ALEKS in the Classroom

ALEKS in the
Presenters: Audrey Brackett
Dr. Amy Galloway
Forrest Smith
Why use ALEKS?
How much time should be
given on ALEKS?
O At least 3 to 4 hours a week
for progress and growth.
O This can vary depending on
individual school schedules
and class designs.
How can you implement
ALEKS in the classroom?
O Use as a tool to target specific
student weaknesses.
O Monitor student growth in grasping
mathematical concepts.
O Alternate with normal instruction days.
O Challenge students to push
When would students
utilize ALEKS?
O Extension/Intervention Classes
O ESS – During, Before, or After School
O Summer Programs
O Rotational RTI Flexible Classes
O Regular & Advanced Math Classes
O At Home!
If ALEKS is used in a regular
math class, how are grades
O 5-7 Topics Daily Plus ALEKS Worksheet for
Daily Grade.
O ALEKS Quizzes
O Growth Assessments
O For total course assessment the % of the
pie/course completed can be utilized.
Daily Grades & Student
Reflective Goals
Date: ______________________________
I have mastered _________ out of _________ topics.
I am going to work on my _____________ colored pie today.
My beginning topics mastered for this pie today is ____________
I want to increase that number to ___________ mastered today.
I am going to achieve my goal by
Did you meet your goal today? Why or why not?
I still need to
Taking Actions in ALEKS
Scheduled Assessment:
Schedule a new assessment: Allows you to schedule a new assessment (graded or
Cancel an assessment: Prevent a previously scheduled assessment from taking
Change the name, date, grading scale of an assessment: Edit the grading scale,
date or name of a past or upcoming scheduled/requested assessment.
Create a Quiz: Allows you to select a sequence of questions that ALEKS will make
available to students and grade automatically.
Edit a Quiz: View or modify the sequence of questions of an existing Quiz.
Delete a Quiz: Remove a Quiz from the list of Quizzes linked with this class.
Worksheet Options:
View/Create Worksheets for all students in this class
View/Create Worksheets for a single student
How can you monitor student
O Check student progression from initial
assessment to other assessments.
Watch students progress daily through
mastery of topics.
Check progress of knowledge per slice.
Quiz results.
Time and topic reports for each student.
Class Report Options in ALEKS
Class Report:
Kentucky standards report: Mastery in terms of Kentucky standards.
Learning progress since latest assessment: Quick snapshot of each
student's latest progress in learning mode.
Detailed progress history: Complete snapshot of each student's
progress both in learning mode and in assessment mode over a period
of time.
Overall progress in assessment: Compares each student's first and
latest assessment results.
Scheduled assessment report: Complete snapshot of the students'
results on a previously scheduled assessment.
Average report (pie chart): Average of the pie charts of all students in
the class.
Quiz results for all students.
Time and Topic report for all students: Shows time spent in ALEKS,
topics attempted, and topics mastered over a period of time.
Knowledge Per Slice: Shows each student's current mastery of each
slice in this class.
Individual Reports Options in ALEKS
O Individual Report:
• Kentucky standards report for a single student:
Describes a student's knowledge in terms of
Kentucky standards.
Progress report for a single student in this class:
Complete snapshot of a student's progress.
Report for a single student in this class (pie
chart): Pie chart of a student in this class with
support for IEP.
Quiz result for a particular student.
Time and Topic report for a particular student.
What are QuickTables?
O Practice of basic math facts for
students to master.
O Results can be monitored.
O Worksheets and quizzes can be
O Tables can be created.
Thank you for attending.