Big Street Survey KS2

How do you get to School?
Draw your house in the top left
corner and your school in the bottom
In the film-strip squares between
them, draw pictures that show
your journey to school (what do
you see, what landmarks are there?)
Put a smiley or sad face
representing how you feel about
each of the pictures next to them in
each of the film-strip squares
Complete the following boxes
• The best part of my journey is…
• The worst part of my journey is…
• My favourite place where I live is…
• Because…
What I see and feel
• In “what I see”, draw
something which
represents what you
see, eg a big car if the
roads are busy, a small
car if the roads are
quiet, a big person if it
is crowded, or some
rubbish if it is untidy
• In “what I feel”, simply
write a few words that
sum up the area you
are in, eg busy, exciting
quiet, green, messy,
grey etc
Doing fieldwork safely
• Make sure you have any medication you
might need
• Make sure you have sensible clothing for
being outside
• Stay with your group at all times
• Only cross the road when instructed to do so
Street Action
• Come up to the front of
class, take a card and
think up a mime for the
action on the card
• Choose your favourite
actions as a class.
Imagine your classroom
as a street and place your
favourite actions around it.
• Do you think it improves
• Choose one of the roads
from your route to school
and re draw it in the Street
Action space with your
changes made to it
Spot the Difference
Spot the Difference
Spot the Difference
Street Scenario
•As a group: Read the Street
Scenario Card and discuss
what you think the problem is.
•Look at your Top Trump
Cards and decide which of the
solutions that they have on
offer are the best for your
Street Scenario
•Write down the scenario
number and your solutions from
your top trump cards.
•You have five minutes for
each scenario
Street Scenario 1
You have a school in a wealthy suburban neighbourhood, there is a dead end road
leading to the school with pavements either side with a small grass verge. Lots of
parents (and some residents) park on the verge/pavement when they come to drop
their children off. Children who walk find this frightening and it makes crossing the
road less safe.
The local council will help, but they don’t have much money to help you with!
Our School Scenario
•Now you have seen a lot of
problems that face schools
across the country, what are
the issues that affect your
•Use the information that you
have collected in the field to
come up with your own
School Scenario.
•Now set about solving it!
•Our School Scenario
Map It Better
• Put forward the best Street
Actions for the area you live in
• Using the large map on your
table, move the Street Action
markers around until you have
come up with the perfect
solution for your street/s
• Take a picture of your finished
map and write down and start
to think about your 5 Point
Our Class Manifesto
• As a class, agree the five most
important things that you would all like to
change which would improve the area
you live in
• Our class manifesto for improving
our area is: