
New Wave of Immigration
8.47 Explain the causes and effects of the wave of immigration
from Northern Europe to the United States
Immigration is the action of coming to live permanently in a
foreign country.
Between 1800-1850 the majority of immigrants came from
Northern Europe (Ireland and Germany)
Pull Factors
Push Factors
Tolerance and Freedom
Religious and Political Turmoil
New Markets for Artisans
Artisans jobs lost in Industrial
Abundant and Affordable
Overcrowding caused by
population growth
Opportunity to start over;
healthy living
Debt and hunger resulting
from crop failures
Irish Immigrants- Causes
1. Catholic v. Protestant - Ireland was under British rule,
Protestant, however many Irishmen were Catholic and
they were being discriminated against.
2. Great Potato Famine - a period of starvation in Ireland
after a fungus destroy the potato crop, which was a staple
for Irish meals. Over a million Irishmen starve to death.
Irish Immigrants
Settlement Patterns
• Most settled in cities
• By 1850 Irish made up ¼ of the population of Boston, New York,
Philadelphia, and Baltimore
• Scotch-Irish settled throughout the backcountry of the Appalachian
Irish Jobs
• Most were unskilled farmers
• Took low paying difficult jobs
German Immigrants
Causes of Immigration
• Failed Revolutions
• Seeking economic opportunities
Settlement Patterns
• Most Settled in cities as well as on farms and the frontier
• Wisconsin and Texas
German Jobs
• Bakers, Butchers, Carpenters, Printers, Tailors and Gunsmiths
Impact on American Culture
• Kindergartens, gymnasiums, the Christmas tree, and the hamburger
Nativatist were OPPOSED to immigration
1. feared immigrants would take jobs away from Americans because
they were willing to do it for a lower wage
2. Religion- most of America was still Protestant and they disliked the
Roman Catholics.
More People More Problems
The Industrial Revolution and Immigration lead to urbanization
(growth of cities. more factories= more jobs= more people living
near factories)
• cities became over crowded, there was only one place to go, UP.
building grew taller to accommodate
• large building made of wood caused many fires (and deaths)
• cities became very dirty because of the lack of sewage systems
• unclean drinking water lead to disease