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Standard 189.1-2100
Southern Alberta Chapter
T. David Underwood, P.Eng., FASHRAE
November 20, 2012
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Standard 189.1
 Development
 Implementation
 Practical use
What is Standard 189.1?
 A design standard not a rating system
 Developed in ANSI model code language
 Applies to all buildings except low-rise residential
(same as ASHRAE/IES Standard 90.1)
 Optional compliance path to the International Green
Construction Code
Standard 189.1
 High-performance green buildings minimum
 Mandatory criteria
 Performance options
 Prescriptive options
 Evidence based requirements that complement green
building rating programs
Sponsors and Project Committee
 Sponsor and co-sponsors:
USGBC (U.S. Green Building Council)
IES (Illuminating Engineering Society)
Project committee:
35+ voting members ; variety of:
 disciplines
 industries
 organizations
The Green Standard
Standard 189.1-2011
Standard for the Design
of High-Performance
Green Buildings
Standard 189.1 Building Blocks
ASHRAE Standard
“…Choice of the construction team to use IGCC or
Std. 189.1“ (International Green Construction Code)
Standard 189.1
 §1.0 through §4.0 cover the Purpose, Scope,
Definitions and Administration
 §5.0 through §10 are the working sections
§1.o0 Purpose
To provide minimum requirement for:
 Planning for operation
….of high performance green buildings.
§2.0 Scope
2.1 Provides minimum criteria for:
a. New
1. Buildings
2. Portions of buildings or
3. Systems & equipment in existing buildings
b. Site sustainability, water use efficiency, energy efficiency, indoor
environmental quality (IEQ), atmospheric impact, and resources.
2.2 Doesn’t cover single family dwellings or non water or energy
use buildings.
2.3 Doesn’t supersede any health & safety requirements
§3.0 Definitions, Abbreviations
and Acronyms
§4.0 Administration and
4.1 Buildings shall comply with mandatory requirements
in Sections 5 through 11
4.1.1 Normative appendices are mandatory
4.1.2 Informative appendices offer further information
Compliance Paths
(simple option, very few calculations)
(more options, but more effort)
§5.0 Site Sustainability
Mandatory Provisions
Allowable sites with limitations for Greenfield,
Brownfield, or Greyfield
Mitigation of heat island effect including:
% hardscape
solar reflectance index (SRI)
natural vegetation and
shading by structures
§5.0 Site Sustainability
Mandatory Provisions (cont)
Light pollution reduction includes:
backlight, uplight and glare (all tabularized)
 Invasive plants removal
 Mitigation of transportation impacts
Connections of primary building entrances to
pedestrian walkway for access to public ways or
transit stops
§5.0 Site Sustainability
 Prescriptive Option
-Minimum 40% of site area shall have effective
pervious area
-20% of area shall be maintained as Greenfield
 Performance Option
- For existing buildings 20 % of average rainfall to be managed
- For new buildings on Greenfield or Brownfield sites 40% of
rainfall to be managed.
-For all other sites manage 50% of rainfall
§6.0 Water Use Efficiency
 Mandatory Provisions
 Bio-diverse & adapted plantings for 60% of
 Hydrozoning
 Smart irrigation controllers
 Plumbing fixtures and appliances standards
 Efficient drift eliminators on cooling towers and
condensate collection for HVAC systems
 Monitoring devices with data storage retrieval
§6.0 Water Use Efficiency
 Prescriptive Option
 Cooling tower and blow down rates
 High efficiency Energy Star cooking equipment
 Only air cooled refrigeration equipment
 Performance Option
 Site water reduction:
 <35%potable water for irrigation
 Proposed use < [mandatory + prescriptive]
§ 7.0 Energy Efficiency
 Mandatory Provisions
§7.3.2 on-site renewable provisions for future
§7.3.3 energy consumption management and
 Prescriptive Options
 189.1 supersedes 90.1
 For building envelope, roof and solar heat gain
coefficient (SHCG)
§ 7.0 Energy Efficiency (cont)
§7.4.3 HVAC
 Based on Standard 90.1, but modified to gain
improved energy performance over minimum code
 Demand control ventilation (DCV) for occupied
spaces. (Lower occupancy threshold than 90.1)
 Economizers shown for equipment size and climate
 Restricts amount of reheated or re-cooled air
 Exceptions allowed from Standard 90.1
§7.0 Energy Efficiency (cont)
§ 7.4.6 Lighting
 Lighting power allowances as per Std. 90.1 multiplied by the data
in the table in this section
 Occupancy sensors to be installed to reduce power to <50% for
 Hotel, motel hallways
 Storage stack aisles
 Library stacks
 Exterior lighting control based on time of day use
§ 7.4.7 Other Equipment
 High efficiency motors, appliances and Energy Star rated
products required
§7.0 Energy Efficiency (cont)
§ 7.5
 Performance option requires
 both energy cost budget method and CO2 equivalent
 Prescriptive paths of Section 5, 6 and 8 that reduce energy
- Refer to Normative Appendix D for the building model
Proposed Performance < (Mandatory + Prescriptive)
§8.0 Indoor Environmental Quality (IEQ)
 Key Items
 Outdoor Airflow
 Tobacco Smoke Control
 Outdoor Air Monitoring
 Filtration and Air Cleaning
 Day lighting
 Thermal Comfort
 Acoustics
 Vibration
§9.0 Impact on
Atmosphere, Materials and Resources
 Mandatory
 Construction waste management
 Divert 50% of non-hazardous waste, demolition debris
 Limit total waste generated per floor
 No CFC’s; fire suppression systems contain no ozone depleting
substances (CFCs, HCFCs, Halons)
 Prescriptive Option
 Reduced impact materials (recycled, regional, bio-based)
 Performance Option
 LCA per ISO 14044 and must include land use, resource use,
climate change, ozone layer depletion, human health,
ecotoxicity, smog, acidification, eutrophication
 Must show 5% gain in at least two categories
§10.0 Construction
and Plan for Building Operation
 Only section where all requirements are mandatory
 Mandatory CONSTRUCTION requirements include:
 Protecting materials that might absorb water
 Installing no materials with visual bio-growth
 Placing vehicle staging areas away from air intakes for hospitals,
schools, residences, etc. that may adjoin the project
§10.0 Construction
and Plan for Building Operation (cont)
 Mandatory OPERATION requirements include:
 Site sustainability
 Water use efficiency
 Energy efficiency
 Indoor environmental quality
… and Commissioning to assure verification of construction of these items
as specified earlier in the Standard
In addition to:
 Maintenance
 Service Life
 Transportation Management
§10.0 Construction and Plan for Building
Operation (c0nt)
 Site Sustainability
 Maintenance procedures for healthy
vegetation growth
 Water Use Efficiency
 Measurement and verification of water use
benchmarked against criteria like Energy Star
Portfolio Manager
§10.0 Construction and Plan for Building
Operation (cont)
 Energy Use Efficiency
 Initial measurement & verification using
devices as specified in § 7.0
 Procedures to track and assess energy:
 Hourly load profiles
 Monthly average daily load profiles
 Monthly and annual energy use
 Monthly and annual peak demand
§10.0 Construction and Plan for Building
Operation (cont)
 Indoor Environmental Air Quality
 Outdoor Airflow verified by:
 Handheld devices or permanent stations
 Procedures to react if 15% lower than minimum
specified rates
 Indoor Air Quality
 Air cleaning equipment in restricted areas
 Biennial monitoring through testing, occupant
perception or complaint/response reports
 Green cleaning materials and methods
§10.0 Construction and Plan for Building
Operation (cont)
 Maintenance
 Standard 180 for planning
 Documentation of plan via electronic storage and
maintenance manuals
 Service Life
 Maintenance and repair on structure, envelope
and hardscape
§10.0 Construction and Plan for Building
Operation (cont)
 Transportation
 Preferred parking for car pools, etc.
 Copy of plan distributed to all building occupants
 Access to emergency transportation
 If leased, parking space not in the lease rate
Standard 189.1
Practical Use
 Requires participation of all parties through:
 Commissioning as specified in Guideline O including:
 Well developed Owners Project Requirements
 Leads to Integrated Building Design (IDB) as an ideal
approach to affordable Green Buildings
 Standard 189.1-2011 raises the bar for the design of
high performance Green Buildings
 The many players that contributed to developing this
standard believe that it provides a realistic platform
for responsible design