
Current operational infrastructures
Inventory of large-scale research infrastructures at Dutch institutions
(≥ 10 million euros, excluding housing cost)
This form is intended to make an inventory of which large-scale scientific infrastructures are
available for research. It concerns solely infrastructures that satisfy the definition of Large-Scale
Scientific Infrastructures. This inventory is part of the assignment of the committee to coordinate
the available infrastructure and to enhance optimal use of the available infrastructures. This
inventory will lead to a landscape analysis of all available research infrastructures and investment
plans for research infrastructures.
You can also use this form to indicate whether you would like the permanent committee to include
this infrastructure in the Roadmap Large-Scale Research Infrastructure. The committee will examine
the 29 facilities in the current Roadmap to determine whether they will remain in the Roadmap. The
committee can add other facilities to the Roadmap as well. This could involve existing facilities or
entirely new facilities. In order to be eligible, the facility in question must show that it needs
substantial financial investment in the coming five years for which it can appeal for NWO funds. The
Roadmap can be used to appeal for NWO funds for large-scale scientific infrastructure for these
investments. In addition to this form, you will also need to fill in the ‘investment plans’ form.
The form has to be submitted by the board or director of the organisation/institute.
Please submit just one infrastructure per form.
1. General information
Submitting organisation
Name infrastructure
Acronym infrastructure (if relevant)
Contact person infrastructure
Website infrastructure
Hosting organisation1
Location infrastructure2
Institution involved3 (if relevant)
Disciplines for which the infrastructure
is relevant4
Type infrastructure
distributed/single site/virtual5
The committee will only include new facilities for which substantial investments are needed during
the next five years and for which a call is made upon the NWO funds for large-scale scientific
infrastructure. Besides this form you should also complete the form “Investment plans”.
Are you requesting the committee to
include this infrastructure in the
2. General description of the infrastructure
2.a Summary for publication purposes (max 100 words)
Give a brief description of the intended infrastructure.
2.b General description of the infrastructure (max 500 words)
Give a brief description of the intended infrastructure. Provide information about the available
equipment/collections/data. Describe what types of research are possible with the infrastructure .
If distributed then take the central access point
If distributed then take the location of the central access point
If it is a collaboration between several institutions then state institutions involved
According to the NWO classification of disciplines
Circle the correct type of infrastructure
3. Organisation, participants and users
3.a Governance (max. 200 words)
Describe how the governance of the infrastructure is organised.
3.b Number of Researchers and Institutes
State the total number of researchers and institutions that make use of the infrastructure per year
(on average).
Number of Netherlands-based Researchers:
Number of International Researchers:
Number of Dutch Institutes:
Number of International Institutes:
3.c General description of users and user groups (max. 200 words)
Provide a general description of the user groups who might be interested in using the infrastructure
3.d User Groups
Which groups make use of the infrastructure? Provide here a list of the research group/institutes
that make use of the infrastructure, including international institutes and groups.
3.e Access to the infrastructure (max 200 words)
How are external researchers granted access to the infrastructure?
4. Financial information (max 500 words)
4.a. Original investment costs
Give an overview of the original investment costs of the infrastructure, excluding costs of the
4.b. Operational costs
Give an overview of the operational costs of the infrastructure, excluding costs of the building.