NSF DDIG for the Biological Sciences Workshop

NSF DDIG workshop
Bret Pasch
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Steven Phelps
Department: Biology
DDIG Title: Behavioral & neural mechanisms of altitudinal
replacement in Neotropical singing mice
Panel: Behavioral systems cluster - Animal behavior
Distribution of singing mice
in Costa Rica
DDIG project idea
Link changes in perception at neural level to
changes in distribution at the geographic level
• Bulleted hypotheses & predictions
Illustrate & link preliminary data = Proof of concept
Highlight ongoing outreach/
broader impacts = Proof of effort
Budget request
Equipment & Materials
Travel- Fieldwork & dissemination of research
Comments from Reviewers
“…proposal has ample preliminary data, clear statement of predictions,
and necessary caution for ‘challenges’.”
“The proposal is well-written and nicely illustrated, including illustrations in the
Broader Impacts section; I haven't seen this before, and commend the authors
for their thoughtfulness.”
“…broader impacts that appear to build upon ongoing efforts and programs.”
“Pasch plans to use some of the money to attend a Sound Analysis
Workshop at Cornell. This is an excellent idea.”
Other ideas
Share your knowledge base
- Website to disseminate research
- Reference library
- Virtual lab notebook
Provide data on negative results/failed experiments