Name: Date: Period: Chapter 2 Review Sheet (Hydrosphere Pt. 2

Name: ________________________
Date: ________________________
Period: ________________________
Chapter 2 Review Sheet (Hydrosphere Pt. 2)
Directions: Complete each of the following by placing the correct term with the definition that has been
1. A measure of the combined levels of calcium and magnesium.
2. The amount of one substance in a volume of another substance.
3. The build-up of small particles that stick together due to the addition of chemicals.
4. A chemical that is intended to kill insects and other organisms that destroy crops.
5. A substance that causes pollution.
6. Pollution that can be traced to one specific location.
7. A measure of the total amount of dissolved salts in a sample of water.
8. A measure of the physical, chemical and biological factors that affect a body of water.
9. Organisms that are used to monitor the health of an ecosystem.
10. The process by which excess algae grows due to the presence of extra nitrates and phosphorus
within a sample of water.
11. A measure of how cloudy ore clear a sample of water is.
12. A coastal area where salt water and fresh water mix.
13. The movement of cold water upward from the deep ocean towards the surface; bringing extra
minerals and nutrients with it.
14. Water that is partly salty and partly fresh is known as…
15. Free-swimming animals that can move throughout the water.
Word Bank: Concentration, Pesticides, Point Source Pollution, Water Quality, Eutrophication, Estuary,
Brackish, Water Hardness, Coagulation, Pollutant, Salinity, Bioindicators, Turbidity, Upwelling, Nekton
Multiple Choice: Place the correct answer on the line that has been provided to you for each multiple
choice question. (1/2 pt. deduction for not following directions on each question)
16. _____ Which of the following is a map that shows the surface features of an area, such as
elevation changes?
b. Topographic Maps
c. Satellite Images
17. _____What is pollution that can accumulate from species to species, moving up the food chain
until it eventually affects the whole food web?
a. Toxic Waste
b. Bioaccumulation
c. Non-Point Source Pollution
18. _____Which of the following is not an example of an Abiotic Factor?
a. Grass
b. Temperature
c. Water
19. _____All Primary Consumers are __________________.
a. Autotrophs
b. Omnivores
c. Herbivores
20. _____Coral Reefs are found in…
a. Warm and Deep Benthic Areas
b. Warm and Shallow Benthic Areas
c. Cold and Shallow Intertidal Areas
21. _____Which of the following is an example of an autotroph?
a. Primary Energy Source
b. Secondary Consumer
c. Primary Producer
True or False: If the statement is true, write true. If the statement is false, write false
22. _________________ Anoxia occurs when water contains low levels of oxygen; between 24 ppm.
23. _________________ The pH scale is used to measure how acidic or basic a solution is.
24. _________________ Symbiotic Relationships, also known as Symbiosis, shows the feeding
relationships between two organisms.
25. _________________ Terrestrial food webs show the relationships between oceanic organisms.
26. _________________ Water that moves over Earth’s surface instead of soaking into the soil is
called sewage.
Food Webs/Food Chains: Use the diagram to answer the following questions.
Which organism would be an autotroph? _________________________
Name an example of a Secondary Consumer. ______________________
What is an example of a decomposer? ___________________________
Name a symbiotic relationship that connects the aquatic and terrestrial food webs.
31. What is a “top predator?” Name an example within the food web.
32. Create an example of a food chain using the food web above.
33. What is the Primary Energy Source of this food web? __________________________________
Topographic Maps: Use the following topographic map to answer the questions that are related.
Elevation is measure in feet.
34. What is the elevation at the following points?
A. ____________ B. ________________ C. __________________ D. ________________
35. What is the contour interval of this map? _____________________________
36. What direction does Long Creek flow? _______________________________
37. What is the approximate distance from Point A to Point B? ______________________