
Contribution to Conferences – Seminars
Dec 10th 2014
Nov 20–21 2014
Oct 20–21 2014
Sep 16th 2014
Jun 23–27 2014
Jun 17–20 2014
May 8 2014
Jan 15 2014
Sep 11–13 2013
Sep 2–5 2013
Sep 19–20 2012
Sep 2–6 2012
Jul 9 2012
Jun 20–21 2012
Mar 25–29 2012
Dec 7 2011
Sep 14–16 2011
Workshop: Computational modelling of complex spatial structures and processes
in Natural and Life Sciences (The Science Europe Committee for Life, Environmental and Geo Sciences, Bruxelles). “Multi-scale simulations of Biomolecular
systems” Invited Speaker
Workshop CECAM: Advanced modeling to investigate biomolecules (iit-Genova)
”Minimalist Models for proteins: The past and the future”. Invited Speaker
Workshop: Graphene Connect – Energy Application (Dresden) “Hydrogen Storage in Graphene” Invited Speaker
Invited Seminar to the J¨
ulich Forschungzentrum – IAS – GRS, “Multi-scale
modeling of complex systems: Theory, implementation and applications”. Host:
Prof Paolo Carloni
Graphene Week 2014, Gothemburg. “Designing graphene for energy applications”. Oral Presentation
New Frontiers in Multiscale Modelling of Advanced Materials, ECT. Trento.
“Multi-Scale Simulations of Rippled Hydrogenated Graphene”.
Graphene 2014, Toulouse (France) “Multi-Scale Simulations of Graphene for
Energy Applications”. Oral presentation
“Hydrogenated-rippled graphene: a multi-scale approach” Invited Seminar at
University of Trento, Lab of bio-inspired & graphene nano-mechanics, Dept of
Civil Environmental and Mechanical Engineering
Industrial Forum for Multiscale Materials Modelling and Training (Bologna).
“Multi-Scale molecular dynamics in soft matter”. Invited speaker
International Conference on Diamond and Carbon Materials, Riva del Garda
(TN) “ A quantum-atomistic-continuum 3-scale modelling of graphene hydrogenation ”. Oral presentation
XCVIII Congresso Nazionale della Societ`a Italiana di Fisica (Napoli). “Controlled (de-)hydrogenation of corrugated graphene”. Invited speaker
Conference TACC 2012, Theory and Applications of Computational Chemistry
(Pavia, Italy) . “Minimalist models of Biopolymers: Latest advances and applications”. Invited speaker
Workshop ”Graphene Day” (NEST Pisa, Italy). “Reversible Hydrogen Storage
by Controlled Buckling of Graphene Layers”. Invited speaker
SINFO Workshop, (Parma, Italy). “Hydrogen on corrugated graphene”
243rd American Chemical Society Meeting, Symposium in Honor of Andy McCammon, (San Diego, CA). Invited speaker “Minimalist model for Biopolymers: recent applications open problems and perspectives”
Invited seminar at the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia “Minimalist
models for bio-molecules: open problems and perspectives”
Graphene Roadmap Consultation Workshop: First Principle Computational
MEthodologies for 2D Materials, Lancaster (UK). Oral Presentation “Reversible
hydrogen storage by controlled buckling of graphene layers”
Feb 21–22 2011
I Workshop on Condensed Matter Physics and Computational Material Science
Dipartimento Materiali e Dispositivi – CNR, DMD-TeoC 2011 (Roma). Oral
Presentation “Multi-Scale modeling NEST”
Oct 5–6 2010
Kick-off meeting of the Institute of Nanoscience-CNR (Matraia, Lucca). Poster:
“Multiscale Molecular Modeling@NEST”, co-author
Sep 7–10 2009
CECAM Workshop “Coarse-Graining Biological Systems: Towards Large-Scale
Interactions and Assembly” (EPFL, Lausanne). Invited Speaker “One-Bead
Models for Biopolymers: State of the art, open problems, perspectives”
Jul 11–15 2009
European Biophysics Congress (Genoa 2009). Invited Speaker “Bridging
atomistic– and meso–scale with minimalist models for biomolecules”
Dec 19 2008
Winter Modeling ’08 (Pisa, Area della Ricerca CNR). Invited Speaker “ Minimalist models for large-scale modeling of bio-systems”. Co-author of two posters:
“ Complexes of HIV-1 integrase with HAT proteins: Multiscale models, dynamics and hypotheses on allosteric sites of inhibition” (A. Di Fenza, W. Rocchia
and V. Tozzini) and “Supercoiling and local denaturation of plasmids with a
minimalist DNA model” (F. Trovato and V. Tozzini)
Aug 11–15 2008 CTBP Summer School (UCSD) “Coarse Grained Physical Modeling of Biological Systems: Advanced Theory and Methods”. Invited Speaker “One Bead
Coarse Grained Models: the Balance between Accuracy and Predictive Power”
Jun 23–27 2008
CPMD 2008 (Conference on modeling and computation of structure and dynamics of condensed phase systems) (ICTP, Trieste). Invited speaker “A multiscale approach to the photophysics of the intrinsically fluorescent proteins”
Jul 3–7 2006
Meeting of the Psi-k Network “Progress in ab initio modeling of biomolecules:
methods and applications” (Lorentz Center – Leiden University). Invited
speaker: “Variation of Color and Photodynamics within the family of Intrinsically fluroescent Proteins”
Oct 24 2005
Invited seminar at ICM (Interdisciplinary Center for Mathematical and Computational Modeling) - Warsaw University. “Coarse Grained Models for Large
Time-scale Molecular Dynamics Simulations”
Oct 4–7 2005
Workshop on “Multiscale Modeling in Biological Systems” (Snowbird, Salt Lake
City, Utah). Invited Speaker: “Extremely Coarse Grained Models for Large
Time-scale Molecular Dynamics Simulations”
Apr 30 – May 4 VI European Symposium of the American Protein Society (Barcellona, Spagna).
Poster: “A Coarse Grained Model for slow and anharmonic motions in proteins
and macromolecular aggregates: Applications to HIV-1 protease and the 70S
Bacterial Ribosome”
Sept 10–11 2004 Highlights in the quantum theory of condensed matter - A symposium to honor
Mario Tosi on his 72nd birthday (Pisa SNS). Invited speaker “Modeling Intrinsically Fluorescent Proteins”
Aug 14–18 2004 18th Symposium of the Protein Society (San Diego, CA). Poster: “The Dynamics of Flap Opening in HIV-1 Protease: A Coarse Grained Approach”. Co-author
of a Poster “A Coarse Grained Model of the Ribosome: Molecular Dynamics
May 15–16 2004 Workshop “Ab Initio Modeling in Biological Systems” (INFM-Democritos-PsiK, SISSA, Trieste). Invited speaker: “Modeling the Intrinsically Fluoresecent
Mar 24–27 2004
Workshop “Multiscale Computational Modeling for Biomedical Research” at
NBCR (National Biomedical Computational Resource) at UCSD (University
of California, San Diego). Co-author of a poster ”Coarse Grained Model of
the Ribosome: Molecular Dynamics Simulations”, Joanna Trylska, Valentina
Tozzini, Andrew J. McCammon.
Jan 9 2004
Invited seminar at CTBP (center for theoretical BioPhysics) UCSD (University of California San Diego). “Modeling the optical switching in green fluorescent proteins”
Oct 13–18 2003
First International Meeting on Applied Physics(Badajoz, Spain). Poster: “Modeling the molecular mechanism of optical switching in Green fluorescent Proteins” V. tozzini, R Nifos´ı, T. Laino, F. Beltram
Jul 14–19 2003
Conference “New Frontiers in NanoBiotechnology: monitoring protein function
with single-protein resolution” (Miramare, Trieste). Director and co-author
of three posters: “Structural and electronic properties of the cromophore of
asCP” P. Amat, F. Buda, V.Tozzini, “Modelling the self-catalyzed cyclization
reaction involved in the Green Fluorescent Protein’s Chromophore formation”
Teodoro Laino, Riccardo Nifos`ı, Valentina Tozzini, “Relationship between structure and optical properties in Green Fluorescent Proteins: A quantum mechanical study of the chromophore environment” R. Nifos`ı, T. Laino, V. Tozzini
Jun 23–25 2003
INFMeeting 2003, (Genova, Magazzini del Cotone). Poster: “Photophysics of
red and blue fluorescent proteins: tailoring fluorophores at the ends of the visible
spectrum.” Poster: “Relationship between structure and optical properties in
Green Fluorescent Proteins: A quantum mechanical study of the chromophore
Nov 20 2002
Invited Seminar at SienaBiotech “Molecular Modeling at NEST: methods and
Oct 28 – Nov 8 WORKSHOP ICTP-INFM “Entanglement at the Nanoscale”.
speaker “Modeling Photophysics and Optical Switching in Green Fluorescent
Jun 24–28 2002
INFMeeting 2002, (Bari). Oral presentation: “Engineered GFP dynamics for
biomolecular electronics and protein monitoring”. Poster: “Modeling the Dark
States of the Green Fluorescent Proteins”
Apr 18–19 2002
Workshop dei Ricercatori INFM (Genova). Oral contribution and poster: “Proteine Verdi Fluorescenti per la Bioelettronica”
Nov 23 2001
Invited Seminar all’Universit`a della Tuscia – Viterbo, Dipartimento di Scienze
Ambientali: “Tecniche di simulazione QM/MM applicate a sistemi biologici”
Sep 21–22 2001
Workshop “Single particle methodologies in biophysics and biotechnology”
(LENS, Firenze). Invited speaker: “Modeling the Photophysics of the Green
Fluorescent Proteins”
Jun 18–22 2001
Congresso Nazionale di Fisica della Materia (INFMeeting, Roma–EUR). Oral
presentation: “Spontaneous Formation and Stability of III-V Semiconductor
Hollow Clusters: an Ab Initio Study of a new Class of Fullerenes”. Poster:
“Modeling the Structure and Photodynamics of the Green Fluorescent Proteins”
Apr 16–20 2001
Co-Author of oral presentation at the meeting of the “Materials Research Society” (San Francisco): “Spontaneous formation and stability of GaP cage structures: A theoretical prediction of a new class of fullerenes.” (F. Buda, V.
Tozzini, A. Fasolino)
Mar 25–28 2001
XX Convegno di Fisica Teorica e Struttura della Materia, Fai della Paganella
(Trento). Invited speaker “Formazione e Stabilit`a di Fullereni di semiconduttori III-V”
Feb 14 2001
Invited speaker at SISSA (Trieste, Italy): “Modelling the Photophysics of
Green Fluorescent Protein”
Feb 8 2001
Invited seminar all’ESRF (Grenoble, France): “A Molecular Dynamics approach to the study of III-V semiconductor Fullerenes and Green Fluorescent
Feb 3 2000
Invited seminar all’Institute of Theoretical Physics, University of Nijmegen:
“An Hybrid Quantum–Classical Approach to Molecular Dynamics Simulations
of Complex Systems”
Jun 14–18 1999
Congresso Nazionale di Fisica della Materia (INFMeeting, Catania). Oral presentation: “An Hybrid Quantum–Classical Molecular Dynamics Simulation for
Semiconductor Clusters in Zeolites”
Apr 12 1999
Invited seminar at the Institute of biophysics – Cnr (Pisa) “Meccanismi di
Fluorescenza delle Green Fluorescent Proteins: Fenomenologia e Modelli”
Dec 18 1998
Invited seminar at the University of Rome III: “Dinamica Molecolare Ibrida
Classica–Ab initio per simulazioni di Macromolecole. Applicazioni a zeoliti e
cromofori naturali”
Jun 25–30 1998
Congresso Nazionale di Fisica della Materia (INFMeeting, Rimini). Poster: “A
Combined Quantum-Classical Method for Molecular Dynamics Simulations of
Large Systems”
Nov 25–28 1998 invited speaker al Convegno Annuale del settore GNSM “Ex propriet`a Collettive” del CNR (Perugia). “Dinamica Molecolare Ibrida Classica–Ab initio per
simulazione di macromolecole”
Jun 10–12 1998
invited speaker al Corso–Convegno “Procedure operative di misura e valutazioni dosimetriche nelle attivit`a sanitarie” (San Miniato): “Simulazioni
di dinamica molecolare: uno strumento di indagine microscopica in campo
Apr 9th 1997
Invited seminar University of Modena: “Applicazione della Teoria del Funzionale di Densit`a allo studio di propriet`a vibrazionali di sistemi condensati
vicino alla transizione liquido-solido”
Apr 22–25 1996
General Conference of the Condensed Matter Division (European Physical Society), Baveno-Stresa, Lago Maggiore. Poster: “Dispersion curves of highly
anharmonic phonons in 2-d Wigner crystal via density functional theory”
Mar 30–Apr 2 XV Convegno Nazionale di Fisica Teorica e Struttura della Materia (Fai della
Paganella, Trento). Poster: “Curve di dispersione di fononi fortemente anarmonici nel cristallo di Wigner bidimensionale”
Nov 1995
Invited seminar all’Universit`a dell’Aquila: “DFT: applicazione al calcolo delle
curve di dispersione dei fononi in cristalli fortemente anarmonici”.
Jul–Aug 1995
Workshop “Classical and Quantum Liquids” (ICTP, Trieste). Oral presentation “4 He: links between spectrum of liquid near crystallization and vibrational
properties of solid near melting”
May 29–Jun 11 Congresso Nazionale di Fisica della Materia (Napoli). Poster: “4 He: links be1995
tween spectrum of liquid near crystallization and vibrational properties of solid
near melting”
Apr 8–11 1995
XIV Convegno Nazionale di Fisica Teorica e Struttura della Materia (Fai della
Paganella, Trento). Poster: “4 He: legami tra lo spettro del liquido vicino alla
cristallizazione e le propriet`a vibrazionali del solido vicino alla fusione”
Jul 1994
Apr 6–9 1994
Workshop “Strongly Correlated electron Systems” (ICTP, Trieste). Oral presentation: “DFT applied to vibrational properties of solids near melting”.
Workshop “Classical and Quantum Liquids” (ICTP, Trieste); Oral presentation:
“Phonons in quantum Solids near Melting”.
XIII Convegno di Fisica Teorica e Struttura della Materia (Fai della Paganella,
Trento). Poster: “Propriet`a vibrazionali ed elastiche del cristallo di Wigner di
elettroni prossimo alla fusione”
Organization of Scientific Meetings
Sep 22–26 2014 100o National congress of SIF (Societ`a Italiana di Fisica), Pisa. Chair person
of the Condensed Matter Physics session (Fisica della Materia)
Jun 22–25 2005 “Simulating biomolecular systems” at MMD-Meeting - Matter, Materials and
Devices (Genova). Session Coordinator.
Jul 14–19 2003 Conference “New Frontiers in NanoBiotechnology: monitoring protein function
with single-protein resolution” ICTP, Trieste (Italy). Director
Attended Workshop, Schools and Curses
Jun 27–30 2001 11th Annual Meeting of the ICRS (Internetional Cannabinoids Research Society), San Lorenzo de El Escorial (Madrid).
Mar 7–16 2000 “Life Science Regional Training Workshop”, Universit`a di Modena. Attended
curses: (i) Advanced Hypothesis/3D Database Techniques; (ii) StructureBased Drug Design with Insight II; (iii) Introduction to Life Science Modeling
with Insight II; (iv) Homology-Based Protein Design
Apr 28 1999 Workshop “MSI Software for materials and life science” (CINECA Bologna)
Feb 17–19 1999 “Cardiovascular Radiation Therapy III” (Washington D.C.)
Jun 22–Jul 6 1997 research Workshop on condensed matter physics (ICTP, Trieste): Miniworkshop on “Quantum Monte Carlo simulation of Liquids and Solids”
Jul 1–17 1996 Research Workshop on condensed matter physics (ICTP, Trieste); Adriatico
research conference “The electron quantum liquid in systems of reduced dimensions”; Miniworkshop “Strong electron correlations”
Sep 29–Oct 9 1996 3rd Balkan School of Physics, “Highlights in Condensed Matter Physics” (KasAntalia, Turkey)
Oct 1995 VI Scuola Nazionale di Fisica della Materia, (Villa Gualino, Torino, Italy)
Sep 1994 V Scuola Nazionale di Fisica della Materia, (Villa Gualino, Torino)
Oct 1993 IV Scuola Nazionale di Fisica della Materia, (Villa Gualino, Torino)
Jul 1993 Workshop “Strongly correlated Electron Systems” at ICTP
Aug 1992 Workshop “Correlated Electron Systems” and “Classical and Quantum liquids” at ICTP (International Centre of Theoretical Physics, Trieste