New Strain Acquisition of Klebsiella spp, Enterobacter spp, and

New Strain Acquisition of

Klebsiella spp, Enterobacter spp, and Escherichia coli in



Associated with


Presenter: Jiyeon Jung, MD

Research Attending: Sanjay Sethi, MD

A Case Vignette

• A 68-year-old former heavy smoker with a history of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) presents to the ED with a two-day history of worsened shortness of breath and increased sputum.

Chest radiography shows hyperinflation and no acute infiltrates.

A Case Vignette

• House staff ordered sputum culture in ED.

• Sputum culture came back positive for

Klebsiella spp.

• How should this patient be treated?


• Since 1994 , the study has been conducted in WNY VA to reveal a relationship between bacterial infection and COPD exacerbation .


• The role of bacterial pathogens in COPD exacerbation was controversial .

• The rate of bacterial isolation from sputum was found to be similar in stable COPD and during exacerbations.

• On the basis of these observations, a seminal review in 1975 indicated that bacterial pathogens do not cause exacerbations and that their presence in sputum is due to chronic colonization.1


• New molecular, cellular, immunologic t echniques in the past two decades.

• Possible to differentiate strains of bacterial pathogens over time from the patients with molecular typing .


• Bacterial infections trigger COPD exacerbations.

• Four Major pathogens .

• A new bacterial strain plays a central role i n the pathogenesis of an Exacerbation.


• Example

Sputum culture(+) for H. influenza in stable phase

Sputum culture(+) for H. influenza in exacerbation

New strain of H. influenza in molecular typing.


• Sputum cultures are often not useful for identifying bacterial infection in patients with

COPD exacerbations.

• Gram stain and culture of sputum are similar during exacerbations and stable disease.

• They do not distinguish between true pathogens and colonizing flora .

• As per 2007 GOLD guideline, Sputum culture should Not be performed. 2

• Molecular typing


• Acquisition of a new strain of H. influenzae,

Moraxella catarrhalis, Streptococcus pneumoniae, or Pseudomonas aeruginosa is strongly associated with the occurrence of an exacerbation. 2,4,5,6,7


• In severe COPD, Enterobacteriaceae

(Gram negative bacilli) are also isolated from sputum during exacerbations and stable disease .


• The dynamics of infection by these pathogens in COPD has not been examined.

Sethi S and Murphy T. N Engl J Med 2008;359:2355-2365


• As four major pathogens.

• Klebsiella spp , Enterobacter spp , and

Escherichia coli

• If they are causative, there should be an association between strain acquisition of these pathogens and exacerbation.

Methods/COPD Study Clinic

• Prospective longitudinal study of COPD patients in an outpatient clinic

• 127 subjects enrolled from March 1994 to

Dec 2004

• Clinic visits monthly and suspected exacerbation

– At each visit:

– clinical information

– expectorated sputum sample


• Exacerbation defined by the Global Initiative for Chronic

Obstructive Lung Disease (GOLD)

• Acute increase in symptoms beyond normal day-to-day variation . 2 This generally includes one or more of the following cardinal symptoms:

 Cough increases in frequency and severity

 Sputum production increases in volume and/or changes character

 Dyspnea increases

• Constitutional symptoms, a decrease in pulmonary function, and tachypnea are variably present during an exacerbation, but the chest radiograph is usually unchanged. 2

Method/Bacterial Isolates

• Klebsiella spp, Enterobacter spp, and E. coli isolated from sputum were saved as frozen stocks at 70˚C.

Methods/Molecular typing

• Isolates of Klebsiella spp, Enterobacter spp, and E. coli were typed by Repetitive extragenic palindromic-

Polymerase chain reaction ( Rep-PCR ).

• Primers



• PCR conditions (30 Cycles)

– Denaturation: 94C for 1min

– Annealing: 60C for 1 min

– Extension, 72C for 2 min

Methods/Molecular typing

• Electrophoresis to see banding patterns.

Methods/Molecular typing

• Each strain was categorized as preexisting or new on the basis of molecular typing.

• Strains not previously isolated from a subject were designated as new , whereas strains isolated previously were designated as preexisting .


• Baseline Characteristics of the Patients

Age (mean

SD) 66.9


Years since diagnosis (mean

SD) 10.5


Smoking pack-years (mean

SD) in liters (mean


% predicted (mean







17.9 (15 - 99)

GOLD severity (number of subjects) 0 =5, 1 =1, 2 =45, 3 = 49, 4 = 27


• 5100 clinic visits were completed by 127 patients, of which 931(18.2%) were exacerbation visits.


• Sputum culture result

Pathogen Total isolates


Klebsiella spp 115 (2.3%)

Enterobacter spp

E. coli

114 (2.2%)

89 (1.7%)

New Strains/

Total isolates


51/115 (58.7%)

53/114 (60.4%)

19/89 (16.9%)


• REP-PCR of Klebsiella spp


• Time Line and Molecular Typing


• Association between new strain acquisition and exacerbation


Klebsiella spp

Total isolates


New strains/ total isolates






Proportion of exacerbations in visits with new strain (%)

Proportion of exacerbations in visits without new strain (%) p value


8/51 (15.7) 912/5049 (18.1) 0.73

Enterobacter spp





12/53 (22.6) 919/5047 (18.2) 0.41

E. coli

All 3 species





3/19 (15.8) 928/5081 (18.3) 0.78

23/115( 26.5) 908/4985 (18.2) 0.62


• New strain acquisition does not appear to be a major mechanism of exacerbations of

COPD for Klebsiella spp, Enterobacter spp, and Escherichia coli .

A Case Vignette

• A 68-year-old former heavy smoker with a history of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) presents to the ED with a two-day history of worsened shortness of breath and increased sputum.

Chest radiography shows hyperinflation and no acute infiltrates.

A Case Vignette

• House staff ordered sputum culture in ED.

• Sputum culture came back positive for

Klebsiella spp.

• How should this patient be treated?

Clinical implication

• Sputum culture should not have been done.

• The initial antibiotics regimen should target likely bacterial pathogens (H. influenzae,

M. catarrhalis, and S. pneumoniae in most patients). 8


• 1. Tager I, Speizer FE. Role of infection in chroni c bronchitis. NEJM 1975;292:563-71.

• 2. Global strategy for the diagnosis, managemen t and prevention of COPD, Global Initiative for C hronic Obstructive Lung Disease (GOLD) 2007.

• 3. Sethi S, Eschberger K, et al. Airway bacterial c oncentrations and exacerbations of COPD. Am J

Respir Crit Care Med 2007;176:356-61.

• 4. Sethi S, Evans N, Grant BJB, Murphy TF. New strains of bacteria and exacerbations of COPDN

EJM 2002:347:465-71.


• 5. Murphy TF, Brauer AL, Sethi S, Kilian M, Cai X, Less e AJ. Haemophilus haemolyticus: a human respiratory tr act commensal to be distinguished from Haemophilus in fluenzae. J infect Dis 2007;195:81-9.

• 6. Murphy TF, Brauer AL, Grant BJ, Sethi S. Moraxella c atarrhalis in COPD: burden of disease and immune resp onse. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2005;172:195-9.

• 7. Murphy TF, Brauer AL, Eschberger K, et al. Pseudom onas aeruginosa in chronic obstructive pulmonary disea se. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2008;177:853-60.

• 8. Sethi S, Murphy TF. Infection in pathogenesis and co urse of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. N Engl J

Med 2008;359:2355-2365.


• Dr. Sanjay Sethi

Thank you.