Date and place of birth: March 27, 1972. Samara, Russia.
Contact Info:  phone: (7-495)-485-97-22, (7-846)-310-69-40
 mail: bme@ihed.ras.ru
 fax: (7-095)-485-79-90
13 years of scientific research and development in the fields of high-power laser–plasma
interaction, physics of plasma, nonlinear electrodynamics and ionization phenomena,
quantum optics.
Ph.D. in Physics of Plasma. Thesis: “Ionization effects under action of subpicosecond laser
pulses on matter,” 24/01/02.
24 publications (14 in refereed journals); participant in 29 Russian and international
Bilingual: Russian, English; additionally: French.
Computer skills: advanced Fortran, Maple, TeX.
Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Laboratoire de Physique des Gas et Plasmas, Université de
Paris-Sud, Orsay, France ; 10/03 – 02/05 and 10/05 – 12/05
Major Responsibilities:
Developing the theory of short intense, ionizing laser pulses propagation in capillary
waveguides with self-consistent account of influence of capillary walls ablation on
electromagnetic fields inside the capillary
Calculation of parameters of plasma, created inside capillary tubes during propagation of
short intense, ionizing laser pulses
Research Fellow, Laser Plasma Laboratory, Institute for High Energy Densities of the Associated
Institute for High Temperatures of the Russian Academy of Sciences; 09/98 – Present.
Major Responsibilities:
Developing theory accounting for ionization effects during short intense, ionizing laser pulses
interaction with gases and solid targets.
Analyzing the influence of ionization effects on wakefield generation in a gas being ionized
by short laser pulse.
Developing theory of collisionless heating of electrons created during propagation of a short
ionizing laser pulse through a gas.
Investigating harmonic generation under conditions of ionizing laser pulse propagation
through a gas.
Investigating action of short intense laser pulses on metal foils.
Investigating short intense laser pulses propagation in capillary waveguides.
Investigating powerful sub-picosecond and nanosecond laser pulses action on solid targets
under parameters of current experiments.
Postgraduate researcher, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology; 1995 – 1998.
Major Responsibilities:
Developed simple analytical and numerical models describing solid target heating by short
laser pulses.
Examined the role of ionization and non-local thermal flux phenomena in solid target heating.
Explored dynamic and statistical properties of the two-mode light with a nonstationary couple
between modes.
Developed self-consistent model of short intense, ionizing laser pulses propagation in capillary
waveguides with account of influence of capillary walls ablation on electromagnetic fields
inside the capillary (ref. [21,22,23]).
Developed systems of quasi-hydrodynamic equations, successively accounting for ionization
processes in gases and solid targets irradiated by intense, ionizing subpicosecond laser pulses
(ref. [1,17]).
Constructed single-particle and quasi-hydrodynamic models, describing residual energy,
residual impulse and stress tensor of electrons, arising during short intense laser pulse
propagation through a gas.
Determined the relationship between the hydrodynamic
characteristics of created electrons (ref. [10,11,14]).
Constructed the model, successively and self-consistently accounting for the influence of
ionization effects on wakefield generation in gases, irradiated by short ionizing laser pulses.
Discovered that ionization can substantially extend the region of parameters where effective
wakefield generation is possible (ref. [12,13]).
Proved through quantum and hydrodynamic calculations that the third harmonic of short
ionizing laser pulse propagating through a gas can be effectively described by simple
hydrodynamic model. Found the relationship between third harmonic and residual electron
energy and proposed its use as a diagnostic of created electron gas (ref. [15,19]).
Constructed self-similar solution of a thermoconductivity equation, which can effectively
describe a solid target heating by subpicosecond intense laser pulse (ref. [1,9,18]). Developed
simple numerical models for self-consistent description of solid target heating by ionizing laser
pulses (ref. [16,18,20,2,3,7-9]).
Found that the photon statistic of two-mode electromagnetic field with a non-stationary couple
between modes depends dramatically on the condition of the coupling (the regime of weak or
strong coupling). Discovered that strong excitation of two-dimensional field oscillator and the
“red” asymmetry of the transition probabilities between modes occurs in the condition of strong
coupling between modes, that can be explained in terms of instability of the classical twodimensional oscillator with strong mode coupling (ref. [4-6]).
Ph.D. in Physics of Plasma, Institute for High Energy Densities of the Institute for High
Temperatures of Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia; 01/24/02.
 M. Sc. in Physics and Mathematics, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, Moscow,
Russia; 08/95.
 B. Sc. in Physics and Mathematics, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, Moscow,
Russia; 08/93.
- Grants of Soros educational program for postgraduates (1998, 1997) and students (1995).
- INTAS Young Scientist Fellowship for a post doctoral researches, Ref. Nr. 03-55-1054 (2003).
Volunteer teacher at Moscow Correspondence School of Physics and Technology; 1990-92.
Marital status: Single.
Active participant in downhill skiing, swimming, skydiving and other sports.
1. N.E. Andreev, M.E. Veisman, V.V. Kostin, V.E. Fortov. Interaction of ultrashort laser
pulses with solid targets. // Plasma Physics Reports, V.21, P.677-684 (1995).
2. N.E.Andreev, V.E. Fortov, V.V.Kostin, M.E.Veisman. Heating of the solid targets by
ultrashort intense laser pulses. // Proc. SPIE, V. 2770, P. 115-125 (1995).
3. N.E. Andreev, M.E. Veisman, V.V. Kostin, V.E. Fortov. Formation of a shock wave
under the effect of ultrashort laser pulses. // High Temperature, V.34., P.373-378 (1996).
4. M.E. Veisman, S. Yu. Kalmykov. Features of the photon statistic of two coupled
electromagnetic field modes under the condition of strong mode coupling. // JETP, V. 85,
P. 68-72 (1997).
5. M.E. Veisman, S. Yu. Kalmykov. Correlated coherent states of two-dimensional quantum
oscillator with nonstationary mode coupling. // Theoretical and Mathematical Physics, V.
111, P. 633-638 (1997).
6. S.Yu. Kalmykov, M.E. Veisman. Quantum statistical properties of two coupled modes of
electromagnetic field. // Phys. Rev. A, V. 57, P. 3943-3951 (1998).
7. N.E. Andreev, I.L. Beigman, M.E. Veisman, V.V. Kostin, A.M. Urnov. Dynamical
models of ionizing plasma. // Preprint of the P.N. Lebedev Physical Institute of Russian
Academy of Sciences (preprint FIAN), No 59. (1998), (in Russian).
8. N.E. Andreev, I.L. Beigman, V.V. Kostin, M.Ef. Veisman and A.M. Urnov. Ionization
processes by intense laser pulse interaction with solid targets. // Proc. SPIE, V. 3683, P.
25-32 (1998).
9. N.E.Andreev, V.V.Kostin, M.E.Veisman. Redistribution of energy in dense matter
irradiated by short intense laser pulses. // Physica Scripta, V. 58, P. 486-492 (1998).
10. Andreev N.E., Chegotov M.V., Veisman M.E., B. He, Zhang J.T. Non-adiabatic energy
deposition from the short intense laser pulse to the ionizing gas. // Proc. SPIE, V. 3735, P.
234-241 (1998).
11. N.E. Andreev, M.V. Chegotov, M.E. Veisman, etc. Non-adiabatic heating of plasma
produced by the ionization of a gas by a short intense laser pulse. // JETP Letters, V. 68,
P. 592-598 (1998).
12. N.E. Andreev, M.V. Chegotov, M.E. Veisman. Wakefield generation by elliptically
polarized femtosecond laser pulse in ionizing gases. // IEEE Trans. on Plasma Sci., V. 28,
P. 1098-1105 (2000).
13. N.E. Andreev, M.E. Veisman, M.G. Cadjan, and M.V. Chegotov. Generation of a
wakefield during gas ionization. // Plasma Physics Reports, V. 26, P. 947-959 (2000).
14. N.E. Andreev, M.E. Veisman, S. P. Goreslavskii, M. V. Chegotov. Residual electron
momentum and energy in a gas ionized by a short high-power laser pulse. // Plasma
Physics Reports, V. 27, P. 278-292 (2001).
15. N.E. Andreev, M.V. Chegotov, M.E. Veisman, Third harmonic generation in ionizing gas
and its relationship with residual energy of electrons. // JETP, V. 97 (2003) (Russian J.
“JETF”, V. 124 , N 8, 2003).
16. N.E. Andreev, M.E. Veisman, V.P. Efremov, V.E. Fortov, Generation of dens worm
plasma by intense subpicosecond laser pulses // High Temperature, V. 41, N 5, P. 594
(2003) (Russian J. “TVT”, V. 41, P. 679, 2003).
17. M.E. Veisman, N.E. Andreev, M.V. Chegotov. Features of hydrodynamics of a gas
ionized by short powerful laser pulse. // Physics of extreme conditions of matter (Proc. of
XVI international conference “Action of intense energy fluxes on a matter”), Institute of
Problems of Chemical Physics, Chernogolovka, P. 28-30 (2001). (in Russian).
18. M.E. Veisman, Ph.D. Dissertation: “Ionization effects under action of subpicosecond
laser pulses on matter,” Moscow, 2002 (in Russian).
19. N.E. Andreev, M.V. Chegotov, M.E. Veisman. Harmonics generation by ionization of a
gas by short intense laser pulses and possibility of optical diagnostic of collisionless
heating of electrons in a gas. // Physics of extreme conditions of matter (Proc. of XVII
international conference “Equation of states of a matter”), Institute of Problems of
Chemical Physics, Chernogolovka, P. 113-115 (2002). (in Russian)
20. N.E. Andreev, M.E. Veisman, V.P. Efremov, V.E. Fortov. Action of femtosecond laser
pulses on solid targets (Proc. of XVIII international conference “Action of intense energy
fluxes on a matter”), Institute of Problems of Chemical Physics, Chernogolovka, Moscow
region, P. 10-11 (2003), (in Russian).
21. N.E. Andreev, B. Cros, G. Maynard and M. Veysman, Short powerfull laser pulses
propagation in capillary waveguides, (Proc. of XIX international conference “Equation of
states of a matter”), Institute of Problems of Chemical Physics, Chernogolovka, Moscow
region, P. 117 (2004).
22. M. Veysman, N.E. Andreev, B. Cros, and G. Maynard, Plasma formation by short
ionizing laser pulses, propagating in capillary wave guide (Proc. of XX international
conference “Action of intense energy fluxes on a matter”), Institute of Problems of
Chemical Physics, Chernogolovka, Moscow region, P. 9. (2005).
23. M. Veysman, B. Cros, N.E. Andreev and G. Maynard. Theory and simulation of short
intense laser pulses propagation in capillary tubes with wall ablation // Physics of Plasma,
V 13, P. 053114 (2006).
24. M. B. Agranat, N. E. Andreev, S. I. Ashitkov, M. E. Veysman, P. R. Levashov, A. V.
Ovchinnikov, D. S. Sitnikov, V. E. Fortov, and K. V. Khishchenko, Determination of the
transport and optical properties of a nonideal solid-density plasma produced by
femtosecond laser pulses // JETP LETTERS, V 85, P 271 (2007)