Goal and Objective-Setting and Curriculum

Effective Assessment: Goaland Objective-Setting and
Curriculum Mapping
Some Important Assessment “Basics”
Establishing congruence among institutional
goals, programmatic and course objectives,
learning opportunities, and assessments
Distinguishing between goals and objectives
Using a variety of measures, both quantitative
and qualitative, in search of convergence
Value of course-embedded assessment
Goals and Objectives: What’s the
Goals are broader, more general, and non-measurable
as stated
“Students will gain an understanding of the scientific method.”
Objectives are narrower, more specific, and at least
“translatable” into a measure
At the program level: “Students will demonstrate the ability to
formulate hypotheses, analyze data, and reach conclusions.”
At the course level: “Students will be able to perform an
analysis of variance and interpret its results.”
Advantages of Course-Embedded
Least time- and labor-intensive
Direct, necessary involvement of faculty
Student motivation assured
Face validity of measures assured (i.e.,
“authentic” assessment)
And, most important, its implications for
immediate and direct feedback to individual
faculty (and, therefore, for “closing the loop”)
Assessment’s “Four Steps”
Setting objectives: “What you say you do”
Curriculum mapping: “How you do what
you say you do”
Assessment: “How you know you are doing
what you say you do”
“Closing the loop”: “What you do next
based on results”
Programmatic Objectives
Developing Programmatic Objectives:
Some General Suggestions
Involve all faculty teaching in program
Program objectives should reflect institutional
and program Mission Statement
Best objectives result from faculty-negotiated
agreement about what students in the
program should “be like” upon completing
Focus on five or so core objectives to begin
with – that’s plenty!
Developing Program Objectives: Basic
Questions in Getting Started
What do you expect of students in terms of
knowledge, skills, behavior, and attitudes?
What achievements do you expect of
graduates in your field?
What profiles of your alumni do you have, or
can you develop in terms of issues you
believe are important?
Developing Program Objectives:
Some Typical Areas of Interest
Knowledge of content
Communication ability (written and oral)
Information literacy ability (library use and
computer proficiency)
Quantitative reasoning
Critical thinking
Analytic and interpretative ability
Specific Guidelines for Setting
Program Objectives
Three Basic Rules
Rule #1: Identify Overarching Concepts,
Not “Course-Level” Objectives
Good Example: “Students will demonstrate
the ability to formulate hypotheses, analyze
data, and draw conclusions.”
Poor Example: “Students will demonstrate
the ability to perform an ANOVA.”
Rule #2: State Objectives Using Concrete
Language and Action Verbs
Good Example: “Students will acquire and
demonstrate knowledge and skills necessary
to solve complex business problems in one or
more areas of emphasis.”
Poor Example: “Our objective is to enhance
students’ intellectual growth.”
Rule #3: Focus on Results, Not
Good Example: “Students will demonstrate
clear and effective oral communication skills.”
Poor Example: “Students will successfully
complete four Oral Intensive courses.”
Course Objectives
Course Objectives Should:
Reflect program goals and objectives
Be developed within the context of the
program and, ideally, involve all faculty who
teach the course
Be more concrete and specific than
program objectives
Be measurable
Be included on course syllabi
Questions To Ask
Which program objectives are most appropriately covered in
your course? (no course can – or need – do everything!)
How can you effectively “translate” the program objectives
into course-level objectives?
What specific activities do you provide to your students that
enable them to achieve these objectives?
What specific assignments enable you to determine their
level of achievement?
Based on the outcomes, what can you conclude about that
level of achievement, and do you need to do anything
differently the next time?
“Categories” of Course Objectives
Cognitive – what do you want students to
Behavioral – what competencies do you
want them to demonstrate?
Attitudinal – are their particular values you
want them to adopt?
Sample Program Objectives –
Sociology Department
Student understands and can explain major
theories of social behavior.
Student understands the nature and purposes of
social research and understands different
methodological techniques.
Student can apply theories and research methods
to real-world situations.
Student can describe these issues effectively in
oral and written form.
Translating Programmatic Objectives into
Course Objectives (Handout #1)
Value of fairly broad student learning goals that can then be
operationalized more specifically at the course level (especially
when different courses involved)
Importance of making sure that “compound” objectives can be
broken down into discrete parts, each of which, when
assessed, yields a distinct sub-score (holistic scoring less
Again, individual courses need to do everything – what is
important is that, when all courses are considered overall, all
programmatic objectives are covered adequately
Common technique for determining this: Curriculum mapping
Curriculum Mapping:
Assessment’s Second Step
Matching Programmatic Objectives
to Curricular Activities
Multiple Benefits of Curriculum
Increased clarity as to extent to which – and where –
programmatic objectives are being covered and
Increased awareness by faculty of their – and others’ –
responsibilities in delivering the curriculum, as well as a
better understanding of the entire program
Multiple opportunities for establishing consensus about
the curriculum as well as faculty ownership and
Positive implications for developing a comprehensive
“assessment database”
Basic Steps in Curriculum Mapping
Involve all faculty teaching in program
Survey faculty with respect to their coverage
of learning objectives
Share information with faculty for review and
Reach consensus regarding extent to which
program is addressing objectives adequately
and develop strategies for change as
Maximizing Information Gained Through
Curriculum Mapping
Have faculty indicate the extent to which they
cover the learning goals for each course they
And, while you’re at it, survey if they are
assessing students’ mastery of the objectives
If so, have them indicate the type of measure
they are using, and even the specific
assessment activity being utilized
Sample Form for Collecting Course
Information (Handout #2)
Objective: #8 – Students will demonstrate understanding of at least one
principal form of artistic expression and the creative process therein.
Course: ART 110
Instructor: K. Haring
1. Indicate the extent to which this course emphasizes the stated learning
________ No emphasis
Some emphasis
________ Moderate emphasis
Great emphasis
2. Does your course include a direct assessment measure of the stated
learning objective? _____X___ Yes
__________ No
3. If so, classify this measure: _____ Exam _____ Paper __X__ Portfolio
_____ Oral Presentation
_____ Lab Assignment
_____ Internship
_____ Other (please specify: _____________________________________)
4. If so, describe this measure in some detail: Students submit at the end of the
semester a “photographic essay” including 10 color prints, 8 contact sheets,
and 5 slide pages. The photographs must reflect a theoretical and practical
understanding of the color photographic system as well as knowledge of the
various techniques covered in the course.
Hypothetical Example – Bachelor of Music
Composition Program (Handout #3)
Grid reveals much useful information about
Are all goals being covered adequately?
Are there “gaps” in coverage of goals?
Are some goals being covered excessively?
Are different sections of courses providing the
same emphases?
Process also yields rich “assessment
database” for determining program
Summarizing the Benefits of
Curriculum Mapping
Effective tool for consensus- and communitybuilding in a department or program
Promotes “holistic” perspective of a
Clarifies relationships between courses (e.g.,
course sections, prerequisites)
Can result in prolific assessment database
through “extraction” of assessment products