Opal spheres from this claim.਀
White Sail Opal
British Columbia
Incredible flashes of lovely opal in matrix!!!
Red, green, blue, purple!!!!
Our photos can't catch the flash.
We have these exclusively.
The price reflects the amount of opal flash
and the quality of the polish. Some White Sail
Opal polishes better than others.
5.25 Inches $2,300.00
4 Inches
3.6 Inches
3.25 Inches $650.00
3 Inches
2.25 Inches $585.00
2.75 Inches $285.00
There's gems in them hills
To the surprise of many people, the Canadian province is aglitter in opal, jade and emeralds.
October 5, 2003
VANCOUVER, British Columbia (AP) -- Deposits of opal, emerald, sapphire and rare blue beryl glow like
rainbows across northern British Columbia and the Yukon and, slowly, people are starting to notice.
"Until recently, no one really looked for gemstones in B.C.," said Brian Grant, a geologist with the British
Columbia Geological Survey. "People assumed they were only found in tropical places."
Bob Yorke-Hardy, president of Okanagan Opal Inc., was looking for gold when he cracked open a rock and
was nearly blinded by an eyeful of opal.
"If I had been looking for opal and read any book about it and where it's usually found, I certainly wouldn't
have been working in B.C.," he said. "This was just pure luck."
Paul Wojdak, a regional geologist with the Department of Mines and Energy, said there could be a lot more
glimmer in the province, and the economy is driving people to go after it.
British Columbia is already the No. 1 jade producer in the world. Jade was discovered in the 1800s and
every year new sites are located.
In recent years, the decline in the price of metal from lead and zinc to copper has curtailed much of the
more traditional mineral exploration, leaving prospectors with more time to spend on longshots like
precious stones.
Their accidental discoveries have everyone wondering what could be out there.
Efforts are under way to determine the extent of an opal deposit in the Whitesail Mountains of the Ootsa
Lake region, jade discoveries in the Dease Lake area and emerald deposits on the Yukon border.
Wojdak said much of the excitement concerns emerald prospects that were discovered by a man looking for
copper. This summer, a group of geologists looking for emerald stumbled across a uniquely dark blue
"Blue beryl is usually a light color known as aquamarine. This was a more primary blue that was quite
dark, called maxixe," said Heather Neufeld, a researcher from the University of British Columbia on the
team that found the stone. "It's very unique, which in the gemstone world usually means it's valuable."
She is trying to determine what created an emerald deposit in the Finlayson District of the Yukon to help
prospectors learn where else it might be found in the region. Canada's only other known emerald bed is at
Ghost Lake, Ontario.
True North Gems, the company that is developing the site, spent $2 million to extract and explore this
summer. It is analyzing bulk samples at a Vancouver lab and hopes to have results on the grade of the
stones by mid-November.
Yorke-Hardy, by contrast, can hammer off a chunk of opal, take it back to his shop, cut, polish and sell it in
a day.
And he does.
Okanagan wine country tourists visit his roadside shop in a steady stream, buying stones and jewelry for
$30 to $3,000 (that's $22.50 to $2,2500 in U.S. dollars).
Yorke-Hardy takes home about $200,000 ($150,000 in U.S. dollars) a year and says he could live off the
rocks on his property for decades.
"In order to get bigger, to take it to the next level, we would need an investor," he said.
George Simandl, an industrial minerals geologist with the Department of Energy and Mines, said British
Columbia will likely see more commercial production of gemstones in the future, but big investment may
take awhile.
Finds of opals and emeralds began only about a decade ago.
"In B.C., nobody has explored systematically. Rubies have been found, sapphires, emeralds," Simandl said.