Mendesain Buku Autobiografi

Mendesain (Cover)
Buku Autobiografi
TTSK Kamis (4/12)
• Buatlah Desain Cover Buku
Autobiografi Anda
menggunakan softwaresoftware desain (bisa Photosop,
CorelDraw, Indesign, Adobe
Illustrator dan lain-lain).
• Ukuran Buku A5: 14,5 x 21 cm.
• Ukuran Cover A4: 21 x 29,7 cm
(dua sisi, depan dan belakang).
• Kumpulkan dalam bentuk PDF
ke email
• Deadline Jumat (5/12) pukul
Judge a book by its Cover!
Designing A Concept
• Before you get started on creating a brief for a cover
design, or before starting to design one yourself, you need
to decide on the message you want to send.
• Ask yourself: What is the book’s single-minded value
proposition? What is the target audience of readers
looking for – Inspiration and Aspiration, Success and
Achievement, Knowledge and Power, Romance and
Passion, Murder and Revenge?
• Boiling it down to the motivation, incentive and emotion
will help you generate tons of ideas or visual metaphors
that determine the imagery, choice of color palette,
typography, and layout that help you capture what the
book is all about.
Book Cover Design Tips
• Generate excitement. Grab attention. The
main goal of every book cover is to generate
excitement. The cover is one of the best tools
in your marketing arsenal. That’s why you
should create something that will stop people
in their tracks and evoke interest. The book
cover is the hook that will help you to
promote your book.
• The book’s genre is important
• The book cover should show what genre the book is.
Look at these two book covers. It is an easy task to
understand what kind of books are in front of you,
right? A really good book cover “talks” to its readers
through choice of typography, imagery and metaphor.
• If your book is non-fiction, its cover should
communicate the tone of the book. Pay attention to its
scope. It is really cool when the book cover explains
the scope of the book allowing the reader to manage
her time.
• Minimalism: Less
is more!
• Minimal style is
timeless. It helps
to focus on the
book’s title and
authors name.
• Clown Girl, A
Novel by Monica
Drake, Hawthorn
Ujian Akhir Semester TTSK 2014
• Autobiografi min. 1000 kata (DICETAK)+PDF
• 3 edisi majalah minimal 8 halaman (PDF)
• 4 edisi koran minimal 4 halaman (PDF)
• 1 edisi Meniru koran (PDF)
• 1 edisi Meniru majalah (PDF).
Kelompok Kecil:
• Redisain koran/majalah min. 8 halaman (DICETAK)+PDF+Koran/Majalah
Kelompok Besar:
• Proposal dan laporan majalah 1 buah (PDF), termasuk kontribusi setiap
anggota kelompok (siapa melakukan apa, dst).
• Majalah 2 eksemplar (DICETAK)+PDF
• Semua tugas dikumpulkan ke TU dalam bentuk Cetakan dan CD (per
kelompok satu CD).