11 Ways To Teach Advanced Search Techniques:
New Ways To Think and Search in Your Classroom
Dr. Howie DiBlasi
C.I.O (Retired)
“Emerging Technologies Evangelist “
twitter: @hdiblasi
1 120
Dr. Howie DiBlasi (CIO Retired)
“Emerging Technologies Evangelist “
Digital Journey
Twitter = hdiblasi
Presentation : 2014
2 120
Goals Today
1. Guide students through the research process
– Advanced searching techniques
– Finding the right information
– How to search effectively
What are “Critical Thinking Skills”
Essential critical evaluation and thinking skills.
Read for information
Evaluate information
Determine fake information
3 120
4 120
What did you learn today?
5 120
6 120
Develop Information
Processing Skills
“Crap Detection 101”
7 120
“Mastering “crap detection 101” isn’t easy”
• The average high school and college student….
1. Unable to discern the hidden
2. Students really don’t bother trying to assess the credibility
of information found online
largely the fault of schools,
which rarely teach critical thinking.
This naïveté is
8 120
9 120
GenoChoice -Create your own
genetically healthy child online.
• Thank you for considering GenoChoice to plan the future
well-being of you and your family. My name is Dr.
Elizabeth Preatner, a prenatal geneticist and
embryologist here at GenoChoice. Using our state-ofthe-art technologies, you can quite possibly ensure that
your child's life may be free of such diseases as cancer,
Alzheimer's, and heart disease -- as well as conditions
like obesity, aggression, and dyslexia.
• Our probes and DNA amplifiers can identify these
negative genes and eliminate them in your child... all at
the pre-embryonic stage!
• And you can even specifically choose genes that may
determine favorable characteristics in your child. With
the special help of GenoChoice©, you can truly offer
your progeny "the best of nature... before you nurture!"
10 120
RYT Hospital-Dwayne Medical Center
• They have been on the forefront of recent medical
advances. They've developed a transgenic mouse
with the cognitive abilities of a human. They've
helped a man give birth. They've even developed
nano-robots to deliver gene therapies and repair
tissue. Pretty amazing stuff.
• (Thanks to Ross Harvey for the link). Categories:
Health/Medicine, Websites
Posted by Alex
11 120
The Republic of Cascadia
• Welcome to the Republic of Cascadia.
• Now is the time for the citizens of
Cascadia to demand their freedom from
the oppressive governments of ...Cascadia
Factsheet - Cascadian Flag - Topics of
Interest - Postal Authority
12 120
13 120
14 120
Truth or Trash-Worksheet
• Use your Web Rubric/evaluation
criteria: evaluate the following
Web sites:
• Download worksheet here: LINK
15 120
• Republic of Cascadia - Canadian province of British
Columbia must join together as a sovereign nation. Only
then can we have self-determination and take our rightful
place in the Global Community.
• GenoChoice -Create your own genetically healthy child
• Haggis Hunt -This funny site adamantly proclaims that a
Haggis is a wild animal.
• All About Explorers http://allaboutexplorers.com/
Today the new version of All About Explorers launches!
Guide To Metric Time - Metric Time (MT) is an attempt to
create a decimalized time system for our modern base10 using world.
16 120
All About Explorers http://allaboutexplorers.com/ We hope you find this site useful! Please
explore, and be sure to let us know how we can improve your experience here. oday the new
version of All About Explorers launches! We have tested our upgrades for several weeks, and
believe that the ship is now seaworthy. Please check out the new surroundings and see what
you think. Feel free to contact us if you have questions or problems, or if something seems
to have disappeared. We'll do our best to correct the problem as soon as possible.
Aluminum Foil Deflector Beanie
Shield your brain from mind control.
Ban Dihydrogen Monoxide! - Dihydrogen monoxide is colorless, odorless, tasteless, and kills
uncounted thousands of people every year. Most of these deaths are caused by accidental
inhalation of DHMO, but the dangers of dihydrogen monoxide do not end there. Prolonged
exposure to its solid form causes severe tissue damage. Symptoms of DHMO ingestion can
include excessive sweating and urination, and possibly a bloated feeling, nausea, vomiting
and body electrolyte imbalance.
British Stick Insect Foundation
All you ever wanted to know about stick insects. How to feed them, train them, and breed
them. Another site created by John Hopkin (see 'Britain for Americans' above. Also see
'CarpSoft' and 'Sellafield Zoo').
Burmese Mountain Dog - The Burmese Mountain Dog is a medium sized, muscular dog
originally bred in Burma (Myanmar) to guard Buddhist temples. It was bred to guard the
temples, and keep the temples free of rodents and beggars. It is also known as the Burmese
Temple Dog.The BurmeseMountain Dog Club of America was established in 1985 to foster
the breed in the United States and the world.
Buy Dehydrated Water
It's compact, lightweight, and easy to store.
17 120
18 120
• Copyright © The Dow Company
(1995-2002). All Rights Reserved.
• We were not able to locate the address:
Verio, Inc. 8005 South Chester Street, Suite 200
Englewood, CO 80112
• Andrew Liveris, President & Chief Executive Officer
• Online Newsgathering: Research and Reporting for
• books.google.com/books?isbn=0240808517
• Stephen Quinn, Stephen Lamble - 2008 - Language Arts &
• Visitors to the fake site should also have noticed that all
links within the site were actually file extensions of the
http://www.dowethics.com home page, with ... 19 120
Clive Thompson
Wired November 2011
look up
answers to a series of questions.
• Scientific researchers asked a group of students to
• Not surprisingly, the kids relied on
Web pages
at the top of Google’s results list.
20 120
What is Critical Thinking?
• 1605-Sir Francis Bacon
Relationships among things
Doubt and ask questions.
Consider multiple points of view.
Support their points of view
Formulate an argument with
reasons and evidence.
• Deception.
21 120
Web Literacy and Critical
Thinking: A Teacher's Tool Kit
• http://iccb.org/pt3/pdf/resource/web_lit.pdf
• How Many Hits?
• "When we hear 'Wow, I got 1,000 hits!' we know
we have not met our responsibility to our
• What suggestions—from tutorials, teachers,
peers, or elsewhere—were most helpful to
22 120
• Web Page Evaluation
• Assessment of the interactive web site Learning Games for
Grade levels: K-5 Categories: (General), Assessment
• Web Page Evaluation
• Assessment of the interactive web site Learning Games for
Grade levels: K-5
• Categories: (General), Assessment
Evaluate web page
Grade levels: K-5
• Categories: Math, (Other)
23 120
Critical evaluation of web sites
24 120
Advanced Searching Rubric - Bloom's
Digital Taxonomy
• http://edorigami.wikispaces.com/file/view/advanced+search+rubric.pdf
• Lesson Planet: Lesson Plan
Rating Criteria Rubric
• http://www.lessonplanet.com/us/rating_rubric
• Dr. Alice Christie's Web Site Evaluation Resources
• http://alicechristie.org/edtech/webeval/
25 120
RubiStar Home
• Free tool to help teachers create quality rubrics
• Choose a Topic to create a new rubric based on a
26 120
iRubric: Home of free rubric
tools: RCampus.com
• iRubric: The only free rubric builder and
assessment tool. Working with rubrics has
never been easier. Build, Assess, Share,
and Collaborate using our intuitive ...
• Over 164,000 rubrics and growing...
• http://www.rcampus.com/indexrubric.cfm
27 120
YouTube- EducationWatch, upload and share videos
28 120
YouTube- Education•
Primary & Secondary Education »
Lifelong Learning »
Science »
Mathematics »
Engineering »
Business »
29 120
How the Ancient Egyptians Made "The PYRAMIDS"
(Lego History)
30 120
How the Ancient Egyptians Made "The PYRAMIDS"
(Lego History)
31 120
I don’t know what I
don’t know….
32 120
10 Good Search Engines for
Teachers and Students
• 1- Dmoz -ategorized Arts to Sport.
• 6- Yahoo Directory -
There is also a special category for Kids
and Teens.
Categories to search and one of
these categories is for Education.
2- Ixquick - Searching popular
7- Carrot2 - Organizes your
search engines simultaneously and
search results into topics.
8- Fefoo - Application that
3- Exalead
- Find the information
quicker. Web search:
Image search
• 4. Blekko - Organizes content in
semantic schema and pulls from a wide
variety sources
5- DuckDuckGo - Provides
instant answers.
helps you search better.
9- RedZ - Search results in
image thumbnails.
10- Internet Archive Digital library of Internet sites and
other cultural artifacts in digital
33 120
Research and information fluency:
• Safe Search Engines for Kids
• http://www.gogooligans.com/
34 120
35 120
Research and information fluency:
• Safe Search Engines
for Kids
• Safe Search Engines
for Kids
• KidRex
• Mymunka
• KidzSearch
• SquirrelNet
• Searchy Pants
• Dib Dab Doo -Dilly
36 120
Research and information fluency
• instaGrok
>>> Your Turn
• Wolfram Alpha
• Factbites
• Boolify
37 120
38 120
39 120
40 120
41 120
Research and information fluency
• instaGrok
•Wolfram Alpha
• Factbites
• Boolify
42 120
32 Tricks You Can Do With Wolfram Alpha, The
Most Useful Site In The History Of The Internet
• It's not a search engine, it's not an
encyclopedia, and it's not a calculator, but
it's a little bit of all of that. It's really the
only member of its field.
• Read more: http://www.businessinsider.com/awesome-things-youcan-do-with-wolfram-alpha-2013-7?op=1#ixzz2uFTU5fLf
43 120
WolframAlpha – Try this:
• laptop computer weighing less than 3 lbs
• wedding anniversy gifts
• Factor a polynomial: factor 2x^5 - 19x^4 + 58x^3 - 67x^2
+ 56x - 48
mortgage $200,000, 4.5%, 30 years
• Flights Overhead
• QR Code www.drhowie.com
• second cousin first removed
44 120
cousin first
45 120
46 120
47 120
Research and information fluency
• instaGrok
• Wolfram Alpha
• Boolify
48 120
49 120
50 120
Research and information fluency
• instaGrok
• Wolfram Alpha
• Factbites
51 120
52 120
53 120
I don’t know what I
don’t know…
54 120
What are the TOP Search Engines
February 2014: Top 15 Most Popular Search Engines
• 1 | Google
• 8 | Wow
• 2 | Bing
• 9 | Infospace
• 3 | Yahoo! Search
• 10 | Blekko
• 4 | Ask
• 11 | Dogpile
• 5 | Aol Search
• 12 | Alhea
• 6 | MyWebSearch
• 13 | DuckDuckGo
• 7 | WebCrawler
• 14 | Info
• 15 | Contenko
55 120
My 4 search criteria:
• General thomas gage or general tomas gage
• Showing results for general thomas gage
Search instead for general tomas gage
• Mickey mouse
• Fab five disney
• tree octupus
• Showing results for tree octopus
Search instead for tree octupus
• ben franklin
• Showing results for ben franklin
Search instead for ben franklen
56 120
Search for
general thomas gage
57 120
What are the TOP
Search Engines
• 12 | Alhea
2 ???
• 15 | Contenko
3 ???
• Top 15 Most Popular Search
Engines | February 2014
• 3| Yahoo! Search
4 ???
• 1 | Google
0 OK
• 14 | Info
6 ???
• 2 | Bing
0 OK
• 11 | Dogpile
6 ???
• 5 | Aol Search
0 OK
• 8 | Wow
6 ???
• 13 | DuckDuckGo
0 OK
• 4 | Ask
7 ???
• 10 | Blekko
0 OK
• 6 | MyWebSearch
7 ???
7 | WebCrawler
8 ???
• 9 | Infospace
13 ???
58 120
BING Search
• Why Bing Is Gaining On Google - Forbes
• Is Bing better than Google? | Debate.org
• Bing for Schools
• Bing launches Bing for Schools: An adfree search zone for schools
59 120
How to Use Bing’s Advanced
Search Operators: 8 Tips
60 120
James Post @jposttx
• @hdiblasi the 'advanced" is pretty
weak you have to know how to
build the advanced search using
+ " " AND NOT etc etc
61 120
Bing Advanced Search
62 120
Using Google Advanced Search
in Class
Boston Massacre
• evaluate the events of the Boston Massacre
by identifying bias About 151,000 results
63 120
Stop words
• are words which are filtered out prior to, or after,
processing of natural language data (text
$stopwords = array(“a”, “about”, “above”, “above”, “across”, “after”, “afterwards”, “again”, “against”, “all”, “almost”, “alone”, “along”,
“already”, “also”,”although”,”always”,”am”,”among”, “amongst”, “amoungst”, “amount”, “an”, “and”, “another”,
“any”,”anyhow”,”anyone”,”anything”,”anyway”, “anywhere”, “are”, “around”, “as”, “at”, “back”,”be”,”became”,
“because”,”become”,”becomes”, “becoming”, “been”, “before”, “beforehand”, “behind”, “being”, “below”, “beside”, “besides”,
“between”, “beyond”, “bill”, “both”, “bottom”,”but”, “by”, “call”, “can”, “cannot”, “cant”, “co”, “con”, “could”, “couldnt”, “cry”, “de”,
“describe”, “detail”, “do”, “done”, “down”, “due”, “during”, “each”, “eg”, “eight”, “either”, “eleven”,”else”, “elsewhere”, “empty”, “enough”,
“etc”, “even”, “ever”, “every”, “everyone”, “everything”, “everywhere”, “except”, “few”, “fifteen”, “fify”, “fill”, “find”, “fire”, “first”, “five”,
“for”, “former”, “formerly”, “forty”, “found”, “four”, “from”, “front”, “full”, “further”, “get”, “give”, “go”, “had”, “has”, “hasnt”, “have”, “he”,
“hence”, “her”, “here”, “hereafter”, “hereby”, “herein”, “hereupon”, “hers”, “herself”, “him”, “himself”, “his”, “how”, “however”, “hundred”,
“ie”, “if”, “in”, “inc”, “indeed”, “interest”, “into”, “is”, “it”, “its”, “itself”, “keep”, “last”, “latter”, “latterly”, “least”, “less”, “ltd”, “made”, “many”,
“may”, “me”, “meanwhile”, “might”, “mill”, “mine”, “more”, “moreover”, “most”, “mostly”, “move”, “much”, “must”, “my”, “myself”, “name”,
“namely”, “neither”, “never”, “nevertheless”, “next”, “nine”, “no”, “nobody”, “none”, “noone”, “nor”, “not”, “nothing”, “now”, “nowhere”,
“of”, “off”, “often”, “on”, “once”, “one”, “only”, “onto”, “or”, “other”, “others”, “otherwise”, “our”, “ours”, “ourselves”, “out”, “over”,
“own”,”part”, “per”, “perhaps”, “please”, “put”, “rather”, “re”, “same”, “see”, “seem”, “seemed”, “seeming”, “seems”, “serious”, “several”,
“she”, “should”, “show”, “side”, “since”, “sincere”, “six”, “sixty”, “so”, “some”, “somehow”, “someone”, “something”, “sometime”,
“sometimes”, “somewhere”, “still”, “such”, “system”, “take”, “ten”, “than”, “that”, “the”, “their”, “them”, “themselves”, “then”, “thence”,
“there”, “thereafter”, “thereby”, “therefore”, “therein”, “thereupon”, “these”, “they”, “thickv”, “thin”, “third”, “this”, “those”, “though”,
“three”, “through”, “throughout”, “thru”, “thus”, “to”, “together”, “too”, “top”, “toward”, “towards”, “twelve”, “twenty”, “two”, “un”, “under”,
“until”, “up”, “upon”, “us”, “very”, “via”, “was”, “we”, “well”, “were”, “what”, “whatever”, “when”, “whence”, “whenever”, “where”,
“whereafter”, “whereas”, “whereby”, “wherein”, “whereupon”, “wherever”, “whether”, “which”, “while”, “whither”, “who”, “whoever”,
“whole”, “whom”, “whose”, “why”, “will”, “with”, “within”, “without”, “would”, “yet”, “you”, “your”, “yours”, “yourself”, “yourselves”, “the”);
64 120
Boston Massacre
• evaluate the events of the Boston Massacre by
identifying bias
Google About 151,000 results
Yahoo About 1,570,000 results
• identifying bias evaluate the events of the
Boston Massacre by
Google About 151,000 results
Yahoo About 68,300 results
• Identify bias by evaluating the events of the
Boston Massacre
Google About 165,000 results
Yahoo About 88,900 results
65 120
Type in your search …
when the results display.. NOTICE
66 120
• About 118 results
67 120
• About 104 results
68 120
• About 68 results
69 120
70 120
2 results Google
71 120
The 10 Most Useful Search Engines for
Beginners, 2014
1. Duck Duck Go
2. Ask (aka 'Ask Jeeves')
3. Bing
• 4. Yippy (formerly 'Clusty')
• 5. Webopedia
6. Yahoo!
7. Dogpile
• 8. The Internet Archive
• 9. Mahalo
10. Google
72 120
Looking at more and even more Searching:
• Google Image Search
73 120
Four ways to search by image
• Drag and drop
Drag and drop an image from the web or your computer into the search
box on images.google.com.
• Upload an image
On images.google.com, click the camera icon, then select “Upload an
image.” Select the image you want to use to start your search.
• Copy and paste the URL for an image
Found an image on the web you’re curious about? Right-click the image to
copy the URL. On images.google.com, click the camera icon, and “Paste
image URL”.
• Right-click an image on the web
To search by image even faster, download the Chrome extension or the
Firefox extension. With the extension installed, simply right-click an image
on the web to search Google with that image.
74 120
Applying critical thinking skills through web
• Improve search skills.
• Evaluate the information they find.
• Incorporate them in their work.
75 120
• Students will take the hoax photo test and
attempt to determine which picture is fake
or real.
Discussion will follow.
Click on the link: http://www.museumofhoaxes.com/tests/hoaxphototest.html
Read the following short definitions of a spoof website.
• snopes.com: Urban Legends Reference Pages
• http://www.snopes.com/ ... myths, rumors, and misinformation
• Look at some examples of spoofed websites.
http://www.deadlysins.com/guineaworm/index.htm www.license.shorturl.com
76 120
• A car loaded
down with
lumber. Note the
person asleep in
the front.
• http://www.museumofhoa
77 120
A jet plane caught in the instant that it breaks through
the sound barrier and causes a sonic boom.
78 120
A man shows off his 87-pound cat.
79 120
The moment when a plane collides with a
truck, caught on film.
80 120
Even More:
Google Advanced Search
in Class
81 120
Search for your name
82 120
Advanced Search-Why?
Thomas Gage
General Thomas Gage
British General Thomas Gage
Lieutenant General Thomas
Bunker Hill
Breed Hill
• 2 letter
country code
83 120
Advanced Search
84 120
Bunker hill
general thomas gage
british american revolution
governor lexington Boston
About 93,000 result
About 55,200 results
About 1,440,000 results
85 120
• Battle
• Bunker hill
• Do not include:
• Tires – wire – travel –
cars – insurance
• uk
86 120
About 20,800 results (0.74 seconds)
87 120
88 120
89 120
About 152 results (0.62 seconds)
90 120
Google Art Project
• Explore 17 museums from around the
• Discover and view hundreds of artworks
at incredible zoom levels
• Create and share their own collection of
91 120
Google Art Project
• Resource for Art related activities –
92 120
Welcome to Google Lit Trips!
93 120
Welcome to Google Lit Trips! the
flagship project of GLT Global ED ...
• What’s New in Google Lit Trips...
• New! The Diary of a Young Girl by Anne Frank. A rich resource to
supplement the reading of Anne Frank’s diary. Available in both the
6-8 and 9-12 areas of the Google Lit Trips website.
• Updated! Make Way for Ducklings by Robert McCloskey
• New! Flesh & Blood So Cheap by Albert Marrin
• New! Bud, Not Buddy V1 by Christopher Paul Curtis
94 120
95 120
Looking at more and even more Searching:
• Hummingbird
• Snapshots
• Google Scholar
• Knowledge Graph
Google Finance
Web History
Google Trader
Google Video
Google Shopping
Google Patent Search
Google News
96 120
Google Knowledge Graph
• Introducing the Knowledge
Graph: things, not strings
97 120
Knowledge Graph: things, not strings
• 1. Find the right thing
• 2. Get the best summary
• 3. Go deeper and broader
98 120
Taj Mahal
• Do you mean Taj Mahal the
monument, or Taj Mahal the
• Now Google understands the
difference• just click on one of the links to see that particular
slice of results:
99 120
100 120
101 120
Google Book Search
• Search and preview millions of
books from libraries and publishers
worldwide using Google Book
Search. Discover a new favorite or
unearth an old classic.
• http://books.google.com/
102 120
103 120
Searching in Books
• Animal Kingdom's first secret
• Animal Kingdom's first secret becomes
obvious before you even enter the park
104 120
Looking at more and even more Searching:
Google News archive
Language Tools
Google Image Search
Google Groups
Experimental Search
Google Custom Search
Google Books
Blog search
Google Alerts
Accessible Search
Encrypted Search
• Google Ngram Viewer
• Enter phrases into the Google Books Ngram Viewer
• Displays a graph showing how those phrases have occurred
in a corpus of books
• (e.g., "British English", "English Fiction", "French") over the
selected years.
Let's look at a sample graph:
105 120
Google Ngram Viewer
106 120
107 120
Advanced Usage
• Features of the Ngram Viewer may appeal to
users who want to dig a little deeper into phrase
usage: wildcard search, inflection search, case
insensitive search, part-of-speech tags and
ngram compositions.
• Wildcard search
• When you put a * in place of a word, the Ngram
Viewer will display the top ten substitutions. For
instance, to find the most popular words following
"University of", search for "University of *".
108 120
Wildcard search
• When you put a * in place of a word, the Ngram Viewer will
display the top ten substitutions. For instance, to find the
most popular words following
• University of
• search for University of *
109 120
Try this - What did you see??
• walt disney world
• walt disney world *
• Walt Disney World
• Walt Disney World* (no space)
• Walt Disney World * (space)
110 120
Walt Disney World, Animal Kingdom, Magic Kingdom
111 120
Looking at more and even more Searching:
• Hummingbird
• Snapshots
• Google Scholar
Knowledge Graph
Google Finance
Web History
Google Trader
Google Video
Google Shopping
Google Patent Search
Google News
112 120
Google scholar search.
Locate materials from
educational institutes or
113 120
114 120
115 120
Looking at more and even more Searching:
Google Scholar
Knowledge Graph
Google Finance
Web History
Google Trader
Google Video
Google Shopping
• Google Patent Search
• Google News
116 120
117 120
disney flying entertainment vehicle
• Anthony Paul
• An apparatus for
use as a flying
vehicle. Overvie
w - Related Discuss
118 120
119 120
Interesting Disney Patents
“Disney Patents a “Flying Entertainment Vehicle”
• Amusement ride for traveling down a water
chute with reduced splash
• Apparatus and method for creating optical
illusion effects
• Drinking fountain with sound effects
• Method and apparatus for stabilizing and
powering walking animated figures
• Spaceship amusement ride
120 120
• Interesting Disney Patents- http://www.delphion.com/
• http://www.hiddenmickeys.org/Patent/Patent.html
• Six Degrees of Walt Disney -- Patent Search Illuminates
a Legend
• http://blog.globalpatentsolutions.com/bid/28838/SixDegrees-of-Walt-Disney-Patent-Search-Illuminates-aLegend
• Disney Patent/Tech Question
• So I'm sitting here indulging my Disney Geekdom a little
and reading Disney patents and I came across the
following one titled Speech Transformation System filed
back in 1993.
121 120
122 120
5613443 Amusement ride for traveling down a water chute with reduced splash
5453053 Amusement ride having spinning passenger cars
5528425 Apparatus and method for creating optical illusion effects
D351130 Amusement airship
5629595 Method and apparatus for an amusement ride having an interactive guided vehicle
5588914 Method and system for guiding a user in a virtual reality presentation
5585967 Three dimensional virtual image system
5493281 Method & apparatus for remote synchronization of audio, lighting, animation & special effects
5456184 Lateral energy absorbing device for slot guided vehicle
5394766 Robotic human torso
5368228 Method and apparatus for forming a fluid projection screen
5349276 Control system for regulating motor speed
5348370 Apparatus for vibrating seats
5327521 Speech transformation system
5325473 Apparatus and method for projection upon a three-dimensional object
5305693 System and method for externally controlled spacing of self propelled vehicles along a rail
5280305 Method and apparatus for forming a stylized, three-dimensional object
5161104 Amusement ride having pivotable ingress-egress bridges
5137214 Method and apparatus for creating artificial rain
4911866 Fog producing apparatus
4878878 Method and apparatus for stabilizing and powering walking animated figures
4825111 Linear motor propulsion system
4557570 Camera assembly for three-dimensional photography
4516943 Amusement ride raft
4312276 Turntable joining tracks with linear induction motor control
4050385 High capacity passenger transport apparatus
4029019 Track for vehicles
3974778 Speed control system
3973746 Collision avoidance system
3947741 Boat guidance system
D352541 Amusement character boat
D352327 Spaceship amusement ride
D350995 Amusement castle
D349313 Robotic figure
D347674 Amusement ride space vehicle
123 120
Looking at more and even more Searching:
Google News archive
Language Tools
Google Image Search
Google Groups
Experimental Search
• Google Custom Search
Google Books
Blog search
Google Alerts
Accessible Search
Encrypted Search
124 120
Google Custom Search Engine
• Harness the power of Google to create a
customized search experience for your own
• http://www.google.com/cse/manage/create
125 120
126 120
Looking at more and even more Searching:
Google News archive
Language Tools
Google Image Search
Google Groups
Experimental Search
• Google Trends
Google Custom Search
Google Books
Blog search
Google Alerts
Accessible Search
Encrypted Search
Google Ngram Viewer
127 120
128 120
129 120
Looking at more and even more Searching:
Google Scholar
Knowledge Graph
Google Finance
Web History
Google Trader
Google Video
•Google Shopping
• http://www.google.com/shopping
• Helping shoppers find products quickly and
easily on the web.
Google News
130 120
Lenovo Yoga 11s
131 120
Acer Chromebook C710-2487
132 120
What did you learn today?
133 120
11 Ways To Teach Advanced Search Techniques:
New Ways To Think and Search in Your Classroom
Dr. Howie DiBlasi
C.I.O (Retired)
“Emerging Technologies Evangelist “
twitter: @hdiblasi
134 120