Action - Kenton Primary School

Minutes of Full Governors’ Meeting
23rd January 2012 at 6pm
Present: Amanda Somerwill (Head), Julie Gibbs, Jan Caig, Lizbe Pilbeam, Barbara
Cross, Jan Brown, Robert Neill, Richard Keeley, Christine Wilson, Mandy Richards
(from item 5), Heather Spackman (Clerk)
Welcome & apologies – JG welcomed governors to the meeting.
Apologies had been received from AB, CB, SN & GW. JG took the
chair in AB’s absence. It was agreed that any feedback/contributions
from governors would be limited to approx 10 minutes.
Re-election of MR – Community governor – following the expiry of
MR’s term of office, MR had been approached and confirmed her wish
to carry on as governor for a further term. Governors’ unanimously
agreed to co-opt MR back onto the governing body for a further term
of office. Clerk to action necessary paperwork.
Confirm minutes of meeting held 6th December 2011 – these were
agreed as a true record and signed by JG. Proposed, CW, seconded,
JC. The Part 2 minutes were signed by JG.
Matters arising – Gifted & Talented training – AS advised that the
DLP was organising two INSET days were being arranged at
Exminster and another local school. Dates to be advised. Governors
were encouraged to subscribe to the Dawlish Learning Partnership
website at . By subscribing you will receive
updates and notification of training days and events.
AS advised that following the closure of Starcross After School club,
Westbank at Exminster had offered to take any children, however they
would need to organise their own transport. This is causing issues for
some parents.
Actions carried over to next meeting:
Grants for Breakfast Club – AB to report if any response from AC
regarding possible grants fro the club.
Letter/s of thanks to Jane Chanot and Powderham Estate.
Declaration of interests - none
Safeguarding issues – AS advised that the fire and evacuation plan
had been revised following the relocation of the fire escape. A drill
had taken place with the whole school on the first day of term and no
issues had arisen from this.
Governing body business –
Membership issues – the following terms of office are due to expire
this year:
AB (Parent Governor) – 02/03/2012 – Clerk to action letter to invite
nominations – to go out to parents by end of next week. Deadline for
return Friday 10th February.
CW (Staff Governor) – 19/09/2012
CB (Parent Governor) – 09/10/2012
JG (LA Governor) – 21/10/2012
RN – (community Governor) – 31/12/12
RK kindly agreed to be named governor for Looked After children.
AS to
All to
Correspondence – Governors are invited to attend the DAG area
meeting on Wednesday 8th February at Montgomery School, Exeter –
6.30-8.30pm. If you are able to attend please email to register.
Spring Checklist 2012 – copies were available for governors and
online at LDP Governor Support.
JG advised that following an issue with two children leaving school
mid term, a letter of complaint had been sent from the governing body
to the Head of Admissions at DCC. The letter had been copied to
Jennie Stephens and Sue Clarke and Pam Barnard (DAG). The
concern was that the correct protocol and procedure had not been
Training – BC had attended the New Governors training.
Governor visit – LP reported that her visit today, focussing on
science, had gone very well. All four classes were visited and she had
met with AS/JS and SN afterwards.
Proposal to change name of Curriculum Committee – this had
been discussed at the last meeting of the committee and agreed to put
forward to full governors. JG explained the main reason was that this
would more fully describe the workings of the committee as it did not
just cover the curriculum. Governors agreed to change the name to
Teaching & Learning Committee. Clerk to action.
Update on new Ofsted framework - JC had attended a session
focussing on the new framework and reported on how governing
bodies could prepare for inspection. She explained that governors
form part of the quality of leadership and management and need to be
prepared to be evaluated. They need to;
 Demonstrate am ambitious vision
 Understand the schools strengths and weaknesses
 Contribute to the SEF
 Sustain improvement and develop leadership capacity
 Pursue a vision for excellence
 Work effectively by acting as a ‘critical friend’
As the school could be due an inspection this year, it was agreed that
action should be taken now to ensure that the governors and staff
were prepared.
JC suggested a simple way in which governors could begin to
evidence the above and RN suggested that a working party be set up
to take this forward. It was agreed that JC would draw up a simple
table using the headings of the new framework, which both
governors and staff would be asked to complete. This should be
completed in conjunction with the Summary of Changes (distributed
at the meeting). The results would then be used as starting point of
evidence, which would be built on by the working party. JC to send
clerk proforma for distribution to governors for completion and return
by 20th February.
BC commented that in her recent training it had been highlighted that
generally governors did not judge themselves highly enough, and
that this was seen as a weakness and could affect the overall
judgement of the school, therefore it was important not to
underestimate our achievements.
AS reported that the new framework was much simpler with only four
categories of judgement. Some aspects that were inspected
separately last time had now been woven into the four remaining
categories, i.e. PSHE/Citizenship/Care & guidance, SEN groups.
Members thanked JC for her contribution.
Federation – following the decision by Dunsford Primary last year to
join an existing federation, the working party had continued to meet to
discuss the way forward. From these meetings it was clear that a
change in rationale was needed and that the main issue for the school
is succession planning, regardless of whether the federation route is
followed. It was also agreed that the school is now in a stronger
position with regard to understanding federation and that it should now
be driving this forward. AS presented a slide show the working party
had put together and following discussions a vote was taken to;
officially inform parents of the schools’ intention to advertise for
a federation partner. All governors unanimously agreed to accept the
proposal. It was agreed that a letter will be sent on behalf of the
governing body to all parents, inviting them to attend a briefing to
explain what this will mean. Two meetings will be held on Monday 6th
February at 3.45 and 6pm. Governor and staff attendance will be
required at both sessions.
JB asked when and where we would advertise for a partner. AS
advised that an advert could be placed soon after the meetings with
parents. The Just for Schools site was suggested as a good place to
advertise as all schools had access to this. A meeting of the working
party will be held on Monday 20th February at 3.45 to discuss and
agree the advert. Staff will also be invited to attend.
Headteacher’s Report – this had been distributed to governors prior
to the meeting. AS explained that currently 2 children are on roll but
not attending school at present. One is being ‘educated elsewhere’
the other is on an extended holiday which AS explained needs
governor approval. JC questioned how long this would likely to be for,
and AS explained that she is in contact with the family and attendance
is expected within the next few weeks. All governors agreed to this
Further questions were invited from governors and AS advised that
pupil intake for 2011/12 at 15 is higher than expected and the
projected 2012/13 intake is 11, again 1 higher than expected.
Governors asked what this would mean for classroom arrangements,
and AS advised it was likely that the composition would need to
change, but this will depend on numbers and will be monitored.
Buildings update – AS briefed governors in CB’s absence. Because
of issues with funding prior to the Christmas break, the structure is
now not due to be delivered until half term. This was caused by a hold
up by DCC on signing the funding application. AS advised that DCC
requested all of the schools Devolved Formula funding prior to
Christmas in order that the building could be ordered. This will be
repaid, but has meant that Cube have now reallocated the delivery
slot. This now puts the completion date at around mid March. As this
is close to the end of the financial year, funding will need to be closely
monitored. Another issue was the discovery of old cast iron pipes.
RN advised that this is likely to be the spring well delivery system for
AS/CW 27/1/12
All to
the tap in the triangle and other locations around the village. The
contractors are taking advice on how to best repair and re-route these
pipes, but this may cause a further delay.
Raise online/Smiley Data – AS distributed key data from the latest
information available and highlighted the following:
 % of children claiming free school meals has increased over the
last few years
 the school has a high % of statemented children at 3.4% national average is 1.8% - this needs to be taken into account
when looking at results
 there has been a significant rise in the level of KS1 results – this
is due to a focus on this group, following an issues highlighted in
previous data
 KS2 results are in line with national average, however issues
with L5+ attainment in English (see p31) did not take into
account an appeal and an additional child gaining a L5, which
would have shown the figure in line with the national average
 Current Yr 6 group are extremely able, and it is anticipated that
the number of L5’s achieved will rise. However, a group are
receiving additional help and this will be monitored to ensure the
best results.
JB asked if there are any issues governors should be aware of for the
current year. AS advised that due to low numbers in Yr2 (10 children)
this is just on the edge of reporting (cannot make a valid comparison if
under 10 children) and as there is one SEN child within this group this
equates to 10% so results could affect the data. For the KS2 cohort,
AS advised there is not the same degree of SEN as last year, and all
pupils are on track to achieve at least a L3.
LP queried why science was not included in the data – AS explained
that in KS2 science is scored on teacher assessment only. AS also
advised governors that schools can choose to be internally or
externally marked on the English Yr6 SATs papers only this year.
(The rest will still be marked externally). The school had chosen to
mark internally, which means that the paper does not have to be sat
within SATs week. This will mean less pressure on the children.
Date of next meeting/s:
Federation briefing for parents: Monday 6th February at 3.45 & 6pm
Federation Working party: Monday 20th February at 3.45pm
Full Governors’ meeting: Tuesday 27th March at 6pm
Signed: …………………………………………………………………………Chair