original version, in MS Word

A standardization puzzle (draft, 12/1/2001)
A defective examination question provides an opportunity to gain greater insight into the
concepts of standardization and weighted averages. The examination question was:
Community P and community Q have equal age-adjusted mortality rates. Community P
has a lower crude mortality rate than does community Q. One may conclude that (choose
the one best answer): (3 points)
A. Community P and community Q have equal age-specific mortality rates
B. Community P has an older population than community Q
C. Community P has a younger population than community Q
D. Mortality rates in both community P and community Q increase with age.
The official answer was C, that community P has a younger population, which is intuitively
reasonable, since (1) given a set of age-specific mortality rates and (2) assuming that mortality
rates increase with age, the younger the population, the lower the crude rate mortality rate. In
fact, however, none of the response choices in the original question can be logically inferred
from the information given in the question, even with reasonable assumptions about the
community mortality rates. Specifically, if the age-specific mortality rates are chosen properly,
either community P or community Q can be younger than the other and yet the two conditions
(equal age-standardized rates and a lower crude mortality rate in community P) be satisfied.
It is not difficult to construct numerical examples which demonstrate that community P could be
either younger or older, but by restricting ourselves to two age groups we can visualize the
situation with the aid of a physical analogy, a balance beam in a children's playground (often
called a “see-saw” or “teeter-totter”).
Suppose two children take places on a weightless beam, a younger one on the left and an older
one on the right, and we locate the fulcrum at the point, closer to the larger child, where the beam
balances. In this analogy, each mortality rate is represented by the distance between a child and
a point somewhere to the left of the beam (corresponding to a mortality rate of zero). The weight
of the child corresponds to the size of the population in that age group. The location of the
fulcrum when the beam is in balance will then correspond to the crude mortality rate (C). In this
analogy, a standardized rate would be the location of the fulcrum (S, in the diagram below) when
we replace the two children with children of “standard” weight.
www.epidemiolog.net, Victor J. Schoenbach, 12/1/2001
Standardization puzzle – 1
A balance beam must have the fulcrum between the two children, of course, just as a weighted
average must lie between the lowest and highest numbers. Both the crude and the standardized
rates are weighted averages of the age-specific rates, so we know that both must lie between the
lowest and highest age-specific rates. We also know that a weighted average can fall anywhere
between the lowest and highest specific rate, depending upon the relative weights used in
computing the average.
The examination question states that the crude rate (PC) for community P is less than the crude
rate (QC) for community Q. For the balance beams, that means that the fulcrum for the “P”
children is to the left of the fulcrum for the “Q” children. If we start with a situation in which the
two crude rates are the same (i.e., the fulcrums for each beam line up), there are two ways that
we can move the fulcrum between the P children to the left: (1) by increasing the weight of the
younger child relative to the older child or by lengthening the (weightless) beam and moving the
child farther to the left. Increasing the weight of the younger child corresponds to increasing the
size of the younger age group in community P, making its population distribution younger. So in
the original question, response choice C does offer one way in which the conditions of the
problem can be met. However, even if the age distribution of community P is older than that in
community Q, the crude rate (fulcrum) for community P can be moved to the left by making the
mortality rate in the younger group sufficiently smaller than that for the younger group in
community Q.
www.epidemiolog.net, Victor J. Schoenbach, 12/1/2001
Standardization puzzle – 2
The only other information from the question is that the two populations have the same
standardized mortality rate. This condition means that in our playground, when we replace the
children with children of “standard” weight (the two younger children weigh the same as each
other and the two older children weigh the same as each other), the beams will balance with the
fulcrums located in the same position relative to the positions of the children on each beam. It
turns out that we can find “standard” weights to make this happen only when the two Q children
are between the two P children or the two P children are between the two Q children (i.e., either
Q1<P1<P2<Q2 or P1<Q1<Q2<P2). A moment’s reflection indicates why this must be so. Age
standardization is designed to make two sets of rates comparable by using the same weights to
take an average of each set. So if the rates in one set are all lower than the rates in another, then
the standardized rates should surely be in the same relation to each other. It may not be so
obvious that if one pair of children are between the members of another pair, then it is always
possible to find weights that will enable the two pairs of children to balance at the same location.
Therefore the fact that the standardized rates are equal does not tell us anything beyond the fact
that one pair of rates lies between the other pair.
For those who like algebra, we can easily demonstrate that the equality of the standardized rates
is equivalent to saying that either Q1<P1<P2<Q2 or P1<Q1<Q2<P2. Define notation as follows:
Younger age group
Older age group
Total (crude)
Community P
Community Q
Proportion of
Proportion of
Mortality rate
Mortality rate
1 – Wp
1 – Wq
(1 – Wp) P1 + Wp P2
(1 – Wq) Q1 + Wq Q2
(1 – Ws) P1 + Ws P2
(1 – Ws) Q1 + Ws Q2
We use P and Q to represent mortality rates, with the subscript 1 referring to the younger group
in each community and 2 referring to the older group. We assume that within each community,
mortality rates are greater in the older group (i.e., P1<P2 and Q1<Q2). Wp and Wq refer to the
proportion of each community's population that the older group comprises. The total, or crude,
mortality rates are written as averages of the age-specific rates, weighted by the corresponding
proportions of the total population in the age group. The standardized rates are also shown as
weighted averages, but here the weights from a standard population (hence, Ws) are used.
According to the question, the standardized rates for the two communities are equal, i.e.,:
(1 – Ws) P1 + Ws P2 = (1 – Ws) Q1 + Ws Q2
By re-arranging terms, we can write this expression as:
(1 – Ws) P1 – (1 – Ws) Q1 = Ws Q2 – Ws P2
and then factor out the common variables:
www.epidemiolog.net, Victor J. Schoenbach, 12/1/2001
Standardization puzzle – 3
(1 – Ws) (P1 – Q1) = Ws (Q2 – P2)
From this expression we can deduce that either the age-specific mortality rates in the two
populations are identical (i.e., P1=Q1 and P2=Q2) or the age-specific mortality rates in one
community lie within those for the other (i.e., either Q1<P1<P2<Q2 or P1<Q1<Q2<P2). The
reason one of these must be true is that for the two sides of the equation to be equal, they must
both have the same sign, i.e., both left and right sides must be positive or both must be negative.
Since Ws is a proportion and must lie between 0 and 1, both Ws and (1 – Ws) are positive, so the
value of Ws will not affect the signs. For both sides to be positive, Q1<P1<P2<Q2; for both sides
to be negative, P1<Q1<Q2<P2. Pictorially, the situation must be something like:
The standardized mortality rates, which the exam question says are the same for the two
communities, must lie between the inner pair of rates (because of the restrictions for a weighted
average). If we are told the four specific rates, we can calcuate the location of the standardized
rates, since once the rates have been specified, the above equation can be solved for Ws, e.g.:
(1 – Ws) P1 + Ws P2 = (1 – Ws) Q1 + Ws Q2
P1 – Ws P1 + Ws P2 = Q1 – Ws Q1 + Ws Q2
Ws Q1 – Ws P1 + Ws P2 – Ws Q2 = Q1 – P1
Ws (Q1 – P1 + P2 –Q2) = Q1 – P1
Q1 – P1
= –––––––––––––––––
(Q1 – P1 + P2 – Q2)
From this we can see that given four mortality rates, arranged in the order P1<Q1<Q2<P2, the
standardized rates for the two communities (S in the figure below) will be equal if and only if a
standard population is chosen with Ws satisfying this equation (recall that Ws is the proportion of
the total population size accounted for by the older age group).
Acknowledgement: Yuthana Tanwongwan deserves the credit for realizing that the question was
www.epidemiolog.net, Victor J. Schoenbach, 12/1/2001
Standardization puzzle – 4