The Cerebral Cortex

Weapons in neurophysiologist’s
• Recording
– Individual neurons
– Gross potentials
– Brain scans
• Stimulation
• Lesions
– Natural lesions
– Experimental lesions
Neuron Doctrine (4 principals)
• Formulated by Cajal in the 1890’s using a Golgi
(silver) stain studying the brains of newborn animals
– 1. Neuron is the fundamental structural & functional element
in the brain
– 2. Terminals of one neurons axon communicate with the
dendrites of another neuron only at specialized sites (later
named synapses by Sherrington)
• Synapse between two neurons characterized by a gap
– Now called a synaptic cleft
– 3. Connection specificity
• Neurons communicate with certain neurons & not with others
– 4. Dynamic polarization
• Unidirectional signaling
• Both Cajal & Golgi shared the 1904 Nobel prize in
physiology or medicine for this work
Cerebral Cortex
• Every cubic inch of cerebral cortex has
about 10,000 miles of nerve fibers in it
• The number of neurons in the brain is about
30 X greater than the number of humans on
the planet. (180 billion)
• A typical neuron is wired to about 10002000 of its neighbors
– It is the pattern of these connections that
determines what the brain does
Cerebral Cortex
• Humans are quite good at storing &
processing sensory information
– So we can use it better in making effective
responses to our environment
• Immense degree of convergence and
divergence from one neuron to another
– Most cortical neurons are a site of converging
input from multiple neurons and source of
diverging output to multiple neurons
Cerebral Cortex Silent Areas
• Most areas of the cortex neither respond in
an obvious way to:
– simple sensory +
– nor produce movements when electrically +
The Cerebral Cortex
• Layer I -Molecular Layer
– mostly axons
• Layer II-External Granule Layer
– granule (stellate) cells
• Layer III-External Pyramidal layer
– primary pyramidal cells
Cerebral Cortex
• Layer IV-Internal Granule Layer
– main granular cell layer
• Layer V- internal pyramidal layer
– dominated by giant pyramidal cells
• Layer VI- multiform layer
– all types of cells-pyramidal, stellate, fusiform
Cerebral Cortex
• Three major cell types
– Pyramidal cells
• souce of corticospinal projections
• major efferent cell
– Granule cells
• short axons– function as interneurons (intra cortical processing)
– excitatory neurons release 1o glutamate
– inhibitory neurons release 1o GABA
– Fusiform cells
• least numerous of the three
• gives rise to output fibers from cortex
Cerebral Cortex
• Most output leave cortex via V &VI
– spinal cord tracts originate from layer V
– thalamic connections from layer VI
• Most incoming sensory signals terminate in
layer IV
• Most intracortical association functions layers I, II, III
– large # of neurons in II, III- short horozontal
connections with adjacent cortical areas
Cerebral Cortex
• All areas of the cerebral cortex have
extensive afferent and efferent connections
with deeper structures of brain. (eg. Basal
ganglia, thalamus etc.)
• Thalamic connections (afferent and
efferent) are extremely important and
• Cortical neurons (esp. in association areas)
can change their function as functional
demand changes
Secret of the Cerebral Cortex
• Resultant network of links between neurons in the
cortex mimics relationships between things in the
outside world
– Probabilistic model of the world in the brain which can
predict what is likely to happen next
• Mechanism for making the strength of these
connections change to reflect observed
associations is the secret of the CC
– Creating physical connections between neurons that
are often active simultaneously “fire together, wire
Association Areas
• Integrate or associate info. from diverse
• Large % of human cortex
• High level in the hierarchy
• Lesions here have subtle and unpredictable
Prefrontal Association Areas
• prolonged thought processes-elaboration of
– Prefrontal lobotomy
• Executive functions of behavior
• Broca’s Area
• Orbital frontal cortex
– Cells hyperactive in OCD
– Cells fire strongly when expectation not met
• Monkeys with current juice vs. brine experiment
– Functions as an error dectector-alerting you that
something is amiss
Limbic Association Area
• Behavior
• Emotions
• Motivation
Parieto-occipitotemporal AA
• Analysis of Spatial Coordinates of Body
– Neglect syndrome
• Area for Language Comprehension (Reading)
– Wernicke’s-general interpretative area
• auditory, visual, somatic all feed into this area
– Angular gyrus-just behind Wernicke’s
• Higher order visual signal processing
• Area for Naming Objects
• Area for Recognition-Faces/Complex Form
– prosopagnosia-impaired recognition of familiar
Prefrontal Lobotomy
• Surgically disconnect the prefrontal areas
from the rest of the brain (link)
• used to relieve severe psychotic depression
– lost ability to solve complex problems
– unable to string together sequential tasks
– unable to learn to do several parallel tasks at the
same time
– decreased level of aggressiveness
Prefrontal Lobotomy (cont)
Loss of ambition
inappropriate social responses
loss of morals
unable to carry through long trains of thought
usual patterns of motor activity without
• Walter Freeman (PBS documentary excerpt)
From recognition to emotional response
• After identification of an object/face projections
from the fusiform gyrus to the amygdala allow
the person to gage the emotional significance of
what has been identified
– Capgras syndrome
• These connections may be damaged/lesioned giving rise
to this syndrome
• The subject thinks close relatives are imposters due to
lack of emotion evoked by visually seeing them.
– Occurs only when visualizing them
• Best known form of specific language
• Affects 5-17% of U.S. population
• Originally thought to be due to a defect in visual
processing associated with angular gyrus
• Problem may also involve the auditory cortex’s
inability to process certain speech sounds
– Fast ones (phonemes) (30 msec)
– Can be re-programed –neuroplasticity
• “Fast ForWord” computer program (Science 1/96)
Story of Phineas Gage
• Tamping iron through face, skull, brain
• regained full consciousness within minutes
• 25 years of age at time of accident (9-131848)
• survived the accident-died 5-21-1861 of
apparent epileptic seizure
• damaged area of brain-ventromedial region
of both frontal lobes (Science 5-20-94)
P. Gage (cont.)
• Personality considerably altered after
• Prior to accident, he was described as:
– responsible, intelligent, socially well adapted,
well liked.
• After the accident, he was described as:
– irreverent, capricious, no respect for social
conventions, use of abundant profanity
offended many, irresponsible.
P. Gage (cont)
• Damaged area was likely the ventromedial
region of both frontal lobes
– ability to make rational decisions in personal
and social matters is invariably compromised
– processing of emotion is compromised
– ability to tackle the logic of an abstract
problem, perform calculations, and call up
appropriate knowledge remains intact
Ventromedial frontal areas
• Hypothesis that emotion and its underlying
neural machinery participate in decision
making within the social domain, and this
• ventromedial frontal areas reciprocally
connected with:
– subcortical nuclei like the amygdala and
• involved with basic biologic regulation, emotional
processing, social cognition & behavior
Ventromedial Frontal Area
• High concentration of serotonin S2
receptors in monkeys whose behavior is
socially adapted
• Low concentration of serotonin S2 receptors
in monkeys whose behavior is aggressive
and socially uncooperative
– (Science v 264 5-20-94)
Executive functions of behavior
• Function of the prefrontal association area
– Judgment
– Planning for the future
– holding & organizing events from memory for
prospective action
Concept of a Dominant Hemisphere
• General interpretative functions of
Wernicke’s & angular gyrus as well as
speech & motor control are more well
developed in one cerebral hemisphere
•  95% of population- left hemisphere
– If dominate hemisphere sustains damage early
in life, non dominate hemisphere can develop
those capabilities of speech & language
comprehension (Plasticity)
Lingustic Dominance &
• Dominant Hemisphere
– Left or mixed handed
• Left- 70%
Right- 15% Both- 15%
– Right handed
• Left- 96%
Right- 4%
Both- 0%
Right brain, left brain
• The two hemispheres are specialized for
different functions
– dominant (usually left)
• language based intellectual functions
• interpretative functions of symbolism,
understanding spoken, written words
• analytical functions- math
• speech
– non dominant (usually right)
• music
• non verbal visual experiences (e.g. body language)
• spatial relations
Communication between Cortical
• Corpus Callosum
– Bidirectional communication between most of
the two cortical hemispheres except for anterior
portions of the temporal lobe
• Anterior Commissure
– Bidirectional communication between anterior
portions of the temporal lobe
• Amygdala-emotional response transfer
Split brain subjects
• Section of the corpus callosum
– prevents information transfer from one cortex
to the other
– originally done to prevent the spread of seizure
activity from one hemisphere to the other in
severe cases of epilepsy
– In matching experiments:
• left hemisphere usually matches based on function
• right hemisphere usually matches based on
• Made up of archicortex & paleocortex
• 10% of human cerebral cortex
• Includes the hippocampal formation which
is folded into temporal lobe & only viewed
after dissection
– hippocampus
– dentate gyrus
– subiculum
Hippocampal formation
• Hippocampus- 3 layers (I, V, VI)
– Connects with septal nuclei, mamillary body &
contralateral hippocampus via fornix
• Dentate gyrus- 3 layers (I, IV, VI)
– projects to hippocampus (Ammon’s horn)
• Subiculum (part of parahippocampal gyrus)
– merges with entorhinal area
• Receives 10 input from the entorhinal cortex
of the parahippocampal gyrus through:
– perforant & alveolar pathway
Hippocampal formation
• Plays an important role in declarative
– Declarative- making declarative statements of
• Episodic-daily episodes of life
• Semantic-factual information
– Functions as a cortical gutter
• Sensory information is increasingly analyzed &
refined as it passes from neuronal level to level
– from sensory projection areas ⇒ complex associational
parietal/temporal networks ⇒ draining into hippocampus
Hippocampal formation
• Role in episodic memory
– Hippocampus through is bidirectional
connections with parahippocampal regions
• promote more flexible associations among items
• differentiating overlapping patterns
• encoding of each unique episode
– Parahippocampal regions have bidirectional
connections with cerebral cortex
• encode specific memory cues (semantic)
Place cells in the hippocampus
• Hippocampal "place" cells are presumably the principal
cells in each of the layers that fire in complex bursts when
an animal moves through a specific location in an
environment. The region in which a cell fires the most is
that cell's "firing-field" or "place-field" (O'Keefe and
Dostrovsky, 1971; O'Keefe, 1976).
– Inside its field, a place cell may have a maximum rate of 20Hz or
more, whereas outside its field, a place cell may fire less than 1
spike every 10 seconds (.1Hz).
– Given a sufficient number, place cells and their fields are able to
cover or "map" any given environment.
– evidence from place cells offers strong support for the
hippocampus' involvement in spatial mapping (O'Keefe and Nadel,
Learning & Memory
• Memory functions can be localized to
specific regions of the brain
• e.g. hippocampus & hippocampal gyrus
• Memories caused by changes in sensitivity
of synaptic transmission between neurons as
a result of previous mental activity
– these changes cause new pathways or facilitated
pathways to develop “memory traces”
Learning & Memory
• Memory traces can occur at all levels of the
nervous system from spinal cord to cortex
• most of memory we associate with
intellectual processes is based on memory
traces in cerebral cortex
• positive memory-associated with facilitation
• negative memory-associated with
habituation (suppression)
Classification of Memory
• Short term memory
– lasts seconds to minutes
• Intermediate long term memory
– lasts days to weeks
• Long term memory
– lasts years to entire lifetime
NMDA receptor
• Associated with synaptic learning/memory
• Binds glutamate
• Ionic channels associated with the NMDA
receptor are both ligand and voltage gated
– In order to open it needs to be both depolarized
and in the presence of glutamate, and Ca++ will
influx and cause the cellular machinery to
manufacture more AMPA glutamate receptors
that require only glutamate to cause
Neural Basis of Memory
• Memory has stages & continually changing
• long term memory- plastic changes
• physical changes coding memory are localized in
multiple regions of the brain
• reflexive & declarative memory involve different
neuronal circuits
• Memories are caused by groups of neurons that
fire together in the same pattern each time they are
– The links between individual neurons, which bind them
into a single memory, are formed through a process
called long-term potentiation. (LTP)
Declarative/Explicit Memory
• Conscious memory
– memory of details of an integrated thought
– memory of: surroundings, time relationships,
cause & meaning of the experience
– acquiring knowledge of people, places & things
– involves the hippocampal gyrus
• evaluation, comparison, inference
Reflexive/Implicit/Skill Memory
• Unconscious- associated with motor
– e.g. hitting a tennis ball which include
complicated motor performance
– learn how to do things-acquire motor or
perceptual skills that are unavailable to
– certain forms involve amygdala & cerebellum
• nonassociative & associative learning
Declarative Memory
• Can be subdivided into Episodic &
– Episodic-remembering the episodes of daily life
– Semantic-remembering factual information
e.g. 2 + 2 = ?
• Involves the function of the hippocampus &
parahippocampal areas
– Hippocampus & related temporal lobe areas
thought to process newly learned information &
then transfer it to cortical areas
Role of Hippocampus in Memory
• The hippocampus may store long term
memory for weeks & gradually transfer it to
specific regions of cerebral cortex
• The hippocampus has 3 major synaptic
pathways each capable of long-term
potentiation which is thought to play a role
in the storage process (Kandel 1995)
Memory loss
• Bilateral removal of hippocampus produces
profound deficits in memory function.
– loss of capacity to form new long term memories
(process of consolidation impaired)
– retention of memories prior to surgery
– short term memory intact
– loss of ability to transfer most types of learning
from short term to long term memory (exception
is reflexive learning; i.e. motor skills)
– not well oriented in space & time
– forgetting incidents of daily life immediately
Memory loss
• The memory capability that is spared
following bilateral lesions of temporal lobe
(hippocampal formation) typically involves
learned tasks that have two things in
– tasks tend to be reflexive, not reflective &
involve habits, motor, or perceptual skills
– do not require conscious awareness or complex
cognitive processes. (e.g. comparison &
• When I was younger, I could remember
anything, whether it had happened or not;
but my faculties are decaying now and soon
I shall be so I cannot remember any but the
things that never happened.- Mark Twain
Nonassociative learning
• Habituation
– decrease in response to repeat benign stimulus
• Sensitization (pseudoconditioning)
– strengthening of responses to a wide variety of
stimuli following an intense or noxious stimuli
– override effects of habituation (dishabituation)
– can be demonstrated in the Aplysia (snail)
• Imitative learning
– important in acquisition of language
– mirror neurons
Associative Learning
• Classical conditioning
– involves learning relationship between 2 stimuli
– pairing of conditioned & unconditioned
stimulus to condition response
– importance of correlation between CS & US
• Operant conditioning
– learning relationship between stimulus &
organism behavior
– formation of a predictive relationship between a
response & a stimulus
– animal/person learns to predict the
consequences of its own behavior
• The # of neurons & their connectivities
change significantly during learning
– during the first year of life and perhaps even
after this great excess of neurons
– neurons looking to connect
• if make meaningful connections with other neurons,
glands, or muscles, they will flourish
• if they don’t they will perish
– connections determined by nerve growth
factors released retrogradely from + cells
• Soon after birth- “use it or lose it”
– in many areas of cerebral cortex may lose 50%
or more of original neurons due to nonuse
• Even in adults there is modification of the
number of neurons & their connections to at
least some extent
• Concept of neural plasticity
Storage of Memory
• Long term memory is represented in mutiple
regions throughout the nervous system
• associated with structural changes in synapes
– increase in # of both transmitter vesicles &
release sites for neurotransmitter
– increase in # of presynaptic terminals
– changes in structures of dendritic spines
– increased number of synaptic connections
• Neural Plasticity
• How memory works
Holographic memory model
• Coherent waves
• interference patterns
– constructive & destructive interference
• principal of reconstruction
• redundancy of recording
• Some evidence that memory function in the
brain works in this manner
• Environment alters human behavior by
learning & memory
• Learning
– process by which we acquire knowledge about
the world
• Memory
– process by which knowledge is encoded, stored
& retrieved
• Many important behaviors are learned
• We are who we are largely by what we
learn & remember
• learned motor skills
– help us master the environment
– learned language enable communication of
what we learned
• Not all learning is beneficial
• Learning can produce dysfunctional
behaviors, and in extreme  psychological
• successful psychotherapy often creates an
environment where people can learn to
change their behavior.
• Implicit-unconscious memory
• Explicit-conscious memory
• Patient H.M. 27 y.o. male
– suffered for over 10 years from uncontrollable
bilateral temporal lobe seizures as a
consequence of brain damage sustained at age 9
when he was hit and knocked over by someone
riding a bicycle
– surgery performed to control epilepsy
Patient H.M.
• Surgery involved bilateral removal of the
hippocampal formation, amygdala, and
parts of the temporal cortex (multimodal
association area)
• After surgery seizures better controlled but
developed a devastating explicit memory
• NPR story
• Obituary died 12-8-2008 at age 82
Food for thought
Your beliefs become your thoughts
Your thoughts become your words
Your words become your actions
Your actions become your habits
Your habits become your values
Your values become your destiny
– Mahatma Gandhi