
Carol Wolf
Computer Science
HTTP – Hypertext Transfer Protocol
Protocol may refer to: (from Wikipedia)
 Protocol (diplomacy), the etiquette of diplomacy and affairs of state
 Protocol (politics), a formal agreement between nation states
 Protocol, a.k.a. etiquette
 Clinical protocol, a.k.a. guideline (medical)
 Research methods:
Protocol (natural sciences)
Clinical trial protocol
Voice procedure a protocol for voice communications
Protocol (object-oriented programming), a common means for unrelated
objects to communicate with each other
Communications protocol, in telecommunications and computer
Protocol (band), British
Protocol (film), a 1984 comedy film
Protocol (album), the début album/EP from Simon Phillips
A single web transaction consists of a request, service and response.
Once the transaction is finished, the server does not retain any
memory of it.
A standard solution is to store some information about the
transaction in a cookie on the user’s computer.
This is usually an id. It is important that no two users get assigned
the same id.
Web sites with heavy traffic can use GUIDs. A GUID is a Global Unique IDentifier. Generally,
a GUID consists of a random number created using the time on the computer in
nanoseconds and some feature of the server. In the past this was the network card MAC
(Media Access Control) address. But after the Melissa worm used this to infect computers
world-wide, Microsoft changed the GUID algorithm. The string, 3F2504E0 4f89 11D3 9A 0C
03 05 E8 2C 33 01, is an example of a GUID. The numbers are in hexadecimal.
This id is then stored in the session on the server. When a user
returns, the id is obtained from the cookie in order to find the
appropriate user (and usually the user’s cart).
The Rails Session
Web application frameworks all come with sessions.
In Rails, the information in the session is stored in a hash.
The size limit is 4K, so usually only an id is stored.
And the id is most often a shopping cart id.
The following example will be a student registration
Given a list of courses, a student can choose the courses
he/she wishes to take and collect them in a cart.
When done the student would have to log into his/her
university account.
The index page
Files generated
Generate the courses table
rails generate scaffold course number:string name:string credits:integer
Generate the carts table. Carts are only needed for their ids.
rails generate scaffold cart
Generate the choices table
rails generate scaffold choice cart_id:integer course_id:integer
Create the tables with
rake db:migrate
Add some courses to the courses table to use as examples.
The cart
The cart id will be stored in the session and then used by the choices table.
This is done in the application controller.
class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
def current_cart
Cart.find(session[:cart_id]) #See if a cart already exists.
rescue ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound #If not, create a new one.
cart = Cart.create
session[:cart_id] = #Store the cart id in the session hash.
cart # return the cart
The choices table
The choices table is used to connect the student (via the
cart) to the courses.
Connections are made using belongs_to.
class Choice < ActiveRecord::Base #In the model folder
belongs_to :course
belongs_to :cart
#The credits method is used to return the credits for the chosen course.
def credits
On course can be chosen by many students.
All operations on the model (table) will be ordered by
class Course < ActiveRecord::Base
default_scope :order => 'number'
has_many :choices
validates :number, :name, :credits, :presence => true
validates :credits, :numericality => {:greater_than_or_equal_to => 1}
validates :number, :uniqueness => true
The Cart class
class Cart < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :choices, :dependent => :destroy
def add_course(course_id)
current_choice = choices.where(:course_id => course_id).first
#If the course has not been chosen already, create a new choice.
if current_choice == nil
current_choice = => course_id)
choices << current_choice # Append the new choice to choices.
current_choice #return value
def total_credits #Used to add up the credits chosen so far.
choices.to_a.sum { |list| list.credits} #to_a makes an array of the choices.
The cart class
The cart class connects to the choices table.
When the cart is emptied, all dependent records will also
be removed.
The cart class is used to add a course to the choices
table. This requires both the cart id (representing the
student) and the course id.
If the cart_id/course_id combination is not in the choices
table, the new record is added. If it is, nothing is done. In
either case, the record is returned.
The total_credits method is used to keep track of the
number of credits already in the cart.
View to change
Change the list_courses view
<% @courses.each do |course| %>
<td><%= course.number %></td>
<td><%= %></td>
<td><%= course.credits %></td>
<td><%= button_to "Add Course to Schedule",
choices_path(:course_id => %>
<% end %>
Add the button to the table. This sends the id of the
chosen course to the choices controller.
Choices controller – create method
def create
@cart = current_cart # found in application controller
course = Course.find(params[:course_id])
current_choice = Choice.find_by_course_id(
if current_choice == nil # This is a new addition.
@choice = @cart.add_course(
respond_to do |format|
format.html { redirect_to(@choice.cart,
:notice => 'Course was successfully added.') }
format.html { render :action => "new" }
Choices controller – create method (more)
@choice = current_choice
respond_to do |format|
format.html {redirect_to(@choice.cart,
:notice => 'Course was a duplicate and not added.') }
Choices controller – create method
First the method gets the current cart’s id from the
session using the application controller.
It then uses the id it received from the web page
parameters to find the course in the choices table.
If this course, the current_choice, has not yet been added
to the table, it now is and a notice is flashed to the user.
If it is already in the cart, no changes are made and a
notice to this effect is flashed back.
In either case, control is redirected to the show web page
in the views/carts folder.
Show web page in views/carts folder
<p id="notice"><%= notice %></p>
<% for item in @cart.choices %>
<td><%= item.course.number %> </td>
<td><%= %></td>
<td><%= item.course.credits %></td>
<% end %>
<td colspan="2">Total Credits</td>
<td><%= @cart.total_credits %></td>
Show web page in views/carts folder
# Add a button to empty the cart (and start over).
<p><%= button_to "Empty Cart", @cart,
:method => :delete, :confirm => 'Are you sure?' %></p>
# Link back to the main page.
<p><%= link_to 'Back', schedule_index_path %></p>
The show method will show the cart and allow a student
to empty it and start over, if desired.
Two versions of the show web page
Emptying the cart – in views/carts
Change one line in the delete method for the cart.
def destroy
@cart = Cart.find(params[:id])
respond_to do |format|
format.html { redirect_to(schedule_index_url) }
format.xml { head :ok }