Rules, Procedures, Motivator forms, etc

Keep these papers in the front of your notebook at all times. Page 1
Come to class prepared
2. Obey all handbook/school rules
3. Everyone deserves respect
4. Work hard and you will pass no matter what!
5. Keep a positive attitude!
6. Talk to me when you need advice! (family, school, etc)
DISCIPLINE LADDER (All motivators (themes) must be signed by parents and turned in the next school day before the tardy bell.
Step one: verbal warning
Step two: motivator
Step three: 2 motivators and parent contact
Step four 3 motivators and parent contact
Step five: office referral and parent contact
1. When the tardy bell rings, the students will have one minute to turn in homework and be in their desks and working on their bellwork.
After one minute, if a student is sharpening pencil, throwing trash away, etc, he will receive a motivator (theme) for not being on task.
(Students have plenty of time to sharpen pencils, etc before the tardy bell rings.) Students tardy to class will receive a motivator. (Any
homework is due in the tray before the one-minute window after the tardy bell. Work will not be accepted after this one-minute window.
This rule is non-negotiable!) Please don’t have your parents contact me with an excuse for late homework; there are no exceptions!
2. While the teacher checks roll and reports absentees, students will complete the daily bell work and write that day’s agenda in their
notebooks. (The bell work/agenda will be on the board) Agendas will be checked at the end of every month for a quiz grade. (This is
subject to change.)
3. Students are to be quiet during the announcements and when visitors enter the classroom. Any distractions will result in a motivator.
4. Any student caught changing the thermostat or touching anything on the teacher’s desk (or personal belongings) will be written up
immediately, no questions asked).
Everyone is expected to participate in class. Class discussions are important informal assessments to check for understanding.
2. Students are expected to raise their hands for permission to speak. It is difficult to listen to more than one person at a time!
3. Students may sharpen pencils or discard trash as needed, but remember that it is rude to do this during lectures or class discussions.
4. During tests and quizzes, students are expected to be quiet until all papers are turned in. Talking or looking on others’ papers will
indicate that you are giving or receiving help and is considered cheating. A grade of “0” will be recorded and parents notified (per
handbook policy).
Class is dismissed when the teacher dismisses the class, not when the bell rings. Students must remain seated until the teacher
dismisses the class.
Use the time allotted between classes to use the restroom or retrieve supplies from your locker. If you have an emergency and need
to leave class, politely ask permission, have the teacher give you a pass, and take it with you.
Do not ask to use the phone or attend to business in the office or with another teacher during class time.
3. Three hall passes will be given to each student at the beginning of the nine weeks. These hall passes can be used any time except
during tests or quizzes. Chances to win extra hall passes will be given throughout the nine weeks.
-Daily Grades: 10% of grade: Vocabulary homework, workbook pages, and any assignment the teacher deems as a daily grade.
-Quiz Grades: 30% of grade: Vocabulary Quizzes, Reading Quizzes, Class Activities, and any assignment the teacher deems as a quiz grade.
-Test Grades: 40% of grade: Essays, Reading Tests, Grammar Tests, Projects, Class Activities., and any assignment the teacher deems as a
test grade.
*Upon completion of these items, students will turn them in the appropriate box.
-Final Exam Grade: 20% of grade: Final exam will be a comprehensive test of what was learned during the nine weeks. (This will be the only
time when a study guide will be provided.)
You are required to turn in all homework before the tardy bell rings. Vocabulary homework is graded on a completion basis. If your
homework is not complete, you will not receive homework points for that day. *There are 4 homework assignments per week. Each
assignment is worth 25 points. Other assignments (workbook pages, exercises, projects, etc) will not be accepted late unless it is excused.
Keep these papers in the front of your notebook at all times. Page 2
When you are absent, it is your responsibility to obtain your makeup work. This work must be completed and turned in within the time period
specified in the student handbook. If you are absent, check the makeup folder for worksheets, assignments, etc. It is up to you to get the
agenda, bell work, and vocabulary from your classmates. That week’s agenda will also be written on the board. DO NOT ASK ME WHAT WE
WEEKLY TUTORING (may change)
I am available for tutoring after school on Thursdays (3:15-4:15) and EVERY morning starting at 7:15. You do not have to make prior
arrangements to attend tutoring; just show up! You may only make up work in tutoring—not during class. In tutoring sessions, you can redo
failing workbook pages, exercises, and vocabulary quizzes to get half of the points added back to your original grade.
One or two- inch 3-ring binder (only for English class.) You may not use this binder for other classes.
4 tab dividers (label them agenda, bellwork, vocab, and notes.)
One paper folder with pockets
1 yellow and 1 pink highlighter
One red pen
1 dictionary to be kept at home
*optional: tissue, antibacterial lotion (Please remember that I cannot furnish these for you!)
Novels that we will read: Night, The Book Thief, Forged by Fire, The Outsiders, Jane Eyre, The Tragedy of Julius Caesar, Copper Sun, A
Separate Peace, Things Fall Apart, and After the First Death
Some of these novels may contain mature subject matter including mild language, violence, and controversial situations. Please review this
list of novels and contact your teacher if you would like an alternative.
***I am excited to have you in my class, and I hope that you not only learn but have fun! If you have any problems, questions, or feedback,
please talk to me. I can’t read minds, so tell me what is on yours! -Mrs. Bishop
**I have read, discussed, and agree to the procedures/guidelines.
Parent signature
Parent email
(You must have a parent’s signature on this page in order to receive credit for having these papers for your notebook check.)
Keep these papers in the front of your notebook at all times. Page 3
***If you receive a motivator (theme), copy the following information, get a parent to sign it, and turn it in the
next school day at the beginning of the block. (The motivator must be placed on the teacher’s desk within 1
minute of the tardy bell.) No late motivators will be accepted.
Student Name _Write your name on your paper._ Date_Write the date on your handwritten paper. BL_Write the block.
Infraction_ Fill in what you did wrong on your handwritten paper (Do not put “I didn’t do anything…”___________________
Parent Signature___have parent sign your handwritten paper___________________________
Mrs. Bishop’s Motivator (for discipline problems)
Obviously, I have made a poor choice, or I would not be writing this motivator. I know that I have
disappointed my teacher and my classmates by wasting class time to correct my behavior. I want my parents
and other loved ones to be proud of me. I realize that right now, I could be enjoying a wide range of activities,
perhaps reading a book, watching a television show, eating lunch, or talking with my friends. However, by
misbehaving and not abiding by the rules, I have chosen to sit here and write this motivator.
If I had another chance to make a wiser choice, what would I do? Would I choose to obey the rules, or
would I choose this action again? Surely, I want to learn. Surely, I want my classmates to learn. Is it fair that
I cheat not only myself, but also my classmates out of their learning time while my teacher corrects my
behavior? What will I say someday when I see one of my classmates after we have grown up, and he is unable to
write a complete sentence or secure a proficient job because of my disruptions in class?
I have decided to follow the rules so that I can become a better person. I want to show my classmates
and my teachers that I can be a responsible student by doing my work and respecting my classmates and
teachers. My family will be proud of me. My teachers throughout my years of school will be proud of me. I am
going to make it! I will change my behavior! I will try harder! I will not disappoint myself because I WILL make
good choices! I am motivated!
Mrs. Bishop’s Motivator (for being tardy)
Obviously, I have made a poor choice, or I would not be writing this motivator. I know that I have disappointed
my teacher and my classmates by wasting class time to correct my behavior. I want my parents and other loved
ones to be proud of me. I realize that right now, I could be enjoying a wide range of activities, perhaps reading
a book, watching a television show, eating lunch, or talking with my friends. However, by misbehaving and not
abiding by the rules, I have chosen to sit here and write this motivator.
If I had another chance to make a wiser choice, what would I do? Would I choose to obey the rules, or
would I choose to be tardy again? Surely, I want to learn. Surely, I want my classmates to learn. Is it fair
that I cheat not only myself, but also my classmates out of their learning time while my teacher corrects my
behavior? What will I say someday when I see one of my classmates after we have grown up, and he is unable to
write a complete sentence or secure a proficient job because of my disruptions in class?
I have decided to follow the rules so that I can become a better person. I want to show my classmates
and my teachers that I can be a responsible student by getting to class on time. My family will be proud of me.
My teachers throughout my years of school will be proud of me. I am going to make it! I will change my
behavior! I will try harder! I will not disappoint myself because I WILL NOT BE LATE! I am motivated !