1 + vu`/c 2

The Theory of Special Relativity
Ch 26
Two Theories of Relativity
Special Relativity (1905)
Inertial Reference frames only
Time dilation
Length Contraction
Momentum and mass (E=mc2)
General Relativity
– Noninertial reference frames (accelerating frames too)
– Explains gravity and the curvature of space time
Classical and Modern Physics
Classical Physics – Larger, slow moving
• Newtonian Mechanics
• EM and Waves
• Thermodynamics
Modern Physics
• Relativity – Fast moving objects
• Quantum Mechanics – very small
10% c
Atomic/molecular size
Correspondence Principle
• Below 10% c, classical mechanics holds
(relativistic effects are minimal)
• Above 10%, relativistic mechanics holds (more
general theory)
Inertial Reference Frames
• Reference frames in which the law of inertia
• Constant velocity situations
– Standing Still
– Moving at constant velocity (earth is mostly inertial,
though it does rotate)
• Basic laws of physics are the same in all inertial
reference frames
• All inertial reference frames are equally valid
Speed of Light Problem
According to Maxwell’s Equations, c did not vary
Light has no medium
Some postulated “ether” that light moved through
No experimental confirmation of ether
(Michelson-Morley experiment)
Two Postulates of Special Relativity
Einstein (1905)
• The laws of physics are the same in all inertial
reference frames
• Light travels through empty space at c,
independent of speed of source or observer
There is no absolute reference frame
of time and space
• Time always moves forward
• Time measured between things can vary
Lightning strikes point A and B at the same time
O will see both at the same time and call them
Moving Observers 1
On train O2 - train O1
moves to the right
On train O1 – train O2
moves to the left
Moving Observers 2
• Lightning strikes A and B at same time as both
trains are opposite one another
• Train O2 will
observe the strikes
as simultaneous
• Train O1 will
observe strike B
first (not
Neither reference
frame is “correct.”
Time is NOT absolute
Time Dilation
• Consider light beam reflected and observed
on a moving spaceship and from the ground
Distance is shorter from the ship
Distance is longer from the ground
c = D/t
Since D is longer from the ground, so t must be
On Spaceship:
c = 2D/Dto
Dto = 2D/c
On Earth:
c = 2 D2 + L2
v = 2L/Dt
L = vDt
c = 2 D2 + v2 (Dt)2/4
c2 = 4D2 + v2
Dt = 2D
c 1 –v2/c2
Dt =
1 - v2/c2
Dt =
√ 1 - v2/c2
– Proper time
– time interval when the 2 events are at the same point
in space
– In this example, on the spaceship
Is this real? Experimental Proof
1. Jet planes (clocks accurate to nanoseconds)
2. Elementary Particles – muon
Lifetime is 2.2 ms at rest
Much longer lifetime when travelling at high speeds
Time Dilation: Ex 1
What is the lifetime of a muon travelling at 0.60 c
(1.8 X 108 m/s) if its rest lifetime is 2.2 ms?
Dt =
√ 1 - v2/c2
Dt = (2.2 X 10-6 s) = 2.8 X 10-6 s
1- (0.60c)2 1/2
Time Dilation: Ex 2
If our apatosaurus aged 10 years, calculate how
many years will have passed for his twin
brother if he travels at:
a) ¼ light speed
b) ½ light speed
c) ¾ light speed
Time Dilation: Ex 2
a) 10.3 y
b) 11.5 y
c) 10.5 y
Time Dilation: Ex 3
How long will a 100 year trip (as observed from
earth) seem to the astronaut who is travelling at
0.99 c?
Dt =
1 - v2/c2
Dto = Dt 1 - v2/c2
Dto = 4.5 y
Time Dilation: Ex 3
If our apatosaurus aged 10 years, and his brother
aged 70 years, calculate the apatosaurus’
average speed for his trip. (Express your answer
in terms of c).
ANS: 0.99 c
Length Contraction
• Observers from earth would see a spaceship
shorten in the length of travel
• Only shortens in direction of
• The length of an object is
measured to be shorter
when it is moving relative
to an observer than when it
is at rest.
Dto = Dt √ 1 - v2/c2
Dto = L/v
Dt = Lo/v
Lo =
v √ 1 - v2/c2
L = Lo √ 1 - v2/c2
(L is from spacecraft)
L = Lo √ 1 - v2/c2
Lo = Proper Length (at rest)
L = Length in motion (from stationary observer)
Length Contraction: Ex 1
A painting is 1.00 m tall and 1.50 m wide. What
are its dimensions inside a spaceship moving at
0.90 c?
Length Contraction: Ex 2
What are its dimensions to a stationary observer?
Still 1.00 m tall
L = Lo √ 1 - v2/c2
L = (1.50 m)(√ 1 - (0.90 c)2/c2)
L = 0.65 m
Length Contraction: Ex 3
The apatosaurus had a length of about 25 m.
Calculate the dinosaur’s length if it was running
a) ½ lightspeed
b) ¾ lightspeed
c) 95% lightspeed
a) 21.7 m
b) 15.5 n
c) 7.8 m
Four-Dimensional Space-Time
Consider a meal on a train (stationary observer)
• Meal seems to take longer to observer
• Meal plate is more narrow to observer
• Move faster – Time is longer but length is shorter
• Move slower – Time is shorter but length is
• Time is the fourth dimension
Momentum and the Mass Increase
p = mov
1 - v2/c2
Mass increases with speed
mo = proper (rest) mass
m = mo
1 - v2/c2
Mass Increase: Ex 1
Calculate the mass of an electron moving at 4.00 X
107 m/s in the CRT of a television tube.
m = mo
1 - v2/c2
m = 9.11 X 10-31 kg
1 - (4.00 X 107 m/s)2/c2
= 9.19 X 10-31 kg
Mass Increase: Ex 2
Calculate the mass of an electron moving at 0.98 c
in an accelerator for cancer therapy.
m = mo
√ 1 - v2/c2
m = 9.11 X 10-31 kg
√ 1 - (0.98c)2/c2
= 4.58 X 10-30 kg (5mo)
The Speed Limit
• Nothing below the speed
of light can be
accelerated to the speed
of light
• Would require infinite
– Mass becomes infinite
– Length goes to zero
– Time becomes infinite
Mass Increase: Ex 2
The apatosaurus had a mass of about 35,000 kg.
Calculate the dinosaur’s mass if it was running
a) ½ lightspeed
b) ¾ lightspeed
c) 95% lightspeed
a) 40,415 kg
b) 53,915 kg
c) 112,090 kg
Relativistic Momentum
p = mov
1 - v2/c2
Particle at Rest
E = moc2
E = Total Energy
mo = Rest mass
c = speed of light
Moving Particles
E2 = mo2c4 + p2c2
E = moc2 + KE
kinetic KE does not equal ½ mv2 at
energy energy relativistic speeds
E=mc2: Ex 1
How much energy would be released if a p0 meson
(mo=2.4 X 10-28 kg) decays at rest.
E = mc2
E = moc2
(particle is at rest)
E = (2.4 X 10-28 kg)(3.0 X 108 m/s)2
E = 2.16 X 10-11 J
E=mc2: Ex 2
A p0 meson (mo=2.4 X 10-28 kg) travels at 0.80 c.
a. Calculate the new mass [4 X 10-28 kg]
b. Calculate the relativistic momentum [9.6 X 10-20
kg m/s]
c. Calculate the energy of the particle (E2 = mo2c4 +
p2c2 ) [ANS: 3.6 X 10-11 J]
E=mc2 + KE: Ex 3
What is the kinetic energy of the p0 meson in the
former example.
E = moc2 + KE
KE = E – moc2
KE = 3.6 X 10-11J - (2.4 X 10-28 kg)(3.0X108 m/s)2
KE = 1.4 X 10-11 J
E=mc2 + KE
An electron is moving at 0.999c in the CERN
a. Calculate the rest energy
b. Calculate the relativistic momentum
c. Calculate the relativistic energy
d. Calculate the Kinetic energy
Electron Volts
1 eV= 1.6 X 10-19 J
1 MeV = 106 eV = 1.60 X 10-13 J
What is the rest mass of an electron in MeV?
E = mc2
E = moc2
(particle is at rest)
E = (9.11 X 10-31 kg)(3.0 X 108 m/s)2
E = 8.20 X 10-14 J
8.20 X 10-14 J 1 MeV
1.60 X 10-13 J
= 0.511 MeV/c2
Relativistic Addition of Velocity
Classical Addition
– Bus moves at 40 mph
– You walk to the front at 5 mph
– Overall speed = 45 mph
Relativistic Addition
– Cannot simply add velocities above ~0.10 c
– Length and time are in different reference frames
– Formula
u = v + u’
1 + vu’/c2
u = overall speed with respect to stationary observer
v = speed of moving object with respect to st. observer
u’ =speed of 2nd object with respect to moving observer
Relativistic Addition: Ex 1
What is the speed of the
second stage of the
rocket shown with
respect to the earth?
u = v + u’
1 + vu’/c2
u = 0.60c + 0.60c
1 + [(0.60c)(0.60c)/c2 ]
u = 0.88 c
(classical addition would give you 1.20c, over the speed of
Relativistic Addition: Ex 2
Suppose a car travelling at 0.60c turns on its
headlights. What is the speed of the light
travelling out from the car?
u = v + u’
1 + vu’/c2
u = 0.60c + c
1 + [(0.60c)(c)/c2 ]
Relativistic Addition: Ex 3
Now the car is travelling at c and turns on its
u = v + u’
1 + vu’/c2
u=c+ c
1 + [(c)(c)/c2 ]