
Spectrasonics Inc.
16 Channel RF generator for ultrasound applications
The Spectrasonics HIFU-16 system is a multi-channel synchronous RF generator
designed for research applications in the field of Ultrasonics.
The unit can handle a variety of transducer configurations and can deliver at
least 10 electrical watts from each of it’s 16 channels over a frequency range of
1-10MHz. The HIFU assembly interfaces with a PC for operator control and can
trigger image acquisition on an AN2300 as part of programmable multi-step
excitation sequences.
Spectrasonics HIFU-16
Ultrasound RF Generator
• Arbitrary function generation
• 16 independent synchronous channels
• 1-10MHz
• 10 Watts/channel
• Programmable exposure sequences
• Imager triggering
A PC based software package communicates with the HIFU unit over a standard
Ethernet link. The unit can be connected directly to a PC with a crossover cable
or addressed over a local area network. The software makes it easy for the user
to download sine, square, or triangle waveforms into the 16 channel memories
and will calculate the phase shifts required for each channel based upon a given
transducer geometry. Arbitrary waveforms may also be loaded into each channel
memory for custom applications. The software lets the user construct and
download experimental "scripts" consisting of sequences of exposure, delay, and
external triggering events. Each channel has 131 kilobytes of RAM associated
with it. This memory is divided into eight 410 sec (16384 samples @ 40MHz)
“partitions”. Once loaded, the scripts can switch rapidly between the waveforms
stored in each partition. This architecture provides for a great deal of flexibility in
the system's operation.
Number of channels: 16. Provisions are incorporated in the system to synchronize
additional HIFU-16 modules.
Power output: The units are rated at a nominal maximum output of 10W/channel over a
range of 1-10MHz into 50 Ohms. When generating sinusoidal signals, undesired
harmonics are suppressed 25dB or more below the fundamental. Higher powers are
available when operating at frequencies less than 10 MHz.
Frequency range: 1 to 10 Mhz nominal. Waveforms are synthesized at a sample rate
of 40 MHz.
Waveforms: Sine, square, triangle and random. Arbitrary waveforms of up to 410
microseconds in duration can be uploaded by the user. Eight bit quantization is used for
waveform synthesis and an additional 8 bits of global system gain is used to set the
overall power level.
Memory: Each channel has 131 kilobytes of RAM associated with it. This memory is
divided into eight 410 sec (16384 samples @ 40MHz) “partitions”. Once loaded, the
system can switch rapidly between the waveforms stored in each partition.
Mechanical/Electrical Assembly
The excitation unit is housed in a 19 inch rack mountable chassis 19”17”7”. It is
powered by 3 Astron SS-25 power supplies.
Front Panel indicators/connectors:
ready light, over temperature light, trigger output, RF outputs 1-16
Rear Panel indicators/connectors:
DB9 – serial port to AN2300 ECG input for image acquisition triggering
1/8” phone – thermocouple interlock
RJ45 – Ethernet connection
Power supply leads
For more information please contact:
Chris Vecchio, PhD
Director of R&D
Spectrasonics Imaging
Suite 301
489 Devon Park Drive
Wayne, PA 19087
610 964 0713 Tel
610 964 2894 Fax
Richard Bernardi, PhD