Taboo Recreation
Overview of Today’s Session
• Taboo Recreation defined
• Nash’s Pyramid
• Theoretical Explanations
Can Leisure
Destroy Life?
Can Leisure
Destroy Life?
• Approximately 99.8% of high school students have tried
• 1,811,000 arrests for DUI yearly.
• Unauthorized gambling represents about 28% of total gambling
market….21,000 arrests.
• 111,400 people arrested annually for prostitution.
• 326,000 people arrested annually for vandalism.
• One in eight Americans are regular users of illegal drugs.
• There are four times as many sex “emporiums” for each
McDonalds restaurant.
• Vandalism costs Park and Recreation Depts 15% of their
annual budgets.
• One out of three American adults gambles at least once a
Taboo Recreation
• Pastimes that are forbidden by law, custom or belief.
(Russell, 1995)
Taboo Recreation
• Those pursuits in leisure deemed inappropriate, socially
unacceptable, or illegal by society that results in tradition.
Purple Recreation
• “Acts and pursuits that bring a degree of pleasure or escape
to the participants, but which suggest gross self-indulgence,
greed, immorality, or cruelty and arouse repugnance in most
of the remainder of society.”
(Curtis, 1979)
What is Purple Recreation?
• It refers to those activities and interests indulged in by
youth and adults during non-work, non-study free
• These forms of activities do not fall within the
parameters of what society views as wholesome.
What is Purple Recreation?
• The term “Purple Recreation” comes from the color and
tone of the shaded areas of the moonlight.
• It is not always starkly bad or evil though it frequently
approaches that extreme.
Marginal Recreation
• “Leisure-time activities that are of questionable or of
borderline morality-if not actually illegal-and that are
therefore referred to as ‘marginal’ recreation activities.”
(Kraus, 1990)
• Many recreation professionals believe that by definition
RECREATION must be “good.”
“Recreation is not only good for individuals,
it is also good for society.”
(Rossman, 1995)
Nash’s Pyramid
• Level 4-Creative Participation
• Level 3-Active Participation
• Level 2-Emotional Participation
• Level 1-Entertainment
“Recreation is a worthwhile,
socially accepted leisure experience.
(Hutchinson, 1951)
Taboo Recreation Labels
• Taboo Sex:
– Recreational sex
– Recreation drugs
– Pornography
– Prostitution
– Sex clubs
– Social drinking
• Is it the law or the individual causing the problems?
• Freedom to???
Social Taboo’s
• Taboos differ in societies and also change over time.
• Can you think of any social taboos…different values that some
do not think is right?
Political choices
Sexual preferences
What About Taboo Recreation
• Cause physical harm to either players or spectators;
• Are non-violent but exploitative activities, such as sex
performed for spectators;
• Affect the physical health and financial well-being of
participants and their significant relationships.
• Destroys property
Taboo Recreation Labels
• Injuring Self: its harm is mainly to those who participate.
– Substance Abuse
– Compulsive overuse
• Can “good” behaviors or activities be “bad” if they become
• What type of leisure behaviors or activities can you identify
as compulsive?
– Gambling
– Lotteries???
“People believe these activities are wrong”
– Bingo???
Taboo Recreation Labels
• Injuring Others: antisocial acts or crimes with victims… behaviors
that injure others.
– Vandalism for fun
– Graffiti
– Typology of vandalism….
Why do people engage in
unacceptable behaviors?
– Leisure participation goes up, boredom goes down.
– Leisure satisfaction goes up, boredom goes down.
– Social, sport participation, outdoor recreation and reading work
best to reduce boredom.
– Cultural activities, sport spectating, hobbies, watching TV are
less likely to reduce boredom.
Types of Vandalism
• Overuse vandalism - unintentional result of too many people
using a property or facility.
• Conflict vandalism - doing what is logical and natural,
regardless of the facility designer’s intent.
• No-other-way-to-do-it vandalism - damage resulting from sitting
on a fence because there is no bench.
• Inventive vandalism - destruction that results from solutions to
• Curiosity vandalism - from irresistible temptation or lack of
personal discipline.
Types of Vandalism
• Self-expression vandalism -attempt to be noticed.
• Spin-off vandalism -when other activities lead to
destruction of property.
• Slovenly vandalism -bad manners/ carelessness.
• Thrill vandalism -goading or dale of friends for a
desire for excitement.
Why Taboo Recreation?
• Anomie: a lack of purpose and identity in a
person or a society resulting in the demise of
formerly useful social norms.
– Ex:
• sports spectating
• Differential Association: delinquent behavior is
learned through interaction with others in intimate
personal groups.
– Ex:
• youth gangs
• Who decides what is taboo?
• What do you consider is ‘taboo’ and why?
– Be sure to respond (tactfully) to your classmates. If you agree or
disagree…and explain your position!
What Does All of This Mean?
• Purple recreation is institutionalized in the United
• It takes from and contributes to American culture.
• Recreation and leisure behavior is very individualistic.
• Recreation is very commercial and that almost
anything goes as long as it pleases the participant.
Subject: Must recreation be good?
• What do you think….are hedonistic forms of recreation….still
“recreation” if the activity is not considered “good” by all?
– Ex: sex clubs
• Discuss what forms of recreation are socially accepted by some,
but not others
– Ex: types of recreational drug use