Laser Acne Treatment - The Facts

For many years, lasers have been used to treat skin problems with great success and
through continuous research, new uses are being developed all the time.
Now, following world-wide trials, the N-Lite laser has been shown to be an extremely
safe and effective new method of wrinkle reduction for men and women, without the
major side-effects and pain associated with other treatments.
This fact sheet explains the method used and compares it to other treatments currently
Why do lines and wrinkles deepen and widen as we grow older?
Most people interested in maintaining youthful skin and reducing wrinkles will have
heard about Collagen. Collagen is a protein (a biological polymer consisting of amino
acids) that serves as a key structural component of connective tissue such as skin,
bone, ligament etc. The dermis or inner layer of the skin contains large amounts of
collagen, whose fibres form a supporting mesh responsible for the skins mechanical
characteristics such as strength, texture and resilience. With the passage of time,
collagen is subject to wear and tear and it slowly breaks down over the years. When
needed, cells known as fibroblasts will replace broken collagen fibres with new
ones. Unfortunately, as we age, the skins ability to replace damaged collagen
diminishes and more gaps and irregularities develop in the collagen mesh. This
process eventually leads to wrinkles.
Why do some people have more wrinkles than others?
Many factors account for some people having more wrinkles than others. But by far
and away the biggest cause is the ageing process. In addition, continued exposure to
sunlight, use of sun beds, smoking, environmental pollution and even excessive
frowning or smiling will increase the amount and depth of wrinkles.
How can wrinkles be prevented or reduced?
The key to reducing and/or preventing wrinkles is to lessen the amount of collagen
breakdown within the dermis layer of the skin and increase the supply of collagen. As
previously mentioned, ageing of the skin shifts the balance between collagen
production and breakdown, leading to wrinkles, facial sag and rough skin texture.
Stimulating skin cells to produce collagen can reduce this process. Clinical trials have
shown a reduction in wrinkles with improved skin texture by stimulating a patients
own collagen production resulting in collagen being deposited in an orderly, structured
What other methods of scar and wrinkle reduction are available?
Until approximately the year 2000 the main methods used to reduce scars and wrinkles
were either chemical peels, collagen injections, plastic surgery or laser skin
resurfacing. Chemical peels are acid based creams or lotions, these remove the outer
layer of skin to smooth away scars and fine wrinkles. Injections of animal collagen are
used locally to reduce lines but can cause allergic reactions and resultant side effects
occasionally occur. Face lifts involve major plastic surgery. Skin resurfacing by laser
peels off the top layer of skin to effectively reduce wrinkles but the resultant trauma to
the face can last weeks or months. We do not do this. Instead we perform an alternate
method using a low powered N-Lite pulsed dye laser. This laser has the benefit of
being effective without the side effects associated with these other methods. By using
very low energy, working below the skin surface, there is an absolute minimum of
unwanted side effects.
How does the N-Lite laser work?
There has been a lot of interest in the N-Lite laser recently. The N-Lite laser uses very
low power laser energy to “insult” the fine blood vessels below the skin. These vessels,
although not actually damaged, are tricked into behaving as though they were.
Chemical mediators are released that cause the body’s own repair and regeneration
mechanism to begin a healing process, laying down collagen in the treated area. The
result is that over time, lines and wrinkles can reduce in depth and the skin, particularly
under the eyes, can appear healthier with dark shadows reduced. In this way, the laser
reduces and softens lines and wrinkles. Clinical trials have found this to be safe,
effective and pain free, without, in the vast majority of cases, damaging or reddening
the skins surface. The treatment can therefore be carried out at anytime even for
example during the lunch hour!
How effective is the treatment and how quickly will the results be evident?
In clinical trials, which are always ongoing, a reduction of up to 69% in wrinkle depth
was achieved with just one treatment, with an average reduction of 58%. Whilst a
reduction in the depth of fine lines may be apparent within two or three months of
treatment, the full results will only be appreciated after approximately six months.
How many treatments are necessary?
Because laser skin rejuvenation varies from individual to individual we do have a
range of results. We are recommending a treatment protocol, based on research from
America, involving four treatments spread over a number of months.
Treatment 1a is followed up by treatment 1b at a two to four week interval. The
research shows that two treatments in this early phase dramatically increases the
amount of collagen produced compared with only one. Treatments 2 and 3 take place
at three monthly intervals and follow ups are normally booked at further 3 and 6
months afterwards.
Having said all this, one treatment will often produce a noticeable effect on dark
shadows and the under eye area. In general the younger the skin and the better the
blood supply, the better the results.
Skin age is not the same as actual age; genetic inheritance and external factors such as
smoking and UV sun damage cause skin to age at different rates for different people
and no two results will be exactly the same. It must also be remembered that the skin is
continually ageing, so it is envisaged that further treatments in the future may well be
What does the treatment involve and how long does a treatment last?
The laser pulses are expertly applied in Milliseconds over the required areas. The
patient may notice a sense of short light flashes as it passes over. Some patients
experience a warming glow and tingling sensation. The sensitive lower epidermis
level of the skin and surrounding area is not affected. There is no need for any
anaesthetic. Typically a whole face can be treated in perhaps 30 minutes, with smaller
area such as near to the eyes, mouth or neck much faster.
Can all areas of the body be treated, and does skin colour make a difference?
All areas can be treated, but it should be pointed out that fine scars and wrinkles are
much more likely to have noticeable results than deep scars or wrinkles. The laser
parameters have been specially designed to ensure that skin colour makes minimal
differences to the benefits of the treatment. All skin colours can be treated safely.
Men or women can both be treated with the N-Lite laser. The patient should make
Laserase aware of any medical history, or medication that they are taking at the time of
the consultation.
Are there any side effects?
World-wide ongoing clinical trials have found skin rejuvenation and laser wrinkle
reduction with the N-Lite laser to be remarkably safe. In rare cases there may be some
slight swelling and/or reddening, but this on the few occasions it has happened has
settled very quickly. There is also a very small risk of pigmentation changes within the
treated area. A small minority of patients have had pin point bruising where the laser
has fired, which can look unsightly, but in every case has settled completely within a
few days. This side effect is very much the exception, but can occur, and patients
should not have laser treatment unless they are fully aware that this and other side
effects are a possibility. At the time of going to print, no other side effects of any
consequence have been noted although of course this can not be guaranteed. It should
also be stated that whilst the majority of patients will notice an improvement in the
appearance of their skin, there will be some who perceive treatment to be of no benefit
whatsoever. Photographs are taken before the onset of treatment and patients are
encouraged to attend for a follow up appointment after 3 months, when a further
photograph is taken and the results of treatment assessed.
What are the costs likely to be?
This will be discussed at the initial consultation, which Laserase offers entirely free of
charge and with no obligation to undergo treatment. Costs will vary between
individuals according to the areas treated. Treatment will only be undertaken after the
patient has had a chance to have any queries whatsoever fully explained to them at
either the time of the consultation, or, the treatment itself. As a guide, prices start from
as little as £150.
Can the N-Lite laser be used for any other purpose?
Although the lasers appear effective in the treatment of fine lines and wrinkles we also
use it for the treatment of ; sunken scars, some stretch marks, active acne, acne scarring
and acne rosacea. With the quite remarkable effect the N-Lite laser is having on the
healing process, we believe that new treatments will evolve as more experience of the
Laser is gained
Is Laser treatment safe?
As far as we are aware - Yes. Every precaution is taken to ensure the safety of the
patient. The lasers are regularly serviced and there is a laser service supervisor and
Laser Protection Advisor appointed by NHS Grampian Radiation Protection Services.
In our clinic, all treatments are performed by fully qualified and registered Doctors or
senior nurses only. The patients are required to wear approved protective eyewear at all
times during treatment
Please note that the information given on this sheet is for guidance only and each individual may respond in a different
way. At the time of a consultation you will be given the most current information available