Curriculum Plan Autumn Term Class 4

Goring Primary School Curriculum Plan Term 3 & 4
Literacy: We will be looking at a range of texts this term, both fiction
and non-fiction. The range will include stories from a range of cultures,
poetry with patterns and rhyme, captions, lists and instructions.
The children’s word level skills will be reinforced and applied during shared
and guided reading.
The children’s word level skills will be reinforced and applied during shared
and guided reading.
Phonics: The children will continue to have a daily phonics session and we
will focus on CVCC words, tricky words and alternative spellings of phonics.
Science: This term’s topics are Materials and Forces. Through exploration
the children will find out about, and describe the movement of living things.
They will be encouraged to use appropriate vocabulary to make
observations of body parts and objects to distinguish between pushes and
pulls. They will investigate the properties of a variety of materials.
Taught by Mrs Roberts
Topic: Term 3 - Life Down Under/Australia. We will look at the
geography of Australia, its seasons, people, culture, industry, housing,
landscape, wildlife, schools, and famous Australian’s. The art focus will be
on traditional Aboriginal styles and techniques using paint, pastels, wax
relief, symbols and illustrating the Greedy Frog story using ICT to produce
dot patterns. Term 4 – Fun at the Fair. We will look at forces and
movement, electricity, healthy and unhealthy fairground food, materials
uses as well as heating and cooling. We will also look at the history and
tradition of fairground rides focusing on St Giles Fair in Oxford and the
short-term environmental impact.
PE: Dance and Gymnastics
The theme for dance will be ‘Colours & Moods, the children will move in
different ways to a range of stimulus including music, stories and sound
effects. They will compose and perform short dances that express and
communicate ideas and feelings.
In gymnastics the children will be finding and using space safely, travelling
over mats and hoops, travelling with a partner, travelling over mats and
benches, working with a partner on apparatus.
Year 1 Mrs. Lindsay /Mrs Roberts
Numeracy: We will be focusing on ordering numbers up to 20 and beyond,
counting on and back in 1s 5s and 10s up to 100, knowing by heart addition
facts that total up to 10, describing position, movement and direction
comparing and measuring weights, reading the time on analogue clocks,
organizing and interpreting information in a simple table, name and describe
3D shapes, adding multiples of 10 and subtracting 1 digit numbers from 2
digit numbers. Homework will reflect work that has taken place in the
classroom during the week
Music: The songs we use this term will be chosen to help the children
develop their sense of pulse, rhythm and pitch. We will be using our new
'boomwhackers' to help develop rhythmic skill, in particular.
Taught by Mrs Parkinson
I.C.T.: The children will be exploring the use of ICT. We will be following
a new scheme of work. The units this term are titled ‘We are Storytellers’
and ‘We are Personal Trainers.’ The children will have the opportunity to
produce a talking book, recording sounds and working collaboratively in
groups and will create a Get- up –and- go graph, entering data into a
graphing program to generate pictograms and block graphs and develop
skills to interpret them.
PSHE: In PSHE we will be following the DfES SEAL programme (social and
emotional aspects of learning) as well as addressing general issues as they
arise in class. Topics include looking at ways of learning; healthy eating;
looking after our teeth; keeping safe – in the house and out and about; and
resolving conflict.
Taught by Mrs Parkinson
R.E.: We will continue looking at the religions of Christianity and Judaism.
Initially we will think about special books, with particular reference to
stories from the book’s of the Bible. We will be thinking about groups of
people and hearing stories which will focus on belonging to a Christian
family. Towards the end of the term we will be talking about Moses and
The Passover.
Taught by Mrs Roberts
Taught by Mrs Lindsay & Mrs Roberts
Thank you for your support. Mrs. Lindsay & Mrs Roberts