People with chronic pain have undergone significant victimization

Witch Hunting Honesty Testing
People with chronic pain have undergone significant victimization, disbelief and
In the Nova Scotia supreme court case, Martin puts it “"Despite this lack of
objective findings, there is no doubt that chronic pain patients are suffering and in distress,
and that the disability they experience is real...despite this reality, since chronic pain
sufferers are impaired by a condition that cannot be supported by objective findings, they
have been subjected to persistent suspicions of malingering on the part of employers,
compensation officials and even physicians". One of the latest scans deals with the
assumption, if one can be found to be “inconsistent” in his strength and so forth, he must
not have a problem.
The so-called non-organic signs (Waddell signs, inconsistency testing, honesty
testing) use to suggest faking exploits the tendency of these patients to symptom magnify in
their attempt to be taken seriously and attempts to redefine this behaviour in terms of
malingering. One such test would check if a patient would allow raising of his leg lying and
then surreptitiously do it with the claimant seated. These test of “honesty” is further
exploited by insurers to void their responsibility towards claimants with chronic pain. What
these inconsistencies truly are however, is the reflected image of insurer and extent of their
victimization of claimants that leads to these acts of desperation.
These signs of Malingering were initially started by Dr. Waddell who later had to
retract the reliability of this claim and admit 20% of chronic pain sufferers will
demonstrate these signs even when there is no advantage to do so. Pressing on top of the
head was supposed to mean a lot for example. Others have found they may only represent
more anxious individuals (Craig KD, presentation, Canadian Pain Society, Regina 1998).
Clin J Pain. 2004 Nov-Dec;20(6):399-408.
Is there a relationship between nonorganic physical findings (Waddell signs) and secondary
Fishbain DA, Cutler RB, Rosomoff HL, Rosomoff RS.
abstract here
”Based on the above results, it was concluded that there was little evidence for the claims of
an association between Waddell signs and secondary gain and malingering. The
preponderance of the evidence points to the opposite: no association.”
The attempt was to prove there was faking with little disability proved to be the
opposite. People with “Waddell Signs” have greater pain levels and poorer treatment
abstract here
Another “gimmick” that was applied was the use of pain drawings. If the patient’s
drawing of painful areas was in multiple locations, then this was to supposedly mean
psychopathology. An analysis for psychopathology in relation to pain drawings did not
strongly bear this out:
abstract here
What is clear, is that chronic pain has been shown to cause damage to the
dorsolateral prefrontal cortex which helps regulate mood, and neuralgic /CRPS pains
damage the left orbitofrontal cortex which is associated with anxiety.
abstract here
abstract here
Another honesty test was whether the pain extended further than expected from the
nerve damage it entailed. For example, an S1 nerve root should cause pain primarily in the
back of the leg. This however ignores the natural tendency for pain to spread to other
areas. Mice, who have had their sciatic nerve tied with a stitch will develop excessive
tenderness in areas not in the course of that nerve.
abstract here
Nerve root injuries to the neck hardly ever follow nerve root pain patterns; in Dr. N.
Bogduk 2005 review of back and neck problems, he discusses that they tend to refer in a
“somatic fashion” – the muscles innervated by the damaged nerve become tender, and they
have their own pain referral patterns. To a doctor unfamiliar with this pain referral
pattern, the patient will have his pain trivialized to just some knotted muscles. When these
knotted muscles don’t get better, well then it must be the patient’s fault somehow…
Some so called “honesty tests” have absolutely no validity.
The use of the Straight leg raising test for consistency is the ultimate scam. It is one of the
most unreliable tests and several researchers have found they are often not reproducible
under any conditions:
Reliability of the Lumbar Flexion, Lumbar Extension, and Passive Straight Leg Raise Test
in Normal Populations Embedded Within a Complete Physical Examination. Clinical Case
Spine. 26(24):2714-2718, December 15, 2001. Hunt, David et al
abstract here
“SLR and LROM scores used clinically are collected during comprehensive physical
examinations. Most scores gathered under these conditions were not reliable”
Spine. 1988 Apr;13(4):393-5.
The clinical significance of straight-leg raising (Lasegue's sign) in the diagnosis of prolapsed
lumbar disc. Interobserver variation and correlation with surgical finding. Kosteljanetz M
et al
abstract here
[re SLR] “There was considerable interobserver variation among three observers
concerning the measured angle at which pain was elicited.”
Cases demonstrating mususe of these honesty tests have been seen in court:
JONES v. BRITISH COLUMBIA (WORKERS’ COMPENSATION BOARD) Nov. 2003 where the WCB repeated exploited the tendency for this case to system magnify and turned
his disability assessment into a contest of honesty. The court found (as per“The B.C. Court of Appeal may have put an end to nine years of
decisions, reviews, and reversals within B.C.’s WCB when it indicated that the WCB did
not perform the necessary task of determining the extent of a claimant’s disability. Instead,
it became preoccupied with passing moral judgment on the claimant’s tendency to
exaggerate his symptoms.”
Much time can be spent passing this moral judgement with the deluded idea if the
patient can be caught exaggerating, they are someone free of disability and WCB’s
responsibility ends.
Inconsistency tests are all under the misguided assumption that malingering is
common when pecuniary rewards are in the offing. However, there are numerous studies
that have demonstrated that after successful litigation, chronic pain subjects are not any
better. There is a list of 19 such studies here:
People who are pushed into a corner where they have to prove they have a problem
or die, will elicit inconsistent signs. All it demonstrates is the system - the victimization,
trivialization, and disbelief they have had to contend with that leads them to this
desperation – this pain behavior as mentioned earlier. These inconsistency tests are witchhunt tests and DO NOT have any relationship to actual disability except to demonstrate
they are worse off – which is what Waddell signs have actually demonstrated. Hence they
have no use in rehabilitation except to intimidate patients.
Using this misinformation to terminate insurance benefits have generated
considerable business for some health care workers, some of which is not honest. In one US
federal court case, it was found “The FCE therapist had a computer macro that asserted
symptom magnification and submaximal effort, before she conducted any evaluation or saw
any patient.” One wonders who is the “faker” – the patient or the tester.
from: article here
Case in point – One of my patients with multiple injuries was told by a therapist to do
maximally hand grip strength testing. This hand had several problems including trigger
finger tendonitis. It hurt to grip, so her repeated tests results were different. This
“inconsistency of grip” was prominently displayed in her assessment report. These tests are
considered invalid when pain is present but this didn’t stop this therapist.
Conclusion: - after the 2003 Nova Scotia Supreme courts ruling legitimizing chronic pain.
Nova Scotia WCB had a “Chronic Pain: Consultants Summary 2004” published . In it, they
“An injured worker’s credibility should not be the focus of the assessment.
The WCB is not impartial and therefore should not be making decisions
about a worker’s credibility… Scoring credibility is not considered
appropriate in a workers’ compensation environment…Judging a worker’s
credibility is subjective and can make consistency in decision-making
challenging as the credibility score is based on an individual opinion…As a
result, the WCB will not score credibility as part of the Pain-Related
Impairment assessment”.
This would be my conclusion as well.
The FCE Scam
Many disability assessment tests have little to no scientific validity. Functional
Capacity Assessments (FCE) are supposed to determine ability to return to work; The
research so forth suggests that they are incapable of doing so. Therefore information from
these assessments are not valid:
J Occup Rehabil. 2005 Sep;15(3):285-94.
Functional capacity evaluation performance does not predict sustained return to work in
claimants with chronic back pain.
Gross DP, Battie MC.Department of Physical Therapy, University of Alberta, Edmonton,
abstract here
He analyzed the “relative risk” – how much benefit a particular exercise test is in
prediction: the highest he could come up with was 1.38. In order to be truly important, you
need to see a relative risk over 3 – so they predict very little.
Relative Risk described here
This demonstrates how pathetic FCE assessments really are.
Spine. 2004 Apr 15;29(8):920-4.
The prognostic value of functional capacity evaluation in patients with chronic
low back pain: part 2: sustained recovery. Gross DP, Battie MC.
abstract here
“The validity of Functional Capacity Evaluation's purported ability to identify claimants
who are "safe" to return to work is suspect.”
Results in shoulder injuries were the same:
Occup Environ Med. 2006 Jun;63(6):404-10. Epub 2006 Mar 21. Does functional capacity
evaluation predict recovery in workers' compensation claimants with upper extremity
disorders? Gross DP, Battie MC
abstract here
CONCLUSIONS: Better FCE performance was a weak predictor of faster benefit
suspension, and was unrelated to sustained recovery. FCE was no more predictive in
claimants with specific pathology and injury than in those with more ambiguous, pain
mediated conditions.
The highest relative risks again were:”(HR) 1.5 to 1.7) and floor-to-waist lift (HR 1.2 to 1.3)
tests were modestly associated with faster suspension of benefits”
These results in prediction are so bad, they are pathetic – Since you would want a relative
risk score of over 3 to be valuable and that wasn’t even close – to call it a weak predictor is
a gross exaggeration.
Some studies predicting ability to work are just laughable. For instance, it is invalid to test
strength in a hand that hurts because it does not reflect strength – just pain. Now, one of the
few studies to show FCE significance was a study that showed that:
“Shultz (4), conversely, found a positive relationship between walking ability and return to
I think – they have to be kidding right?– obviously those in severe back pain are going to
walk slower so this doesn’t measure a whole lot except how many painkillers the subject
took that day. However, this is the state of our FCE sophistication. No wonder they do not
predict much.
I am sure throwing pain subjects in water, the one’s in least amount of pain, and
had less time to deteriorate conditioning-wise could swim better. We could resurrect the
witch-testing techniques of the middle ages and get just as good results as FCE’s.
FCE tests do not reliably test anything that can predict well return to work. Pain
level will given them much more information.
Other studies were not that kind to FCE:
“Newton and Waddell (1993) completed a thorough review of scientific evidence related to
the use of Iso-machines (Iso-machines are commonly used for FCE’s) and found “no direct
evidence on the relationship between Iso measures and actual muscle strength or functional
capacity in realistic activities”.
Berendt and Wuitchik (1998) used multiple measures including sit ups, walking speed and
selected psychological measures. They found limited to no correlation between functional
activities and return to work.”
The condition has gotten so bad, that recent studies have tried to combine
psychological factors with FCE to at last make it some use. What studies like to ignore and
are pointed out in letters by reviewers, was that the by far the most important factor was
the level of pain the patient was in.
I have, in my yearly meeting to the Canadian Pain Society, have asked how FCE’s
are used by various pain clinics. The answer I invariably get is that they are used to guide
therapy, not to determine ability to go back to work.
Most studies related to FCE were done in cases that were not WCB so there was no
adversarial component to their rehab. It has been pointed out, justly so, that in the WCB
setting, these tests might show even less that little predictive ability.
Many of the above studies demonstrating the lack of accuracy of FCE’s have come
from Edmonton – so very local. Another review of the relative uselessness of FCE’s comes
from the Pain clinic in Canmore, Alberta:
article here
A quote:
“The studies reviewed have demonstrated a lack of clear empirical support relating FCE
results and prediction of return to work.”
The use of these tests is very subject to individual variation of tester and the job
demands of the patient.
Case in point – patient of mine: lady injured at work spends her day lifting ?50 lb
pallets (not sure of weight). For her final evaluation after rehab, she was asked to lift a full
weight pallet once. She is told this proves she can go back to work. She tries but is has to
get other parties at work to lift any of the heavy pallets. She gets another assessment from
another physiotherapists who agrees that she is not capable of this work on a repetitive
These FCE represent a form of pseudoscience that WCB will use as an excuse to
terminate coverage. It would be also a nice trick, to say if when they relapse, that their
relapse is not a compensatable condition. This travesty must stop.