Feedback from Parents Meetings `Meet the Teachers – Teachers


Feedback from Parents Meetings ‘Meet the Teachers – Teachers and Parents Working


Wednesday 10 th October, 3.30-4.40pm [crèche available] and 7-8pm.

Present: 48 parents, friends from the village

8 governors

PTA – 2 speakers

7 Teachers

Grateful thanks go to Mrs Thomas and Milo for running the crèche, Mrs Richards and Ms

Norwood for the teas, and the governors for refreshments.

We were delighted at the tremendous response we had to our first Teachers and Parents Working

Together Meeting. It was fantastic to see so many people! Thank you for coming. From this starting point we hope to build really strong links between teachers and parents so all are valued and feel able to contribute to making our school a wonderful place to be.

If you were unable to join us on Wednesday, please pop into class to pick up a ‘Top Tips’ booklet

- each teacher has prepared age related ideas to help at home.


We are all very pleased with the many positive comments from parents who have made a special effort to find class teachers and the head teacher.

Some parents have spoken to me explaining that initially they found some of changes made over the past year difficult, but now could see the benefit for their children in these areas of change.

They now thought that the school was making great strides forward. Thank you very much for coming to personally speak to me. I really appreciate it.

The general feeling is that the meeting has ‘cleared the air’ and now that some of the changes have been explained, parents feel a greater part of the school, understand the need for change and feel more valued.

Analysis of evaluation forms:

Excellent: 27 responses

Very Useful: 16 responses

Satisfactory: 3 responses

General Comments from the evaluation form : [Many repeats]

Pleased to meet the new staff; having a chat in an informal setting. Putting names to faces

Feel very welcomed

Really encouraged by the time and effort put in by the school

Really impressed with the parental involvement and easy welcoming communication

Learning about school targets and curriculum

Plans for the future: goals for the year

Clear understanding of the processes and goals and expectations: Brilliant!

Glad they now understand about the 10 min parent evenings

Real idea about how close knit the school is and how much we need to support each other

Parent involvement

Involving the community

Things we can do to improve:

1. We were asked if meetings could not always be in the afternoons: some parents work and find

it difficult to attend afternoon sessions.

I understand the difficulty some parents have in attending afternoon sessions: we will

plan a “Working Together” meeting 3 times a year in the evening.

2. It was also requested that we give longer notice of planned meetings.

We will aim to do this.

3. We will try not to use acronyms and jargon.

4. We will allocate a Governor who is more accessible to parents.

Level of interest in subjects for future meetings:

Reading: 7

Writing: 6

Mental Maths: 7

Written maths: 8

Behaviour policy: 3

Practical Science: 2

Homework: 6

Levels and assessment: 3

E-safety: 2

Offers of help:

Reading: 7

Writing:3 Phonics: 2

Evening Lollipop 1

DT/Art/Craft: 2

Cooking: 6

Gardening: 6

Music: 1

Thank you so much to those who have offered to come in to help. We are very grateful. Please speak to the teacher directly to arrange a time to come in.

Before Parents Evening on 13 th and 15 th November, we would like to explain Levels and

Assessments to any parents who are unclear as to how they work, or who would like more information. I do realize this is short notice, but unfortunately time is fast running out. Our

‘Working Together’ Levels and Assessment meeting will be on

Tuesday 6 th November 2.45-3.15pm

Parents Evenings take place in the hall:

These will be held on Tuesday 13 th November from 3.30-7pm

Thursday 15 th November from 3.30-5.30pm

Sign up sheets will be available from Tuesday 6 th November after school in the conservatory.

On the evening, please go straight into Leopards’ class and find your child’s tray. Staff will come and find you when it is your turn. This means a greater level of privacy in the hall during the consultations. We understand some parents were worried about conversations being overheard and we hope this will address this issue.

Your child may attend the parent consultation if you [or they] wish.

We do allocate 10 minutes per child so that we can keep to time and not have parents waiting for too long. If you need to speak for longer, please feel free to make an appointment for another time.

I will be available on Tuesday evening, but, unfortunately, have to go to London on the Thursday.

If you do need to see me, and can’t make the Tuesday, please either catch me in the playground first thing in the morning, or make an appointment at the office. I’m always pleased to help.

We now have a blue ‘Suggestions’ box in the Reception area. Please put in any ideas you have.

We welcome your comments online. If you have a moment please visit

on the Ofsted website to add your comments.

Please also remember that you can visit the Catsfield Learning Platform on

Our ‘Working Together: Levels and Assessment’ meeting will be on

Tuesday 6 th November 2.45-3.15pm. If you would like to attend please let the office know.

Hope to see you there.

Once again, I would like to thank you all for the positive responses you have given us. We are all looking forward to building stronger ties and working together with you!

Yours sincerely

Sally Clark
