Newell School Board - Newell School District

Newell School Board
By: Joe J.
 Donald Alexander- Chairman
 Kimberley Jackson- Vice Chairman
 Gary Nelson
 Jennifer Srstka
 Julie VanDerBoom
 Leanne Wells
 Todd Williamson
School Board Duties
 Advocating on behalf of all students
 Policy-Making
 Hiring & Evaluating the Superintendent
 Planning, Goal Setting and Evaluation
 Maintaining fiscal responsibiltiy
 Providing safe and secure school facilities
 Open, honest communication
How to Become a Member
 You must be at least 18 years old
 You must be a resident of the school
 Eligible voter of the district or
representative area
 Have a petition signed by 20
registered voters that vote in the
school district
 Petition must be returned to the
school district at least 39 days
before the election
 Get elected
Why Should YOU run for School Board?
 According to the Assoc. School
Boards of SD - ...You and your fellow
board members will shape the future
of your community and society by
establishing education goals that help
students reach high levels of
 To share your time, talents, leadership
and talent to benefit the education of
the children.
 To build a bond between the Board
and the community
When Meetings Are
 School Board meetings are:
 2nd Monday of every month
 At 7:30 P.M.
 Newell High School Ag-Science Building
 Committee meetings are scheduled on an as needed basis
 Budget and Negotiations- develop the next school year budget, work
agreement and contract negotiations
 Policy- review policies, make recommendations for changes, create new
 Buildings and Grounds- Continue the design build process, work with
 District leadership- consists of one board member, Superintendent,
Principal, SPED Director, Activities Director, 3 Teacher Leaders, and 3
Parents, Review and discuss different aspects of the school system and how
we can improve
 I recently interview Newell School Board member Kimberley Jackson.
 Q. Why did you run for school board?
 A. “Everyone has a civic duty to be active in their community, and their
children's education. This is my way of fulfilling that obligation.”
 Q. What do you personally believe is the role of the school board member?
 A. “Use the opinions of those who elected you to guide the school
 Q. What is the toughest thing about being on the school board?
 A. “Feeling the responsibility of the education of over a hundred children.”
 "Publications & Forms | Associated School Boards of South
Dakota." Associated School Boards of South Dakota. N.p., n.d. Web. 20 Jan.
 Interview with Kimberley Jackson 1/20/2014
 Mr. Scruff. "Kalimba." N.d. CD.