Pager Be Gone! - Street Smart Nursing

Pager Be Gone!
Using Free Software
as a medical
Susan Rose MSN RN
Returning a call from a
page can be a frustrating
experience for the nurse as
well as the doctor!.
OR Nurse States how she
would like to use cell phone
communication instead of pager:
"One example is the use of texting,
which officially we are not allowed to
30 seconds to
text a Surgeon with a lab
result or just “Ready in O.R.”
as compared to 10 minutes
or more to page him
and wait by the phone
for an answer is not a good use
of the circulators time,
or the surgeons."
Smart phones in Pittsburgh Mercy
Hospital instead of pagers!
Consulted cardiologist - perfers smart phone ekg for urgent
consutls: "In the digital age, it's sort of archaic to rely on
conventional fax technology."
This is an open source program
that works on mobile devices.
It also allows you to view your
home remotely
58 open source communication
example, with the name of the
propriteray software it would
Pidgin "The universal chat client,"
Pidgin lets you keep in touch with
friends on 17 different IM networks.
Others are:Adium aMSN Kopete
Miranda IM
When available...
This messesage suggests that he can chat by video
in his virtual VIDYO office space.
"Please do not call on any phone or leave
phone messages on any numbers for me
regarding anything important and please
only send emails if you are actively checking
your own emails regularly during the day
(hopefully on a mobile device)
REACH ME: Google Talk
( I
use online video
conferences for most
professional meetings,
EMAIL (Routine) or TEXT
Message (urgent) with a
number I can reach you if
needed, and a time to
contact that works best for
you. I prefer not to get unscheduled phone calls in
If you dont hear back promptly please just
assume I am not available at this
need to call paging operators or overhead
paging services, no need to leave voice
You can also check my calendar"
The goal of urgent messaging is immediate care in
person or by video if they specialist is far way.
Although video communication can be done
through gmail, Dr Barbash prefers to go from
google chat or text to low cost Vidyo or Citrix
The cost is low, the picture resolution is much better
than google video, and both provide a high
reliability, 7-24-365 supported platform which is
In conclusion:
1. Pagers are being replaced by smart phones.
2. Google chat and gmail is a very viable system to talk to others
instantly because it is free and and has the most name brand
3. You can set great personalized
away ( or even here ) messages on it.
4.The end goal is better patient outcomes via more
timely assessment and treatment decisions.