Item 07 - SB 163 Wraparound Process

Department of Children and Family Services
Policy and Procedure Guide
Division No:
3 – Child Welfare
Chapter No:
5 – Placement
Item No:
7 – SB 163 Wraparound Process
Effective Date:
Any Fresno County Children and Family Services Social Worker or
any Fresno County Mental Health Clinician may refer an eligible
child for consideration of enrollment into SB 163 Wraparound as an
alternative to group home care level 10 or higher.
To delineate the process from referral through enrollment to
development and approval of an “Individualized Service Plan” (ISP)
for a child enrolled in Fresno County’s SB163 Wraparound
Senate Bill (SB) 163 (Chapter 795, Statutes of 1997), Fresno
County Children's Wraparound Implementation Plan, Agreement
No. 04-083 with FamiliesFirst, Inc. for Children’s Wraparound
Services, PPG 3-2-18 SB163 Definitions
Upon identifying a minor as a potential participant who appears to meet the
definition of an “Eligible Child” and would benefit from participation the Child
Welfare Services Social Worker will contact the SB163 Liaison to explore the
possibilities for participation.
The SB163 Liaison and a contract agency representative will meet with the
placement parent (and/or identified placement family) and the minor (the
Probation Officer/Child Welfare Services case manger/Mental Health Clinician
are also encouraged to participate) in order to clearly explain the program and
its benefits and expectations. The process will continue for those families who
indicate an initial commitment to the Wraparound process.
Submitting Party Division/Program
Manager/ Deputy Director Approval
Assistant Director’s Approval
Director’s Approval
David Plassman
Andrea Sobrado
Catherine Huerta
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Division 3, Chapter 5
Effective Date:
Item 7 - SB 163 Wraparound Process
Social Worker, Probation Officer or Mental Health Clinician will refer children
to the IRPC by forwarding a completed IRPC Referral Form to the SB163
Liaison. As a referral to SB163 constitutes an alternate placement request,
the referring party is responsible for ensuring that the recommended
placement meets all routine statutory and Department requirements (e.g.
background checks, home evaluations).
The referring Social Worker, Probation Officer or Mental Health Clinician shall
complete the IRPC Referral Form and forward it to the SB163 Liaison.
If the child is a dependent and the identified reunification family is not the
biological parent(s) of the child or a licensed or certified foster family, the
referring Social Worker shall first make a referral to the Home Evaluation Unit
for a home evaluation. The background checks on all adults living in the
home shall be completed prior to consideration by the IRPC. Placement may
not be made until the full home evaluation is approved. If the Home
Evaluation Unit does not approve the home for placement, the home
evaluation packet shall be brought to the IRPC for review.
Prior to submitting the IRPC Referral Form to the SB163 Liaison, any Mental
Health Clinician who is referring a child who is not a dependent of the Court
and who will not be residing with a parent or legal guardian, shall request the
identified placement family to complete a form authorizing DCFS to complete
back ground checks on all adults who spend significant time in the home.
Refusal to authorize background checks shall not, in and of itself, preclude
enrollment in SB163.
The SB163 Liaison shall review the referral form to ensure completeness.
The SB 163 Liaison will schedule a date for the referring individual to present
the child's case to the IRPC.
The role of the presenter is to is to act as the child/family advocate, and to
provide sufficient, specific information to allow the IRPC members to make a
knowledgeable recommendation.
The presenter will speak to the child/family's ability and desire to
reunify, and/or to get the child to a less restrictive care level.
The presenter shall speak to the safety needs of the child, family and
community if reunified/moved to a lower level of care.
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Division 3, Chapter 5
Effective Date:
Item 7 - SB 163 Wraparound Process
The presenter should have an in-depth knowledge of the case,
including the areas addressed on the IRPC referral form. Of particular
interest to the Committee are the original reason for detention, current
circumstances, current and previous mental health services provided
and current or previous efforts to stabilize placement.
The referring Social Worker, Probation Officer or Mental Health Clinician shall
present the case to the IRPC to be considered for participation in the SB163
Wraparound Program. This presentation shall include:
Reason for original detention or initiation of services.
Current family circumstances (composition, housing, compliance with
any court orders, etc.).
History of efforts to stabilize the child’s placement.
Discussion of why the referring Social Worker, Probation Officer or
Mental Health Clinician believes this child is appropriate for the SB163
Wraparound Program.
shall evaluate the referral, presentation and any additional information
available to it and approve or not approve enrollment into the SB163
shall recommend the appropriate Rate Classification Level (RCL) for
placement in the SB163 program based on current placement level,
child’s current behaviors and previous placement history.
may note any considerations for the current Social Worker or Mental
Health Clinician (if the child is not enrolled in SB163) or the Child and
Family Team (if the child is enrolled in SB163).
Following IRPC approval, enrollment in the SB163 Program will be initiated
when all circumstantial barriers are resolved.
The SB163 Liaison shall enroll the child in the SB163 Program by email notification to the FamiliesFirst Program Manager, and designated
staff in County Eligibility, Fiscal, Managed Care and Foster Parent
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Division 3, Chapter 5
Effective Date:
Item 7 - SB 163 Wraparound Process
The designated Foster Parent Resources staff member shall complete
and forward to Eligibility a SOC158A (and reopen packet if necessary).
The SOC158A shall state the child’s current placement address,
appropriate RCL payment rate and list SB163 Trust Fund as the
payee, with a note in the “rationale” section stating that the child has
been enrolled in the SB163 program and the RCL rate. In addition, if
the child is placed in foster care, or with a relative other than biological
parent(s), the “rationale” section shall include the amount of payment
for the care of the child and the name and address of the payee.
For Probation cases the Liaison will contact the Probation Eligibility
Worker for the generation of the SOC158A and associated steps as
For Mental Health cases the Liaison will ?
On CWS/CMS the minor’s placement will reflect their actual location
and type. i.e. if with a relative it will be a relative placement and if at
home with parent(s) it will show no actual placement.
The program that the minor is in from the court order and on the
CWS/CMS system should be as it was as the minor entered the
program. i.e. a child in Permanent Placement is still in a placement
even if they are at home and it would be premature to change the
status to Family Maintenance in the initial stage. Conversely a child
already in Family Maintenance who comes into the program at risk of
Group Home placement can stay in Family Maintenance.
The CWS Social Worker will participate in the “Child and Family Team” in
person whenever possible. When it is not possible to be there personally the
CWS SW will meet with the contract agency Facilitator to clarify the “Agency
Mandates” that need to be included in the “Individualized Service Plan” (ISP)"
The “Individualized Service Plan” (ISP)" will be signed by all participating
parties prior to presentation to the “Community Team” including the CWS
Social Worker even if that worker has not participated in the CFT in person.
The Wraparound “Individualized Service Plan” (ISP)" shall be completed and
presented to the Community Team for approval within 90 days of enrollment
of the child in the SB163 program.
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SB163 Wraparound/Multi-Dimensional Treatment Foster Care (MTFC)
Referral & Service Delivery Process
Child Welfare
Mental Health
The DCFS SB163 Liaison provides an
updated SOC158 and notifies Eligibility
and the Finance Office of the enrollment
SB163 Liaison
rep meet with
parent & child
to explain
program and
receive buy-in
from both
Resource &
reviews the
referred child
to approve
eligibility for
The FamiliesFirst
Program Manager
receives the referral from
the DFCS SB163 Liaison
and obtains all necessary
information to facilitate
family engagement
The family is assigned to a
FamiliesFirst WRAP
Supervisor who
coordinates subsequent
staff assignments
(facilitator, parent
partner, etc.)
The DCFS SB163 Liaison officially
enrolls the Child into a SB163 Slot at the
point that where placement with a family
is expected within 30 days
The Community Team reviews
and approves Stabilization and
Individual Service Plans
The Community Team Reports
on children enrolled to the
Leadership Committee
”High profile” situations or families with
immediate needs of over $300 require
stabilization plans within 30 days presented to
the Community Team
For Probation minors a “CFT” will be
held before the minor goes into a home to
address Supervision and Safety issues
Within 2 working days phone contact is
made with the family by the parent
partner to arrange for a first face to face
Within 3 working days of the phone
contact the parent partner and the
clinician will meet with the family in
their home when possible, to provide
additional information and obtain signed
consents. At this time they will also
initiate a Medi-Cal mental health
assessment and Plan of Care.
The Child and Family Team meets and develops
an Individual Service Plan which is family
focused and driven. It is to be presented to and
approved by the Community Team within 90
days of enrollment notification
The facilitator works with the
family to develop a Child and
Family Team comprised of both
formal and informal supports
Within 36 hours of the assessment
meeting the parent partner and
the family facilitator will
collaborate with the family on an
initial Safety Plan
FamiliesFirst Implements
the Individualized Service
Plan in the context of the
Child and Family Team.
Six-month updates of the
ISP are returned to the
Community Team for