Beware,Statistics! (SLIDES)

Beware, Statistics!
Brani Vidakovic
ISyE & BME, GaTech
They said…
There are lies, damned lies, and
statistics. -- Attributed by Mark
Twain to Benjamin Disraeli
 In earlier times, they had no
statistics, and so they had to fall
back on lies. – Stephen Leacock
 Numbers are like people; torture
them enough and they'll tell you
Intentional Statistical Inaccuracies
Level of sophistication
 Very Low – Very High
Often hard to distinguish incompetence
from intention
Donoho D – Reproducible Research
Baggerly K – Forrensic Statistics
(given data and results –> methods used)
Gelman A, Feinberg S
ASA Guidelines
To help statistical practitioners make and
communicate ethical decisions.
Committee on Professional Ethics
A. Professionalism
B. Responsibilities to Funders, Clients, and Employers
C. Responsibilities in Publications and Testimony
D. Responsibilities to Research Subjects
F. Responsibilities to Other Statistical Practitioners
G. Responsibilities Regarding Allegations of Misconduct
Location Measures
Perils of “On average, …”
 The average Australian has less that two
legs. True!
 Small company salaries: 4 employees
20K, 3 employees 30K, vice-president
200K, president 400K.
Average salary ??
GeoMean=41.2K, Median = 30K,
HarMean=29.3K, Mode=20K.
Some violations
Cherry picking of data/studies
Fallacy of Incomplete Evidence
Discarding Influential data and Outliers
Confirmation Bias ``myside’’ bias
Anecdotal Evidence
Hyperbolic Discounting 1000 now or 3000 next year
Bandwagon Fallacy
False Dichotomy Will that be cash or charge?
``Golden Sample’’
Attrition Bias
Publication Bias (File Drawer Problem)
Funnel Plots
Even More…
Loaded questions
"Have you stopped smoking?"
a. Should people have the right to smoke?
Since cigarettes are dangerous and have deadly side effects
such as cancer, don’t you agree that smoking should be controlled?
Anchoring phenomenon
Think about 4 last digits of your SS# -> Estimate # of
physicians in Atlanta
Kahneman & Tversky
The anchor was the number shown first in the
sequence, either 1 or 8.
When 1 was the anchor, the average estimate
was 512;
When 8 was the anchor, the average estimate
was 2,250.
The correct answer is 40,320.
Geometric misdeeds
From one dollar to 44 cents
Truncated Graphs
Correlations Galore…
A correlated with B (but because of C!!)
Number of people who buy ice cream at
the beach is correlated by number of
people who drown at the beach (but
because of # of people!)
 Correlation different than Dependence!
E.g., (xi, yi), i=1,…,n on a circle.
Perils of Aggregation
Voodoo Correlations
Data Dredging
Data dredging is an abuse of data mining.
In data dredging, large compilations of
data are examined in order to find a
relationship, without any pre-defined
choice of a hypothesis to be tested (e.g.,
endpoints in Clinical Trials).
A clear distinction between data analyses that are
confirmatory and analyses that are exploratory.
Statistical inference appropriate for confirmatory.
Perils of Aggregation: Simpson’s Paradox
Hospitals A and B
Measure of Quality: prop of SAT
Bad Tot
SAT 41
TOT 46
SAT 32
TOT 36
% Death rates in Sweden and Panama
% population 0 - 29 30 - 59 60+
populationS = [3145000 3057000 1294000]';
populationP = [ 714000 275000 59000]';
%deaths per year 1962
deathsS = [3523 10928 57104]';
deathsP = [3904 1421 2756]';
mortalityS = deathsS./populationS
mortalityP = deathsP./populationP
% mortalityS = 0.0011 0.0036 0.0441
% mortalityP = 0.0055 0.0052 0.0467
totmortalityS = sum(deathsS)/sum(populationS)
totmortalityP = sum(deathsP)/sum(populationP)
% totmortalityS = 0.0095
% totmortalityP = 0.0077
Cohen and Nagel (1934)
 Simpson (1951)
A, B, C events
 It is possible
P(A|B C) > P(A|Bc C) &
P(A|B Cc) > P(A|Bc Cc)
P(A|B) < P(A|Bc)
Kotz S and Stroup D (1998). Educated Guessing, Marcel &
Any fixed correlation coefficient r    is
significant if the sample size is large
enough. t ~ C*sqrt(n)
In classical testing hypotheses, ANY
precise H0 will be rejected if the sample
size is large enough.
Lindley’s Paradox
A certain city where 49,581 boys and
48,870 girls are born last year
 phat = 49,581/98,451 ≈ 0.5036.
 H0: p = 0.5 vs. H1: p ~= 0.5
 Freq: Normal Approx p-value=2.35%
 P(H0)=P(H1)=1/2 a priori
 Bayes: Uniform prior on p under H1
 P(H0|data)=0.95 (approx).
 Freq:H0 poor; Bayes: H0 poor H1 worse
Need for Equivalence Tests
Testing can be compared by the judicial
process, where the accused is considered
innocent (H0) until proven guilty (H1)
beyond a reasonable doubt (alpha).
A suspect found not guilty ~= found inocent
If H0 is not rejected, it is not proven!
Biased Sampling
Sampling dependent on the
observation size
(Inspection Paradox)
Example: Tourists in Morocco – a
study in 1966: Mean sojourn times
by tourists:
Hotels 17.8 days; Frontier stations 9.0 days
Biased Sampling
Waiting times on a bus stop.
Example: Times between two successive
buses Exponential (lambda) ->
Expected wait=1/lambda
A passenger comes at the station at
random moment, his expected
waiting time is 1/lambda!
Source of many wrong models.
Prosecutor’s Fallacy
Replace P(A|B) with P(B|A)
P(match|innocent)=0.000001, thus
 In the community of 5 mil people
expected number of matches is 5.
 P(innocent|match) = 4/5 (given no
other evidence)
Casscells et al. (1978)
 60 Studensts & Staff at an elite
medical school on East Cost.
If a test for a disease with prevalence of 1/1000
has false positive rate 5% what is the probability
of a person testing positive having the disease?
Given the disease the test is always positive.
18% gave correct answer (approx 2%),
most answered: 95%.
Sensitivity/Specificity Interpretation
Sensitivity <-> PPV
Desease D has prevalence 2/10000.
Test:P(+|D)=0.999, P(-|ND)=0.99
 A subject tests +, no other symptoms
Tempting…P(D|+)=0.999, but
= 0.999*0.0002/(0.999*0.0002 +
0.01*0.9998) = 0.0196 …less than 2%
Cryptographic Surveys
Boss present, 100 workers to be asked:
 Do you like your boss? Boss interested
only in the proportion of YES.
Cryptographic Solution: Flip a coin twice:
st flip H: Answer the question: Is
 If 1
the 2nd flip H?
 If 1st flip T: Answer the question: Do
you like your boss?
SOL: ½ p + ½ x ½ = obs.prop of YES
p (approx=) obs. prop of YES – 1/2
Rational Decisions: South Dakota Lottery
Data for 4th quarter, 1987
Total Revenue $11,812,905
Prize Payments $5,322,975
Joe Sixpack knows his $1 investment
returns about $0.45, and he still
plays. Why? Is he irrational?
No. The value of $ is not linear in $.
More reading …
Hooke, R., 1983, How to tell the liars from the
statisticians; Marcel Dekker, Inc., New York, NY
Jaffe, A.J. and H.F. Spirer, 1987, Misused
Statistics; Marcel Dekker, Inc., NY
Campbell, S.K., 1974, Flaws and Fallacies in
Statistical Thinking; Prentice Hall, Inc.,
Englewood Cliffs, NJ
Hollanfer, M. and Proschan, F., 1984, The
Statistical Exorcist, Marcel Dekker, Inc., NY
Goldacre, B., 2009, Bad Science, Fourth Estate,