Commitment Enquiry

Commitment Enquiry
3 Types of Commitments
Requistions (PREQ)
Purchase Requisiton
Orders (PORD)
Purchase Order
Goods or Services that have been received
Commitment Process
Requistions are raised and remain PREQ until they have been authorised
Once a Requisition has been authorised it goes from a PREQ and becomes a PORD
Once the goods have been received and the PORD is updated on the system it becomes a PGRN
Once the Invoice is received by Finance and matched against the PGRN it then becomes a PTRX
What are my total Commitments?
Select e5 Main Menu General LedgerEnquiries
Account Details
You will be presented with the Selection
criteria screen. Complete as normal, using
it to refine your enquiry.
Report Code
Enter COMM here
The report shows the commitments by period, YTD and for the
full year
Commitment Enquiry
Can I see a listing of Outstanding Orders?
Either Double-click on the amount in the YTD orders in the Account Details Enquiries screen or
Select e5 Main Menu General LedgerEnquiries
Double-click Transactions by Account Code
You will be presented with the Selection criteria
screen. Use this to refine your enquiry
Balance Class
Enter PO here
The report shows the all orders posted and backed out (will have minus in front of it) for the period including
any outstanding orders
How do I find my Purchase Order Number?
Select the tab Source Ledger Details
Commitment Enquiry
How do I see the actual Purchase Order?
Select the Purchaser order that you want to view from the Transaction Detail List and click on Linked
Enquiry. This shows the purchaser order details
How do I see the Purchase Order Lines ?
Once you get to the screen above select Summary and this will bring up the Order Summary screen
This shows the Purchase order lines by Value and (if you click on the Quantities) by Quantity
If the Purchase Order has been matched to an invoice – if you click on the Invoice List it will give you details of
the Invoice it has been matched to – see an example of a Matched invoice summary below.