Class Placement Form in Word Format

Student Information for 2015-2016 Classroom Placement
Optional Parent Form
May 13, 2015
During the upcoming weeks, teams of teachers and the UAS counselors will begin creating class lists for
the 2015-16 school year. When planning classrooms for next year the homeroom teachers and counselors
will divide the children into balanced groups. Class lists will then be posted on the first day of school in
the lobby of the school (August 31, 2015).
Creating well-balanced, heterogeneous classroom groups is our comprehensive goal at UAS. Some, not all,
of the more important factors in creating that balance include:
balanced number of boys and girls
strong English skills vs. less developed English skills
a mix of students from varying academic levels
a good social blend of students
appropriate schedule of accommodations for special services
representation from various nationalities
individual student considerations
We want your child to flourish while attending Universal American School and your input as our partner
in education is important. This optional form is where you can provide additional information to assist
the Class Placement Team in the class placement of your child for the 2015-2016 school year. If you
choose to provide input for the class placement process, please complete this form and submit it to the
elementary school office no later than Wednesday, May 20thth. The information you provide will be
shared with the Classroom Placement Team, which includes the current and future grade level teams,
counselors, and administration.
We respectfully ask that parents do not make requests for a specific teacher. As the school grows,
teachers shift grade levels, some leave, and new teachers arrive, the best way for you to provide input into
the process is via this feedback form. UAS is committed to employing teachers who are well qualified and
able to meet the needs of all students enrolled at the school. Requests for a specific teacher will not be
considered, as all UAS students should be able to be successful in any one of our classroom communities.
UAS is committed to providing an excellent teaching team and we will ensure that your child is placed
into a well-balanced classroom. We will take into account the information you provide when placing your
child, however the information provided does not guarantee placement in a particular teacher’s
Thank you for your continued support,
Andrew Torris
Dubai Festival City, P. O. Box 79133 Dubai
Tel: 971 4 2325222 Fax: 971 4 2325545
Please return this form to the ES office by Wednesday, May 20th. Alternatively, you may fill it out and
email it to Hana Malak at It will be shared with the Classroom Placement Team to be
used for placement decisions. Requests for a specific teacher will not be considered.
Student Name: ________________________________________
Current Teacher: ______________________________________
Parent Name: __________________________________________
Current Grade Level: __________________________________
My child learns best… (check all that apply):
____ working in small groups
____ working in pairs
____ working independently
____ when given whole group instruction
____ when given verbal instruction
____ when given written instruction
____ with paper and pencil tasks
with activity oriented learning
in a quiet and calm atmosphere
following a set schedule
following a flexible schedule
with encouragement for self-discipline
with a structured approach to -discipline
My child responds best to the following motivational strategies:
____ personal attention
____ self motivators
____ goal setting
____ focus on child’s interests
____ extrinsic motivators (stickers, etc…)
____ other: _________________________________
Key academic goals for my child next year include:
The social/emotional needs or goals for my child next year are:
The most important thing to consider about my child when making class placement is…:
Parent Signature:
Dubai Festival City, P. O. Box 79133 Dubai
Tel: 971 4 2325222 Fax: 971 4 2325545