To the Principal of
Istituto Tecnico Industriale “Arturo Malignani”
Viale Leonardo da Vinci 10
33100 Udine
We, the undersigned company, confirm that our institution intends to co-operate as host organisation,
together with the Dr.-Herbert-Weiberger-Schule, Staatliche Berufsschule Erding, Freisinger Str. 89, 85435
Erding, to promote placement of young people undergoing initial vocational training who will be sent in
2009 and 2010 by the sending organization, Istituto Tecnico Industriale “Arturo Malignani” in Udine, Italy,
in the framework of the LIFELONG LEARNING PROGRAMME 2007-2013 Sub Programme
LEONARDO DA VINCI - Action Type LEO-IVT - Mobility of Trainees in Initial Vocational Training Call for Proposals 2008-2010, title of the project “EUROLAB3: Mobilità transnazionale per la dimensione
europea della formazione professionale” .
In the observance of the quality commitment of the partnership, it is understood that:
the placement will provide a structured on the job training according to the agreed work-plan which
will assign to beneficiaries tasks and responsibilities to match their knowledge, skills, competencies
and training objectives;
appropriate equipment and support will be available;
the placement will have a duration of 2 weeks;
trainees will be supervised by a mentor of the sending organization in cooperation with a tutor of
the host organization (both persons at the sending and the host organization will be specified in the
placement contract) and a contact person from the undersigned company;
the skills and competencies acquired by the trainees during their placements will be evaluated by
the mentor of the sending organization and the tutor of the host organization in cooperation with the
contact person from the undersigned company;
trainees receive a Leonardo da Vinci grant to cover the additional costs incurred in the placement
(insurance, travel and accommodation costs);
the company covers the administration cost of the placement.
The partners agree to do their utmost to promote European collaboration as well as the dissemination and
transfer of results during the forthcoming period and mutual co-operation. The number of students the
partners intend to exchange will be agreed upon in respect to the actual demand and opportunities of each
Date, Signature:
Name in Print:
Please provide the following data together with the letter of intent:
Name of company
Contact Person
Address (Headquarter)
Postal Code
Web site
Number of employees
Few words about your business
Please describe your requirements for student/apprentices placements (language,
specialized/technical knowledge, study background):
Maximum number of placements per