Blended Learning - Dr.Antar Abdellah Home Page

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Presnted To:
Rana Mohammed Najdi.
Dr, Antar Abdullah.
What is blended learning ?
Blended learning is education that combines
face-to-face classroom methods with
computer-mediated activities.[1] According to
its proponents, the strategy creates a more
integrated approach for both instructors and
For example, consider a traditional class meeting
schedule. Say that the course would normally
meet MWF, from 1-3 PM. If the institution were
to apply a blended learning approach, the
course may change so that it meets once per
week instead of the usual three-session format.
Learning activities that otherwise would have
taken place during classroom time can be
moved online.
Compnents Of Blended Learning
"You may hear blended learning described as “integrated learning”, “hybrid
learning”, “multi-method learning” (Node, 2001). "The term "blended learning"
is being used with increasing frequency in both academic and corporate circles.
In 2003, the American Society for Training and Development identified blended
learning as one of the top ten trends to emerge in the knowledge delivery
industry" (cited in Rooney, 2003) (Graham, 2004).
 The goal of a blended approach is to join the best aspects of both face to
face and online instruction.
 Classroom time can be used to engage students in advanced interactive
 Meanwhile, the online portion of the course can provide students with
multimedia-rich content at any time of day, anywhere the student has
internet access.
 This allows for an increase in scheduling flexibility for students.
 In addition to flexibility and convenience for students.
Eight Educational Considerations For Blended Learning
The Learning and Teaching Development Unit of the •
Brunel University has produced a booklet entitled
It is
a resource booklet written to assist lecturers in their
teaching in a blended learning environment for their
students. Eight educational considerations were
1. The use of Multimedia and Virtual Internet Resources
in the classroom. Examples include the use of videos,
virtual field trips, and interactive websites.
2. The use of Classroom Websites in the classroom.
Included is a growing list of examples of useful
blended learning websites.
3. The use of Course Management Systems. Examples
include the use of Moodle, WebCT and Blackboard.
4. The use of Synchronous and Asychronous Discussions
in the classroom. Examples of resources available
include Yahoo Groups, TappedIn, Blogs, and
It can be considered to comprise the mixing of
asynchronous and synchronous activities and
using the following technologies:
• Educational technologies using computer
• Cellular or Smartphones
• Satellite television channels
• Video-conferencing
• Other emerging electronic media
The ultimate aim is to provide realistic
practical opportunities for learners and
teachers to make learning independent,
useful, sustainable and ever growing.
1- A shift from lecture- to student-centered
instruction in which students become active and
interactive learners (this shift should apply to the
entire course, including face-to-face contact
2-Increases in interaction between studentinstructor, student-student, student-content, and
student-outside resources.
3- intergrated formative and summative a ssessment
mechanisms for students and instructor.
Benefits of blended learning (1/3)
• Increases the effectiveness of the
learning process.
• Reduces the cost and time required
to learn.
• Increases learner satisfaction about
the learning process.
Benefits (2/3)
• Increases the number of students.
• Increases the motivation to the
learning process through the use of
• Provides the three choices for our
learners (F2F,Online,Blended).
Benefits (3/3)
• It works to improve educational
• Blended learning allows us to make the
most of technology to achieve specific
educational goals.
• Blended Learning can unite learning
and work.
• Classroom: is good for workshops, coaching, exercises,
feedback on activities and paper-based tests.
• Self-paced e-learning: is good for simulations, online case
studies, interactive learning modules, e-mail, bulletin
boards interactions, online assessments, and other
forms of CBT (computer based training).
• Live e-Learning: is good for application exercises, online
coaching, interaction between students, online feedback,
assessment, chats and instant messaging.
To design blended learning, the instructional
designers start by analyzing the course
objectives and breaking them down into the
smallest possible appropriate chunks
(learning object).
After the course or training has been
the best approach to deliver each segment
of instruction (learning object) is identified.
In some cases the best approach might be
using online learning, but in others it might
be live instruction.
The course is then aggregated by grouping
the instruction logically while taking into
account the medium of delivery. In this way,
one may require a few lessons online and
some others live.
Teacher’s Role
1) developing online course content and structure.
3) guiding and individualizing learning.
4) assessing, grading, and promoting.
Among the challenges of offering Blended
Learning are:
How to manage instructional complexity
How to design it.
How to manage the roles and responsibilities.
How to create a seamless learning experience.
How to meet expectations
How to control costs
1-Cost effectiveness for both the accrediting
learning institution and the learner
2- Accessibility to a post secondary education
3- Flexibility in scheduling and timetabling of
course work
1-Computer and Internet access
2- Limited knowledge in the use of technology
3- Study skills
Aycock, A., Garnham, C., & Kaleta, R. (2002). Lessons learned from the hybrid course project. Teaching
Scholars Forum, 8(6). Retrieved September 7, 2005, from:
Dziuban, C. D., Hartman, J. L., & Moskal, P. D. (2004). Blended learning. Educause Center for Applied
Research, Research Bulletin, 7. Retrieved December 2005 from:
Lorenzetti, J. P. (2004). For quality and effectiveness, build a hybrid program. Distance Education Report,
8(21), pages 1-7. Summary
Marsh, G. E., McFadden, A. C., & Price, B. J. (2003). Blended Instruction: Adapting Conventional
Instruction for Large Classes. Online Journal of Distance Learning Adminstration, 6(4). Retrieved
September 7, 2005, from:
Martyn, Margie (2003). The hybrid online model: Good practice. Educause Quarterly. Retrieved
September 2005 from:
Osguthorpe, R. T. & Graham, C. R. (2003). Blended learning environments: Definitions and directions.
The Quarterly Review of Distance Education, 4(3), 227-233.
Sands, P. (2002). Inside outside, upside downside: Strategies for connecting online and face-to-face
instruction in hybrid courses. Teaching with Technology Today, 8(6), Retrieved September 7, 2005, from
Young, J. (2002, March 22). "Hybrid" teaching seeks to end the divide between traditonal and online
instruction. Chronicle of Higher Education, p. A33. Available online at:
[1] Heinze, A.; C. Procter (2004). "Reflections on the Use of Blended
Learning". Education in a Changing Environment. University of Salford,
Salford, Education Development Unit.
[2] Oliver, M; Trigwell, K (2005). “Can ‘Blended Learning’ Be Redeemed? ELearning, Volume 2, Number 1.
[3] Wikipedia. “Blended Learning”., accessed on 14 Feb 2011.
[4] Clive Shepherd (2005). "The Blended Learning Cookbook". (PDF e-book can be downloaded from
the link at the bottom of the page.)