Math 160 – Daily work

Math 160 – Daily work
This is my way of communicating with you. I will update this after each class so you know what we
did in class and what you have to do by next class
Monday January 25, and Tuesday January 26
 We covered some topics from R.1, R.2, R.3
 We completed page 1 of the HANDOUT (HOUT) on graphs interpretation
 We covered difference quotient
 STUDY for a short QUIZ on difference quotient and...... anything else that we covered is possible
 REGISTER into MathXL if you decide to do the online homework (this is optional)
 READ the sections covered
 DO homework from the book
 PRINT the sheet RECORD OF ATTENDANCE TO TUTORING/.... from my website
 PRINT the FINAL REVIEW, and work on it as we cover the material in class (keep it in a separate
part of your binder)
 USE THE POWER POINT PRESENTATIONS (in my website) to preview/review the material
Wednesday January 27, Thursday January 28
 We had a quiz
 We covered piecewise defined functions, domain, and average rate of change
 We solved one problem on the handout about average rate of change.
 COMPLETE both pages of the HOUT (ARC and exponents)
 PRINT the study guide for chapter R (in the HANDOUTS link). Use it to study. Check the material
QUOTIENT, (in the HOUTS link). It’s due next class
 STUDY sections R.1 – R.5 (read book and do the assigned homework)
 STUDY for a short QUIZ on DOMAIN of functions defined by an equation and.......anything else is
 USE THE POWER POINT PRESENTATIONS (in my website) to preview/review the material
Monday February 1, Tuesday February 2
 We had a quiz
 We covered SUPPLY AND DEMAND in section R.5
 We covered COST, REVENUE AND PROFIT in section R.4
 We covered LIMITS in section 1.1
 STUDY R.6 ON YOUR OWN (refer to the problems assigned on the syllabus)
 PRINT the study guide for chapter R (in the HANDOUTS link). Use it to study. Check the material
that you know and put ??? on the ones that you do not know
QUOTIENT, (in the HOUTS link). It’s due next class
 STUDY sections R.1 – R.5, R.6, 1.1 (read book and do the assigned homework)
Wednesday February 2, Thursday February 3
 We covered sections 2.1 and 2.2
 Study all of chapter R and 2.1 and 2.2
 Do the following if you have not done it yet. PRINT the HOUT on SLOPE, AVERAGE RATE OF
CHANGE, AND DIFFERENCE QUOTIENT, (in the HOUTS link – chapter R). We’ll discuss this
handout next class
 STUDY for a quiz on sections 2.1 and 2.2
 COMPLETE page 4 of the HOUT section 1.1 Limits (in the handouts link) – IT’S A TAKE
HOME QUIZ due Monday or Tuesday next week (whenever your class meets) – I will grade this
SCIENCE CENTER FOR HELP or come to my office with questions. The first test is the easiest
one – you want to pass it with a good grade!!!!
Monday February 15, Tuesday February 16, 2010
 I collected the assigned homework (I e-mailed you one assignment last week)
 We went over the take home quiz on graphing based on descriptions
 We discussed HOUT on section R.4
 We finished HOUT on section 1.4
 Due next class TAKE HOME QUIZ that we made up at the end of the class
 The test will be on Monday and Tuesday February 22 and 23 (chapter R and sections 1.1-1.4)
 Study for a QUIZ on chapter 1 for next class
SOME DAYS ARE MISSING HERE....................
Wednesday February 24 and Thursday February 25
 Last class, after the test, we worked on the beginning of the handout from sections 1.5 (HOUT link)
 Today we went over all other problems from the HOUT
o On pages 6 and 7 of the HOUT there are some TYPES of problems that will come again as
we study different functions. THIS IS THE MOMENT TO LEARN THEM so you can
apply the same procedure to more complex functions.
 We also covered sections 1.6 and 1.8
 On 1.8: read the examples 3, 4, and 5, and then do some related problems: 45-55
 We’ll do section 1.7 next week
 STUDY FOR A QUIZ on 1.5, 1.6, and 1.8
Monday 3/1 and Tuesday 3/2
 We covered sections 1.7 and 2.1
 Study for a quiz on differentiation techniques: 1.5, 1.6, 1.7, 1.8
 Exam on sections 1.5-2.3 and some material from the first test will be on 3/10 and 3/11
Wednesday 3/3 and Thursday 3/4
 Quiz
 Sections 2.2 and 2.3
Wednesday and Thursday 3/24 and 3/25
 We covered section 2.5
 Sections 2.4 and 2.6 were done on the previous class
 I e-mailed you an assignment that is due on 3/31 and 4/1 (the e-mail has the wrong date)
 We are done with chapter 2
 Next class you will have a 10 minute quiz in one of the types of word problems from section 2.5
 The exam on 2.3-3.3 will be on April 7 and 8
Wednesday 4/14 and Thursday 4/15/10
 We finished with the test (15 minutes)
 We had a quiz on 4.1
 I collected the assignment on 4.1
 We covered 4.2
 We covered the beginning of 4.1
 Next class there will be a quiz on word problems (4.1, 4.2), and beginning of 4.3
Plans for the rest of the semester:
 Wednesday 4/21 and Tuesday 4/22: finish 4.4, cover 5.1
 There is a take home assignment over the section 6.1 is due Monday 4/23
 Monday 4/26 and Tuesday 4/27: Go over HWK on 6.1, cover 6.2; review for the test
 Wednesday 4/28 and Thursday 4/29: EXAM 4:
o 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 4.4, 5.1, 6.1, 6.2
o AFTER THE TEST students will work together on an assignment over section 5.2. Bring
the book. You will need it to complete this paper. This paper will be collected and graded.
 Monday 5/3 and Tuesday 5/4:
o Turn in assignment
o Answer questions on 5.2 - GROUP QUIZ on 5.2
o Do more problems on the section
o Work on the final review
 At home, complete as much as possible of the final review and bring your questions to the last
class of the semester
 Wednesday 5/5 and Thursday 5/6 is the last class. I will answer questions on the final review.
Friday 5/7 the math club has a tutoring session in SE 226 from 4:30 to 6 pm. I will not be in town
on this day.
Sunday 5/9: PROBABLY there will be a review session in which a professor will answer questions
about the final review. Be on the lookout for the announcements
I will post my office hours for the week of May 10-13 in this daily log sometime soon
Study all exams and the final review.
Final exams are
May 12 from 12:30 to 2:30 for the MW class
May 13 from 12:30 to 2:30 for the TR class
Plans for the rest of the semester:
 Wednesday 4/21 and Tuesday 4/22: finish 4.4, cover 5.1
 At home, complete an assignment over the section 6.1; due Monday
4/26 and Tuesday 4/27
 Monday 4/26 and Tuesday 4/27:
o Go over HWK on 6.1,
o Cover 6.2
o Review for the test
 Wednesday 4/28 and Thursday 4/29: EXAM 4:
o 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 4.4, 5.1, 6.1, 6.2
o AFTER THE TEST students will work together on an assignment
over section 5.2. Bring the book. You will need it to complete this
paper. This paper will be collected at the beginning of next class and
 Monday 5/3 and Tuesday 5/4:
o Turn in assignment
o Answer questions on 5.2 – GROUP QUIZ on 5.2
o Do more problems on the section
o Work on the final review
 At home, complete as much as possible of the final review and bring
your questions to the last class of the semester
 Wednesday 5/5 and Thursday 5/6 is the last class. I will answer
questions on the final review.
 Friday 5/7 the math club has a tutoring session in SE 226 from 4:30 to 6
pm. I will not be in town on this day.
 Sunday 5/9: PROBABLY there will be a review session in which a
professor will answer questions about the final review. Be on the lookout
for the announcements. I will not be in town on this day.
 Sometime soon, in this log, I will post my office hours for the week of
May 10-13
 Study all exams and the final review.
Final exams are
May 12 from 12:30 to 2:30 for the MW class
May 13 from 12:30 to 2:30 for the TR class