Introduction Slides - Usc - University of Southern California

Introduction to Self-Organization
Ari Requicha
Professor, CS and EE
Founding Director, Lab for Molecular Robotics
University of Southern California
 Nanorobots will be very small  Single robots will have limited
 Large numbers of nanorobots will be needed for achieving significant
 How should systems of such robots be designed and programmed?
 Can we learn from nature?
Laboratory for Molecular Robotics
Very Large Distributed Autonomous Systems
 Coordinated behavior: cooperation among many simple agents.
 Adaptive behavior: flexible and robust wrt external changes and
internal perturbations.
 Lack of central control: no supervision.
 Self-organization: complex global behavior emerges from simple
local interactions between agents or agents and the environment.
 Our biases:
– Construction of spatial patterns/shapes.
– Active systems such as robots or biological cells, not passive
such as molecules.
Laboratory for Molecular Robotics
Requirements for Self-Organization
 Positive feedback - amplification of fluctuations
– random walks
– errors
– instability
 Negative feedback - system stabilization
– saturation
– exhaustion
– competition
 Multiple interactions among components
Laboratory for Molecular Robotics
Characteristic Properties of Self-Organization
 Emergence of spatio-temporal patterns in an
initially homogeneous medium.
 Multiple stable states (attractors).
 Bifurcations: sudden transitions due to small
changes in parameters or initial conditions.
Self-organization is ubiquitous in nature: crystals,
clouds, shells, ... Studied in Physics, Chemistry,
Biology, ... Self-assembly is an interesting aspect,
now being studied in Nanotech, CS, ...
Laboratory for Molecular Robotics
Animal Patterns
Laboratory for Molecular Robotics
Botanical Patterns
Laboratory for Molecular Robotics
Physical Patterns
Laboratory for Molecular Robotics
Modeling Self-Organization Phenomena
 Nonlinear differential equations.
 Simulation.
 Cellular automata (similar to “game of life”).
Laboratory for Molecular Robotics
Example: Logistic Equation
Population model for organisms with non-overlapping generations.
 Nt = population at time (generation) t
 r = reproductive factor (~ how many children an individual has)
 Maximum population possible in the given environment = 1
 Population  [0, 1]
 Assumptions: population grows linearly with the number of individuals
while there are few; when the upper limit is approached, growth tapers
down to 0.
 Equation:
Nt+1 = r Nt (1 - Nt)
Laboratory for Molecular Robotics
Behavior of the Logistic Equation
 r<1N0
 1 < r < 3  N  Const
 3 < r < 3.4  Oscillation between 2 Attractors
 3.4 < r < 3.57  Oscillation between 4 Attractors
 r > 3.57  Chaotic behavior
Laboratory for Molecular Robotics
Coordination Mechanisms
 Self-organization.
 Response thresholds: Stimulus > Threshold  Behavior.
 Environmental patterns (“templates”, heterogeneities): Pattern 
– Stigmergy: environment pattern is created by the agents.
Laboratory for Molecular Robotics
Some Issues
 Coordination algorithms.
 Programming: What local rules are needed to achieve the desired global
behavior? “Global-to-local compilation”.
 Communication requirements. For ants: chemical cues, at very short
distances (usually contact). For nanorobots?
 Role of randomness.
 Performance evaluation
– How to include in optimization criteria robustness and adaptation?
– How to assess systems that depend on a multitude of parameters?
Laboratory for Molecular Robotics