Rocks Jeopardy Game

Rock Types
Sedimentary Metamorphic Everyday
Q $100
Q $100
Q $100
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Q $200
Q $200
Q $200
Q $200
Q $200
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Q $400
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Q $500
Q $500
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Final Jeopardy
$100 Question from H1
This is a naturally occurring solid
mixture composed of minerals,
small rock fragments, organic
matter, or glass.
$100 Answer from H1
What is rock?
$200 Question from H1
This rock type builds up in
$200 Answer from H1
What is sedimentary rock?
$300 Question from H1
A rock type formed underground,
through heat and pressure.
$300 Answer from H1
What is metamorphic rock?
$400 Question from H1
These are the individual particles
in a rock.
$400 Answer from H1
What is grain?
$500 Question from H1
Earths most abundant rocks,
formed from melted rock that
cools and hardens
$500 Answer from H1
What is igneous rock?
$100 Question from H2
This material, also called molten
rock while inside the earth.
$100 Answer from H2
What is magma?
$200 Question from H2
This type of molten rock
erupts onto Earth’s surface.
$200 Answer from H2
What is lava?
$300 Question from H2
This process or processes
in molten rock
creates igneous rock.
$300 Answer from H2
What is cooling and hardening?
$400 Question from H2
The rate at which lava cools
controls the size of this within
igneous rocks.
$400 Answer from H2
What is crystals or crystal formation?
$500 Question from H2
Geologists classify igneous
rocks by this; it refers to
grain size and grain
$500 Answer from H2
What is texture?
$100 Question from H3
Rock and mineral fragments that
are loose or suspended in water,
mineral or organic matter
deposited by water, air, or ice are
$100 Answer from H3
What are sediments?
$200 Question from H3
The process by which rock
sediments are removed and
transported away by water, wind,
or ice.
$200 Answer from H3
What is erosion?
$300 Question from H3
The conditions in the air above the
Earth such as wind, rain or
temperature, especially at a particular
time over a particular area
$300 Answer from H3
What is weather?
$400 Question from H3
The process by which
unconsolidated material converts
into coherent, solid rock, through
compaction or cementation; this
process turns sediment into rock.
$400 Answer from H3
What is lithification?
$500 Question from H3
This process physically breaks
rocks down into smaller and
smaller pieces while another
process involves a reaction with
water that decomposes rock into
smaller pieces
$500 Answer from H3
What is mechanical weathering
and chemical weathering?
$100 Question from H4
Metamorphic rocks form when
parent rocks go through this
$100 Answer from H4
What is squeezed, heated,
or exposed to hot fluids.?
$200 Question from H4
Each metamorphic rock has one
of these.
$200 Answer from H4
What is a parent rock?
$300 Question from H4
This results when uneven pressures
cause flat minerals to line up,
giving the rock a layered
$300 Answer from H4
What is foliation?
$400 Question from H4
In this process the rocks do not
melt. They remain solid, but the
texture and, sometimes, the mineral
composition of the parent rock
$400 Answer from H4
Wh is metamorphism?
$500 Question from H4
The most obvious
characteristic in metamorphic
Rocks but not present in all
metamorphic rocks
$500 Answer from H4
What is foliation?
$100 Question from H5
Cement is made from limestone,
which contains tiny sediments
this is known as what type of
$100 Answer from H5
What is sedimentary rock?
$200 Question from H5
This type of rock, through
cooling and hardening, forms
$200 Answer from H5
What is igneous rock?
$300 Question from H5
Rocks that are squeezed, heated,
or exposed to hot fluids create
rocks like marble that are
commonly used to make statues.
$300 Answer from H5
What is metamorphic rock?
$400 Question from H5
This process creates sedimentary
rock, through compaction and/or
$400 Answer from H5
What is lithification?
$500 Question from H5
Over thousands of years, each
type of rock can change into
one of the others, this process
is called.
$500 Answer from H5
What is the Rock Cycle?
Final Jeopardy
This is the natural process that
decays or breaks substances into
smaller parts, and this is the
natural process of depositing a
substance onto rocks or soil.
Final Jeopardy Answer
What is decomposition
and deposition?