Intelligence Integration and the Impact on Communications

TechNet Land Forces - South
Connecting Joint & Coalition Partners for the Next Fight
Brigadier General Michael Lee, USAF (Ret),
Partner, National Security, Blue Canopy Group, LLC
July 10-12, 2012
Tampa, FL
Intelligence Integration and the Impact on
• In order for Intelligence Information to be effective, it
must be mainstreamed into current and future
Intelligence and C2 Systems
• Intelligence systems consume enormous quantities of
communications bandwidth
• Intelligence data handling systems are proliferating
• Large volumes of intelligence information are being
increasingly pushed down to the forward edge
• Intelligence sharing is the future imperative rather than
the current exception
• The trend towards intelligence system integration may
mitigate stress on DoD’s communications infrastructure
Global Command & Control System, Integrated Imagery and Intelligence (GCCS-I3)
– Intelligence information analysis system enabling users an immediate access to
imagery and intelligence directly from a Common Operational Picture (COP).
– GCCS-I3 fuses data from multiple sensors and intelligence sources to enable
situational awareness. The system supports the integration of locally collected
tactical imagery, live video streams and other intelligence with national and
theater - produced intelligence.
– GCCS-I3 upgrades to allow for FMV dissemination in the process of being
fielded within UK, Afghanistan, and Tampa.
Persistent Dissemination and Surveillance System (PSDS2)
– Integrates inputs from multiple sources (electro-optical, infrared, radar,
acoustic) to provide situational awareness.
– Disseminates real-time streaming video
– Provides “video in context” for situational awareness on a 3-D terrain model or
Google Earth (GE available on US BICES) Common Operational Picture (COP)
– FMV able to be stored, archived, and searched via metadata
Cross-Domain Enterprise All-Source User Repository (CENTAUR)
US BICES interface to DCGS
Able to search and retrieve releasable intelligence in the form of still imagery and Full
Motion Video Clips
United States Battlefield Information Collection and Exploitation
Systems (US BICES)
• OUSD/I-managed Intelligence system
facilitating US COCOM / Agency
interoperability with:
NATO headquarters
Subordinate military commands
All NATO nations
Extending to other COCOMS
• US BICES provides secure, agile,
discrete, selective, and timely intelligence
and Special Operations information
sharing services with partner nations
One of the most widely used
C4I information systems within the
US – NATO operations-intelligence
• Provides a coalition intelligence sharing
enterprise presence in each Combatant
Command which can be extended to any
partner nation via bilateral networks
enabling rapid, secure and effective
exchanges of intelligence
• US Owned Network with 12K U.S.
users, 3500 workstations at 200+ sites
Interconnected with 55,000 NATO
users in 25 countries
• Provides access to:
All-Source, US, and NATO derived Intelligence
and Operations information
Secure Voice / Video Teleconferencing
NRT Feeds
Streaming Video (UAV)
• In order for Intelligence Information to be Effective, it must be
Mainstreamed into current and future Intelligence and C2
• What can Industry do to help?
Exploitation tools
People - analysts
Integration support
Infrastructure support – garrison/deployed
• Industry is a partner and stands ready to further the
development, integration, staffing and sustainment of
Intelligence Information
Brig. Gen. Michael Lee, USAF (Ret.)
Partner, National Security
(703) 447-0937