What is a Professional Therapy Dog?

Professional Therapy Dogs
at Haysville West Middle School!!
What is a Professional Therapy Dog?
A professional
therapy dog is a
well trained and
well mannered
dog that visits a
variety of settings
to offer emotional
To be certified as a professional therapy dog
through Therapy Dogs International, Inc., a
dog must pass 10 steps of the American
Kennel Club’s Canine Good Citizen Test as well
as additional requirements from Therapy
Dogs International, Inc.
Why have a therapy dog at school?
Research shows that
petting a dog helps
lower blood pressure,
stress, and anxiety.
Having a trained dog in
the classroom helps to
create a calmer
environment that is
more conducive to
And now……..here’s Mocha!
Mocha is a chocolate
Labrador retriever. She
may be a teeny tiny Lab,
but she has a BIG heart!
…and Lincoln!
Lincoln is an Alaskan
malamute. His favorite
things are belly rubs
and FOOD!
…and Dungy!!!
Dungy is a golden
retriever. She loves
her ball, cuddling, and
Mocha, Lincoln, and Dungy love kids
of all ages!!!
From the
…to the young at heart!
They think it’s GREAT
to go to the principal’s office!
Can I pet the dogs?
Absolutely! There are a few things to keep in mind
when you pet Mocha, Lincoln, and Dungy to help them
feel comfortable in our school. These are the same rules
you should use when you meet any dog.
First, please ask before
you pet the dogs.
Can I please pet
your dog?
Second, reach your hand out with the palm side
down and your fingers relaxed and let the dog
smell you…this is how the dog gets to know you.
Third, pet the dog on the chest or
below the chin. Talk softly and gently.
Once the dog is comfortable with you, you can pet its
back, neck, and ears. Try to stay away from petting
the top of the dog’s head until the dog gets to know
you better…this is typically a dog’s least favorite spot
for petting because the dog can’t see what’s going on.
And finally, enjoy your time with Mocha,
Lincoln, and Dungy. They love and respect
you and they hope that you will love and
respect them, too!
Will there ever be a time when I
won’t be able to pet the dogs?
Yep, sometimes if you ask to pet the dogs, their handler
may ask you to wait a bit. Just like people, dogs can get
stressed out and may need a break every now and
then. Also, sometimes the dog may be focused on a
task that the handler has given and the dog needs to be
left alone to fulfill that task.
I am not comfortable around
dogs. Should I feel afraid when
a therapy dog is nearby?
The dogs hope that you are not afraid of
them, but they understand if you are
uncomfortable with dogs.
Just remember…Mocha, Lincoln, and
Dungy’s handlers will be there to ensure
that the dogs are not approaching kids
who aren’t comfortable with them.
Help! I am allergic to dogs.
What should I do?
By no means do the dogs want to
cause your allergies to act up.
Hopefully you are able to stay in
the room a fair distance from the
dogs without your allergies
becoming a problem. If you have
an especially severe case of
allergies, please let your teacher
know so that we can make your
environment comfortable for you.
What if I see Mocha, Lincoln, or
Dungy in the hallway?
If you see a dog during
passing period, please do
not do a “run by” petting.
Having hands randomly
coming at them during
such a chaotic time can be
stressful for the dogs.
Also, please try to give the
dog as much personal
space as possible…we all
know that’s hard to do in
crowded hallways, but do
the best you can. 
If you see the dogs in the hallway while your class is quietly
walking to lunch, the library, etc…, please do not call out to
them or cause a ruckus…that would only get you in trouble with
your teacher! Instead, smile and wave at them…they will see
Do Mocha, Lincoln, and Dungy
know any tricks?
Yep, they are very
smart dogs, and they
know several tricks.
They are always
ready to learn new
things, just like we
should be!
Will I ever be able to give the dogs a treat?
Mocha , Lincoln, and Dungy love treats! They
are food motivated, which makes it easier to
train them. However, we need to help them
stay happy, healthy, and focused on their task to
love and be loved, and so usually their handler is
the only one who rewards them with treats.
Can I give the dogs commands?
The dogs need to have only
one person at a time telling
them what to do. This
person is usually their
handler. Wouldn’t it be
annoying if you had three or
four people telling you how
to do a math problem all at
the same time? So, unless
their handler tells you
otherwise, the best thing you
can do for the dogs is to let
their handler give them the
When will Mocha, Lincoln, and
Dungy be at school?
• Mocha generally comes to school on Tuesdays and
• Lincoln generally comes to school on Mondays,
Wednesdays, and Fridays.
• Dungy doesn’t have a set schedule…but she loves school,
so she does come often!
Where are Mocha, Lincoln, and
Dungy’s classrooms?
Mocha and Lincoln’s classroom is E-7, which is Mrs. Gamble’s
room. This classroom is in the 8th grade pod at HWMS.
Dungy’s classroom is C-3, which is Mrs. Dawson’s room. This
classroom is in the 6th grade pod at HWMS.
Let’s make it a GREAT school year!
Mocha, Lincoln, and Dungy can’t wait to meet you!
Go Gorillas!