REPORT BACK: Regional and Country reports

Francophone West Africa
1. MANI Co-ordinator for each country by
end of December 2011.
2. Meeting for national co-ordinators in the
first quarter of 2012 in Benin.
3. During 2012 each country to have a
national consultation that will lead to
CRAF 2013 as a follow up to MANI 2011.
Anglophone West Africa NIGERIA
OBJECTIVES: Facilitate emergence of a strategy that motivates Nigerian
participating organizations to take actions in adopting some of the 81
UPGs by:
Praying for specified number of Nigerian UPGs and mission in their areas;
Mobilizing and providing resources to facilitate and encourage mission
work among UPGs
Getting directly involved in reaching out to specified number of Nigerian
A three year tactical plan to drive the adoption of Nigerian UPGs
A plan for Nigerian regional and National MANI conferences
Anglophone West Africa NIGERIA
 25% BY DEC 2012
 60% BY DEC 2013
 100% BY DEC 2014
Anglophone West
Gambia and Ghana
Gambia MANI Action Plan
 Network for the evangelization is being
reawakened. Gambia Christian Council’s
platform on research is providing a base for
the national initiative
 We will report back to the leadership of
GCC and other churches, sharing some
resources we have received from here
 We will continue research surveys and
corporate efforts like GDOP
Gambia MANI Action Plan
 We will work to develop goals and strategic
focuses that will be owned by the national church
 We hope to have a national conference in the next
six months
 One challenge and one prayer point:
 Come north but not in confusion
 Pray for unity of churches around God’s
Kingdom vision and wisdom for leaders to face
the changing situation
Ghana MANI Team
 We have established a task force that will:
 Write a report for church leaders to challenge
them regarding the evangelistic issues raised at the
MANI 2011 conference
 Issue a press statement concerning MANI 2011
 Meet with leaders to adopt and own the report
 Strengthen the Ghana Evangelism Committee as a
national initiative to mobilize the churches for the
total evangelization of Ghana through the following:
Ghana MANI Team
 Complete the third national church survey by
July 2012
 Hold a national congress on evangelization (a
follow up to Lausanne 2010) by July 2012
 Continue with the following activities:
“Awaken to the World” missions-mobilization
programme, Global Day of Prayer, and other
ongoing discipleship and training
Ghana MANI Team
 The Ghana Evangelism Committee will
serve as an information and mobilization
source of the evangelistic and missions
activities (internal and external) of the
churches and para-church ministries in
Central African Group Resolutions
Give adequate feed-back
Revamp the research group at the level of each country for
Organize a national consultation
Each country is committing itself to bring together
national initiatives that will lead to having a national
consultation by June 2012
Regional Consultation
Once each country has had its national consultation, then
a regional consultation will come to crown all of these
Action plans for the Horn
of Africa and North
Horn of Africa: Ethiopia, Somalia and Djibouti
1. Go East and Go North as these areas are the
least evangelized areas.
2. Priority groups to be engaged: The Somali,
the Afar and the Harerge Oromo
3. Least evangelized classes to be engaged:
Children, Pastoralist Communities, Cities
and Expatriates (Chinese, Arabs…)
Conclusion: The Horn
 In the light of the blessings, the challenges and the
opportunities, the evangelical body has a great potential
to reach out the above listed un-reached peoples and
even others who lives within the country and beyond.
The greatest and immediate need for the Church in
Ethiopia is to have a central body that can mobilize the
body of Christ for cooperation and effective missions.
For this reason, we have agreed, committed ourselves,
and formed a committee to work for the establishment
of the Evangelical Missions Association.
 1. Connect with North Sudan Mission to Muslims
(NOSUMU) to coordinate and focus and carry the
vision of reaching the UPGs of Sudan.
 2. Direct connection to local congregations and
network among the denominations.
 3. Include church leaders to facilitate and delegate
mission representatives in various churches.
 4. To compile information on who is doing what
among the UPGs in the Sudan
North Africa
1 Urge the “Go North” Initiative to connect in
dialogue with the North African Partnership
(NAP)-which meets in January of each year
in Malta
2. Urge all national and denominational leaders
of MANI to educate their people on religious
liberty issues related to North Africa. Set My
People Free Initiative
North Africa
3. Continue to encourage ongoing dialogue between
Our desire would be for North Africa to be
considered an official region of MANI with appropriate
We realize there are issues of importance which
would need to be addressed including security issues
for North African participants
4. We encourage Francophone Africa Churches to
engage in French Speaking North Africa
East Africa
 Strengthen existing National Initiatives (e.g FTT
in Kenya) and catalyze initiation of National
Initiatives within the region where none exist
 All elements need to be begun or strengthened
– prayer, mobilization, training, sending, etc.
 Encouraging each country delegation to have
follow-up meetings within next one month to
further develop action plans.
East Africa
 Ensure that active Country Assessment Process
teams are strengthened, or where none exist, that
they are started.
 Continue compilation & evaluation of
unreached/least-reached peoples database.
 Strengthen systems for dissemination of
information to those needing the information.
 Adopting the currently developing East &
Southern Africa Go North Initiative as part of our
Indian Ocean Islands
 Action plans : October 2011 – March 2012
 Rain Forest initiative in Madagascar – open to other
churches and ministries.
 Need : More audio solar equipments : 100 – 150 per
Focus on the Northern part of Madagascar
( predominantly by our cousins).
 Joint Regional Action – Comoros Islands.
Southern Africa
Closer networking between leaders of the NI’s with the view to
explore ways in which we can help one another build and
strengthen our NI’s
Building a common regional vision which will lead to better
allocation and sharing of resources
Irrespective of the development stage of the NI, we recognise the
contribution each nation can make and that a determined effort to
build collaboration across focus areas will lead to greater impact
Continue the CAP process and especially improve the
communication between each NI and the regional Data Team
Portuguese Speaking Africa
1. To promote the 1st gathering for pastors and leaders
from the Portuguese speaking African countries with
the formation of a network of evangelism for those
2. To be involved more intentionally and complete the
CAP process.
3. Greater commitment towards Transformational
Discipleship, Children’s outreach, cooperation in
Theological education, outreach to blind and deaf
Heads of Church
Q 1: Practical steps to mobilize the whole church to take the whole Gospel to
the whole world.
Disciple members into missions programs at local level
Break the barriers between the laity and the clergy on the mandate of
Q 2: How do we motivate the Church to be involved in missions
Motivation for missions must begin with the church leaders using the
existing structures in different countries and MANI playing the
advocacy role.
Q 3: Challenges and outcomes
Suspicion between mission agencies and local churches
Leaders agreed that Ghana will host a Summit for leading Church
and Mission leaders in Africa in 2013.
African Diaspora
 Efforts should be made in 3 directions
 Effort should be made to build a network in
each Diaspora region and then link them
together. Links are already established in
Europe in the Americas, concerning South
America some contacts have been taken here
during the consultation. Asia end specially
China is to be contacted as well. The Pacific
is to be finalize
African Diaspora
 Help African churches in the Diaspora
in transforming mentality: Africans
should start thinking that African
descends include those who are not
born in Africa. Encourage these
churches to think mission end be open
to other as well Europeans or other
regions as African of other tribes or
African Diaspora
 Africans of the Diaspora should take
initiative of reconciliations with their
brothers of the forced Diaspora mainly of
South America (Brazil, Guatemala etc.)
this step is important for the integration
of the forced Diaspora in mission efforts
towards Africa.
Global Delegates Response