Benefits Presentation - Cont.

Presentation To Placement Module
Jerry Rieder
Instructor - Jerry Rieder
 Contact Information
- Direct 920-544-3557
- Email
 Background / Experience
- Franchisor/small business owner since 2005
- Franchise Consultant since 2012
- 25+ yrs w/4 Fortune 500 Cos.
- Major Account, Operations, Revenue and Customer Service
- Sr. Management experience
- Significant Business Analysis, Marketing, Training,
Project Management and Consulting background
Webinar Ground Rules
 Participation & Questions (regarding any aspect of
this session or previous modules) Are Encouraged
 Mute Your Phone (if you have background noise)
 Share Your Experiences
 Open Your Mind To Learning
 Positive Approach/Attitude
Please complete online evaluation form
located on the FS University cover page
Initial Contact &
Research & PreRegistration
Coaching Process
Legal & Placement
Key Activities
Key Activities
Key Activities
Key Activities
Key Activities
Key Activities
Key Activities
Initial Contact via
Phone / Email
Establish Rapport &
Explain Services &
Handling Common
Script to Pre-Qualify
the Serious –vsCurious.
Become a Business
Orchestrator for
needed 3rd Party
Sources (funding).
Schedule Interview
Email Confidential
Conduct an
interview using the
(Uncover tangibles
& intangibles).
Note: Any partners
should be involved
in this process.
Explain Next Steps
& Schedule
Presentation Mtg
Send Email
Explaining Discovery
Process and
Match Key
at a Time
Elements of Your
Candidate to
Franchises in
FranServe Directory
w/ eMatch Tools &
Power Search.
Candidate and do a
Territory Check.
Request electronic
materials from
franchisor to use
for presenting their
Focus on:
Review Key Criteria
& Benefits of
Selected Franchises.
(total of 3-4)
Feedback &
Ranking from
Select 1-2
Franchise Concepts
to Discover.
Identify Good
Times for Candidate
Introduction Calls &
Set Expectations of
Franchisor Process.
Become that
Introductory Call for Trusted Advisor &
Franchisor &
Business Coach.
Remain Involved in
Provide Franchisor Calls between the
w/ any Insight on
Franchisor &
How to Best Manage Candidate.
Your Candidate.
Set Candidates
Identify Questions Expectations about
that Your Candidate the FDD prior to
may want to ask
disclosing FDD.
Identify Questions
to Help with
Validation of
Checklist for
Discovery Day
 Presenting franchise opportunities
 Managing franchisor and client
expectations/introductory calls
 Coaching techniques and tools
 Earning a Placement Fee
Lawyer Reviews and
Negotiates the
Franchise Agreement
on Behalf of
Franchise Agreement
Signature & Payment
of Franchise Fee.
Consultant sends
placement details:
.com and FS invoices
the Franchisor for
Placement Fee &
Upon Receipt of Fee
then Pays Consultant
Congrats to You,
Franchisor & New
Request Reference
Franchise Recommendation
Benefits Presentation
Before introducing any of the franchises you have selected for you candidate, introduce the
benefits of the franchise and how it matches the needs, goals and objectives outlined by
your candidate. This will prevent a quick and emotional response to the franchise (“I would
never do that”), and instead put your candidate in an open minded position to look at the
business model you are introducing.
This the point where you will engage your candidate. Be positive and enthusiastic about your
presentation. Your candidate
will feed off of your lead
and will hopefully become
 Summarize key points from questionnaire/interview
eager to learn more.
 Tie to franchise attributes
 Focus on key criteria and benefits of the franchise
 Match characteristics of the franchise to client goals,
objectives and needs
 Solicit feedback and questions during review
 Promote client involvement
Franchise Introduction
Now that your client knows the name of the franchise and how the benefits meet their
criteria, it is time to actually present and introduce the franchise. The presentation of the
franchises themselves should follow the presentation material that has been supplied by the
franchise company. These don't need to be lengthy or detailed presentations, but merely a
summary of the franchise, the availability in the client's area, and a recap of how the
benefits match his needs. In some cases you might use the company web site or webinar they
have provided to supplement your presentation.
After your presentation be open to two or three questions, but as soon as possible your will
want to redirect these questions toward the franchise. Remember that we are just providing
quality franchise options and guidance, not trying to make the sale. The goal is to get them
excited about talking to the franchise development team.
Presentation Material/Two Minute Drill
Each franchise will have an abbreviated presentation or "two minute drill" that gives you the
opportunity to present a solid overview of the benefits of the franchise without getting into
excessive detail. Although product knowledge is important, your presentation should never be
so detailed that your candidate doesn’t need to speak with the franchise company. Try to refer
all the detailed questions to the Franchisor.
You should have this information in hand either from the company, the FranServe Franchise
Inventory franchise summaries or from the franchise website and be practiced in delivering a
knowledgeable presentation. Combined with the information you have gathered about the
franchise presence in your
candidate's locale, your
 Present 3-4 franchises
presentation will be both
 Summaries should be brief/concise/focused
professional and
 Defer detailed questions to franchisor
 Your role is consultant/coach/educator
 Coaching tool – List of potential criteria/benefits
 Three B’s – Be brief, be brilliant and be gone…
Client Franchise Recommendation
Presentation Files/Materials
 Presentations can be provided in various formats
Power Point Presentations
Summary Templates
FranServe Franchise Inventory Summaries (edited/modified)
 Vary presentation based on your client needs/requests
More or less detail
Provide presentation before or after recommendation call
 Provide relevant franchisor information/data/links
Website data/information
FranServe Franchise Inventory info
Franchisor email updates
You Don’t Make A Match…
What happens if your candidate, doesn’t like any of the concepts you presented?
Don’t worry,
it happens to everyone. Here are the steps you need to take before selecting
additional franchises for your candidate.
1. Ask your candidate specifics about what they liked and didn’t like about each
franchise you presented.
2. Get as many details as you can.
Tell them that you have many options in your portfolio and that you will research
new franchises using the information you gathered. Schedule a new appointment
to make another
 If at first you don’t succeed…
Benefits Presentation.
 Be persistent and further refine the franchise
Franchise Ranking
A typical franchise presentation will include three to four franchises, although there are always
exceptions. In some cases four just aren't enough; in other cases you aren't able to come up
with that many. Whatever the number of franchises you present, at the end of the
presentation you would prefer that your candidate is only pursuing and validating two of the
options at one time.
In many cases the client will narrow the list down himself, either favoring or eliminating one or
more of the options immediately. If that isn't the case, ask your client to give you a top to
bottom ranked list based on his initial reaction. Then you can suggest that the top two be
pursued at once, with numbers three and four on hold.
 Have your client rank the franchise recommendations
 Set expectation to “discover” top 2 franchises
 Introduce client to franchisor for top 1-2 ranked
Candidate Introductions
 Submit client introduction via FranServe Client Manager
Include relevant client info, questionnaire and resume’ if available
 Set client expectations for the introduction process
 Contact franchisor to discuss your client and introduce yourself (first intro)
Provide franchisors w/insight on how to best manage your client
Build relationship w/franchisor – Show your value in the process
Fulfill any unique franchisor requirements/expectations (forms etc.)
Schedule introductory call and participate
 Identify questions that your client may have of franchisor
 Promote “seamless” introduction process
 Strengthen relationships w/client and franchisor
 Tool – List of Questions for Franchisor
Coaching Process – “Trusted Advisor
and Business Coach”
 Remain involved in calls between the franchisor and your client
 Listen, educate and encourage
Identify client concerns and roadblocks in the process
Educate your client throughout the entire placement process
Encourage them though the process – “be a sounding board”
 Identify questions to help w/validation of franchisees
 Meet w/client on a regular basis throughout the process
 Stay in touch w/Franchisors to ensure a cohesive process
 Assist w/”Discovery Day Process”
 Add value throughout
the process…
 Tool – List of questions for
franchisee validation calls
 Tool – Discovery Day
Candidate Expectations Of The FDD
One of the things that gets overlooked the most and yet is one of the most
important steps in the franchise investigation process, is setting the candidates
expectation of the Franchise Disclosure Document or FDD.
This document is regulated by the Federal Trade Commission and is typically a very
one sided document favoring the Franchisor and is primarily non-negotiable. It is
important to alert your candidate to this, so that they are not taken by surprise
when they read it. Setting this expectation early will only expedite the
discovery/investigation progress.
 Set candidate’s expectations about the FDD prior
to franchisor disclosing the FDD…
 Tool – How to set candidates expectations w/FDD
Legal and Placement
 Client’s lawyer reviews and negotiates the franchise agreement on behalf of your
 Franchise agreement is signed, franchise and related fees are paid
 The placement (your) fee is paid out
 Congratulations to you, the franchisor and your client – the
new franchisee
 Request a reference…
• Tools – Support site has links for 3rd Party Sources
such as lawyers etc.
Invoicing Your Franchise Deal
and Placement Fee
Once you have been notified that your candidate has closed the deal, contact FranServe
Billing/Accounting for franchisor invoicing:
Include your name and contact information (including mailing address)
Name of your candidate and their full contact information
The territory your candidate purchased and what they purchased i.e. A Single Unit,
Multiple or Master
 The commission the franchisor agreed to pay for your candidate
 Name and contact information for the franchisor
You can expect to be paid within 5 days of FranServe receiving payment for the invoice. Most
franchisors are very quick to pay and will most likely make payment within 72 hours, of the
funds clearing. You should expect your payment within 7 to 14 days of your client signing on
with the franchisor.
 Tool - Sample Invoice to Franchisor
Learning Opportunity – Applied Learning
Find that Franchise!!
 Complete a brief mock candidate questionnaire and interview
w/spouse/friend etc.
 Perform all phases of the candidate placement process
Walk through key activities per step
Utilize the FranServe Client Manager and Intranet Site
Reference/use all tools outlined on placement document
“Think through” the entire process and related tools
 Share your findings/recommendations w/your newly assigned
FranServe Coach
 Good luck in your new career!
 Have fun assisting people realize their business ownership goal…
Wishing You Much Success!
Final Questions regarding any
aspect of your training?
All training presentations and
supporting documents are
available in a downloadable
format on the FS University Site
behind the “ONDEMAND” link…
Please complete online
evaluation form located on
the FS University cover page