Title I Parent Involvement Policy

Title I Parent Involvement Policy
Gustine ISD
Statement of Goal
Gustine ISD is committed to the goal of providing quality education for every child in
this school. To accomplish this objective, the school will develop and maintain
partnerships with parents and community members; moreover, the district will involve
parents and the community in all of the various aspects of local, state, and federal
programs offered at Gustine ISD. The district believes that establishing and maintaining
open lines of communication will expand and enhance learning opportunities and create
the best learning environment for every child. All students will be expected to work
toward mastering key learning goals. Gustine ISD recognizes the fact that some students
will need modifications, accommodations, and/or extra assistance to achieve their full
potential; these will be provided to students through the Title I Program and/or other
educational services offered through the district.
Parent Involvement in Developing Policy
An advisory committee consisting of Gustine ISD parents, community members,
teachers, principal, and the district federal programs’ director will meet to develop and
implement the Title I Parent Involvement Policy. Committee selections will produce a
diverse parent population that will include all student groups serviced by Gustine ISD
with as much attention given to parents of Title I students as possible.
Annual Meetings for Title I Parents
Gustine ISD uses Title I funds to provide school-wide services for all students.
Gustine ISD will hold at least one meeting annually to review Title I guidelines and
services offered through the district. Parents will be encouraged to become involved in
the revising and updating the policy as necessary, and parent volunteers will be recruited
for the various committee appointments.
Meetings will be planned at convenient times and locations for all members of the
committee. Notice of the meetings will be provided through written public invitation to
parents. Types of written notices to be used and to post will be PTSA meeting agenda
postings, school board meeting agenda postings, school newsletters, and campus
information posting.
A goal of the meeting will be to enable parents to play a key role in their child’s
learning by helping their child at home, contributing their skills to the school, help their
child receive fair treatment, and participate in joint problem-solving with the school. We
will train parents and teachers on using Title I programs and show parents and teachers
how and to coordinate with other programs at school and in the community.
Parent-Student Compacts
In accordance with Title 1 regulations, the Gustine ISD Advisory Committee has
developed and will annually update a parent-student compact. This compact will provide
an outline to enable the school and parents to share responsibility for student performance
and success. Every parent will receive a copy of the compact in a language the parent can
The compacts are designed so that both the student and the parent(s) can sign the
compact. Although signatures are not required, parents are encouraged to discuss the
content of the compact with their child. Parents and students are encouraged to sign that
they are in agreement with the compact and then return the compact to the school.
Parental Involvement Opportunities
Gustine ISD will support varied ways of parental involvement as it strives to develop
and maintain a learning environment for all students. Examples of opportunities are:
1. Spanish translators will be provided for parents when needed.
2. Information will be provided in Spanish when needed.
3. Parents may contribute through volunteer programs.
4. Parents can contribute by creating a supportive home environment.
5. Parents are invited to participate in parent-teacher conferences.
6. Parents may participate by attending school meetings.
7. Parents are invited to serve on committees.
8. Parents are surveyed to get their input about school.
9. Parents are invited to eat meals with their children.
10. Parents are invited to contact the school concerning the homeless program needs.
Staff and Parent Communication
Parents will be informed of school activities through various avenues of
communication throughout the school year. They will be consulted in the design,
development, and implementation of the Title I Program. Parents will be invited to
participate in workshops and staff development programs will be tailored to meet the
unique needs of Gustine ISD.
Newsletters, teacher notes, school marquees, conferences, personal contacts, phone
calls, report cards, and written notices will be used to establish and maintain open lines of
communication with parents. Staff members will be encouraged to use positive
communication activities to work with parents, students, and members of the community.
The advisory committee will review and evaluate all aspects of the parent
involvement program. Parent surveys, including questions about the effectiveness of the
program, will be distributed and the results tabulated. Teacher surveys and teacher
contact records will be used to determine the number and kind of interactions between
parents and school. The advisory committee will revise the district Title I Parent
Involvement Policy based on results of the annual review.