Ecovillage in Efland, NC

Hart’s Mill
an Ecovillage
in Efland, NC
November 2012
The Vision
Eco-Village Definition
"A human-scale, full-featured settlement in which
human activities are harmlessly integrated into
the natural world in a way that is supportive of
healthy human development, with multiple
centers of initiative, and (which) can successfully
be continued into the indefinite future.“
- Robert Gilman
Land Stewardship
The Vision
 Pedestrian-oriented site plan
 Clustered homes with a shared
common house
 Green building
 Energy efficiency & renewables
 Waste-water recycling and rain water
Built Environment
The Vision
 Agrarian lifestyle with urban proximity
 Bulk of community’s food produced,
processed and stored sustainably onsite
 Range of housing options and
 Separate finances (not shared income)
 Multi-generational
The Vision
 Pilot innovative sustainable living
 Provide outreach & training programs
for the public
 Affiliate with educational institutions
and projects
 Explore local currency and barter
The Journey
 NOV 2008: Formed Triangle Intentional Community
Meetup group (TICMG)
 JAN 2009: spun off group to create an intentional
community in the Triangle area
 Met weekly over a period of 2 years to address
both physical & social aspects of the envisioned
The Journey
 MAY 2010: formed Carolina Common Well, LLC
(CCW) to serve as development agency
 Also have the Center for Community Alternatives,
(formerly called EcoAccess) a 501(c)3 non-profit
 AUGUST 2010: Alana Ennis approached CCW
with offer to make her inherited 115-acre farm in
Efland available as a site for the community
The Journey
 SEPTEMBER 2010: Began actively recruiting new
members incl. tabling at conferences & festivals
 APRIL 2012: CCW co-sponsored with the
Fellowship for Intentional Community ‘The Future of
Community - Intentional, Cooperative, Sustainable!’
event in Durham
 MAY 2012: Permaculture site survey completed
as basis for site planning
The Journey
 JULY 2012: Approached School of Living
regarding joining their community land trust
 SEPTEMBER 2012: First meeting with Orange
County Planning Department and first community
workday on land
The Land
The Land
Aerial View
The Land
The Land
Excellent soils for agriculture and septic
Large area of gentle south-facing slopes
Bounded on two sides by perennial streams
Pond (approx. 4 acres)
Ample ground water for well
Zoned R-1
Sketch Plan
 Conducted permaculture site analysis
 Researching planning & zoning regulations;
meeting with Orange County planners
 Exploring sustainable site development
materials, techniques and approaches
 Developing estimated infrastructure costs
Site Planning
 Seeking optimum model for purchase, ownership
and development that will ensure perpetual
adherence to sustainable principles & affordability
 Working with local attorney with expertise in
farmland preservation and conservation easements
 Need to ensure that housing discrimination laws
are not violated by membership vetting process
 Submit conceptual site plan to County for review
 Make revisions and submit final plan for approval
 Build basic site infrastructure – roads, utilities
 Close on sale or lease of individual building sites
 Build common house and area walkways, lighting,
foodscaping, etc.
Site Development Process
 Founders envisioned more engagement than
merely sharing a common house and garden
 Separate finances and home ownership (equity)
Residents of the community will be vetted
through a staged membership process with
increasing bilateral commitment and responsibility
 Exploratory: getting to know one other & exploring the
alignment of our visions
 Associate: participating in our community formation work
with a minimum of commitment
 Engaged: certain you want to join our community and feel
ready to fully commit yourself to the work
 Full: enjoy all rights, privileges & responsibilities
Membership Levels
 Exploratory: open-ended until transitioning to Associate
 Associate: minimum 3 months until transitioning to
 Engaged: 6 to 12 months until transitioning to Full
 Full: perpetual until exit
Membership Timelines
Visit our website for information on membership: